View Full Version : Alpha Flight Movie?!

08-02-2014, 08:16 PM
Hey, I'm a HUGE alpha flight fan, I added them to my list of Superhero teams that deserve to have a movie of their own, since the more obscure guardians of the galaxy is now a hit-check it out!


do you guys think it's a possibility?

08-03-2014, 12:16 AM
It's possible. As of right now, very unlikely. But possible, sure.

08-03-2014, 11:51 AM
Mutants are Fox only. So you couldn't do Alpha Flight unless Fox does it since they have Northstar and Aurora. I think it is a possibility for Northstar or Aurora to appear in an X-Men or Wolverine movie. We also saw the name "Hudson" in the first Wolverine movie (Fox) and names listed of Alpha Flight members and teams in X-Men 2 from 2003 (Fox), that's it for now. Unless something incredible happens.

08-03-2014, 02:14 PM
Mutants are Fox only. So you couldn't do Alpha Flight unless Fox does it since they have Northstar and Aurora. I think it is a possibility for Northstar or Aurora to appear in an X-Men or Wolverine movie. We also saw the name "Hudson" in the first Wolverine movie (Fox) and names listed of Alpha Flight members and teams in X-Men 2 from 2003 (Fox), that's it for now. Unless something incredible happens.

Just never say whether the Aurora and Northstar are mutants, and they could easily get around that.

I have seen Guardians of the Galaxy (twice now), and seeing how well they detailed Rocket's fur (he looked very life like!) - I could see them successfully pulling off a large CGI of Sasquatch.

I think Alpha Flight has the diversity to make it into a movie. Sadly, there isn't enough love from Marvel. Guardians, as obscure as they are, hit the ground running when Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning wrote them - and tied it all into the space opera that they overlooked - in the Annihilation Conquest. That put a lot of characters on the map - Guardians included.

Now Bendis is writing them, and doing horribly at it. Oh well. Nothing great lasts forever.

08-03-2014, 10:11 PM
All depends on where the movie rights lie. If they're with Fox, it'll never happen. If AF transcends the X/Wolverine brand for these purposes, anything's possible, especially with the massive success of Guardians of the Galaxy proving that it can pay to take risks on lesser known properties.

Basically, until the day I am explicitly told otherwise, I'm assuming Marvel's May 2019 release date is for an Alpha Flight film. Ssssshhhh, it's such a wonderful little dream to have.

08-05-2014, 02:53 PM

08-05-2014, 02:56 PM
Also, I said it elsewhere but:

The problem with an MCU AF would be that they wouldn't be able to have Northstar & Aurora, or at least have them as mutants because Fox own the rights to mutants (Though it will be interesting to see Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch's powerset in Avengers 2), and Mac & heather won't be able to be named Hudson as again, Fox owns those names due to the bastardization in X-Men:Origins - Wolverine.

08-05-2014, 04:58 PM
The problem with an MCU AF would be that they wouldn't be able to have Northstar & Aurora, or at least have them as mutants because Fox own the rights to mutants (Though it will be interesting to see Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch's powerset in Avengers 2), and Mac & heather won't be able to be named Hudson as again, Fox owns those names due to the bastardization in X-Men:Origins - Wolverine.

Not necessarily, Quicksilver's inclusion in both films proves that there are grey areas, that just because a character was used in one franchise doesn't mean they (or their name) are automatically off-limits in another. It just depends on if the Hudsons are considered to essentially be Wolverine supporting cast, or if Alpha Flight is its own entity independent of the X-Men books they debuted in. And until explicitly told otherwise, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE.

The mutant thing is true, but there are any number of easy excuses they could make for the twins to have powers, I wouldn't really call it a problem.

Department H exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that has to be worth something, right?

08-05-2014, 05:07 PM
Oh yeah, totally.

A Puck, Marrina, Shaman, Sasquatch, Snowbird AF would be enough.

Very mystical and GreatBeasty.

08-05-2014, 05:13 PM
I don't think there's a need to mention the term "mutant"...They only have to mention being born with their powers, being "genetically-gifted" or being a "leap in Evolution", etc...


08-05-2014, 06:35 PM
I'm curious as to whether there is a hard list of names of Marvel characters that Fox owns the rights to.

If there were, and if Alpha Flight members were on it, then I'd say, definitely no, only Fox would be allowed to use them.

Of course, if there were such a list, the chances that it would be so inclusive to have included Alpha Flight characters on it (other than maybe Northstar)? - Slim chance.

And the fact that Fox used an old couple named Hudson in their films (and we never learned their first names, did we?), that allows a lot of wiggle room, I'd say.

Still, I'm doubtful that we will ever see a Flight film from Marvel.

08-05-2014, 06:47 PM
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=54592 \\:D/

08-05-2014, 07:00 PM
I like this list. New Warriors AND Alpha Flight. Win/Win.

08-05-2014, 07:07 PM
Merged thread with recent Alpha Flight movie thread

08-06-2014, 04:30 PM
They could do a movie like this:
Mac's dead, Heather runs a very small, underground Department H; "agents" have left for the U.S. and reformed SHIELD is trying to get rid of groups like Dept. H. Judd beats up jerks in a bar, gets hired by Heather to run security 'despite his past and the law'. He accepts, meets Nemesis (who sits there, no talk, sleep, or eat), Killjov (also no talk, but he works out, blades are formed by nannies, Judd knows who he really is [Outcast member] but says nothing), Shaman (wants to keep Talisman away from H), and Walter (who Judd thinks is dead, and is glad Heather has a scientist the equal of Reed Richards on staff, somehow). Nemesis calls him Puck when they finally meet.

Joshua Lord is filthy rich and a Utilitarian Utopian, wants to rid the world of suffering but really wants to create uber-humans like himself. He creates cyborgs and super soldiers for sale, keeps the unique ones for his own para-military. He has the power to wipe out hundreds of millions and remake the survivors into uber-humans.

Heather has the Vindicator suit Mac made but refuses to look at it. Lord, who refers to himself as Master, learns of Department H's continued existence and believes they need to be gotten rid of as they have access to intel that would expose him, even though they don't know it. Unfortunately for him they do discover it and let the news out. Lord denies it, calls it a conspiracy to sully his name all but sends his paramilitary to destroy H when Heather et al are called out by the government to answer for the leak and it's veracity. Lord's squad succeed in destroying H, since it's pretty much abandoned except for some soldiers (who they kill). The government is suspicious and lets Heather have another facility to run H from. Puck is incensed by the failure of people to realize what Lord is doing, and takes over to form Alpha Flight, now that he knows Walter is Sasquatch. Over Shaman's head he recruits Talisman. Nemesis finally does something and it's to agree with him, time to take out Lord. They go without Heather's blessing (she thinks it's all revenge, after all they have no corroboration of the intel on Lord at all). They sneak in and find children (Children of the Night, the sign says) who Lord is experimenting on to find the secret of perfect uber-humans. Against Heather's remote objections they lead the children to safety. Lord's squad is sent to kill AF and the children. Though they are outnumbered and alone Puck and his team hold out, but some children die. Master shows up in his advanced mech suit to end the battle but Heather shows up as Vindicator and kills him. Lord's team is defeated as Shaman and Talisman take away their abilities (they can come back in movie two as the Hardcases or whatever).

Back at H the five children start to die but Walter saves them. Heather keeps Dept. H with a slightly larger science/engineering staff (two more people) and AF gets to stay in the shadows. The children wake up and one finds she can move through objects, another can turn his body appendages into metal parts, another can hide in plain sight, another looks like an alien fish girl….

Le Messor
08-09-2014, 08:53 PM
I have seen Guardians of the Galaxy (twice now), and seeing how well they detailed Rocket's fur (he looked very life like!) - I could see them successfully pulling off a large CGI of Sasquatch.

Me, too! Saw it again last night!
Still love it.

Guardians, as obscure as they are,

... and if they can make those five Guardians work onscreen, what's one more? ;)

Quicksilver's inclusion in both films proves that there are grey areas...
The mutant thing is true, but there are any number of easy excuses they could make for the twins to have powers, I wouldn't really call it a problem.

I'd think the Quicksilver thing would cover the mutant thing.

Department H exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that has to be worth something, right?

One can only hope.


Great list.
But (minor spoilers) the portrayal of the Nova corps in Guardians makes an earthly Nova very unlikely - not impossible, but unlikely.

I'm also loving the idea of an Alpha Flight movie.

And the fact that Fox used an old couple named Hudson in their films (and we never learned their first names, did we?)

Yes, we did. They were Heather and... Travis.
Travis? What?

(Though I still think of them as Jonathan and Martha...)

~ Le Messor
"Nature abhors a vacuous experimenter."

08-14-2014, 03:26 PM
I don't see it happening. Too much working against it, I think. Hollywood folks might think nobody cares about Canadian heroes. Plus, it's tough to have a superhero team movie, since Hollywood will insist on starting with the origins of the characters. It was doable with the Fantastic Four because they all got their powers at the same time. It was doable with the X-Men, because they're all mutants, so you don't really need to explain the origin of each individual character. It was possible with the Avengers because each character had their own movies first, and the Avengers movie was a sequel to those, in a sense. With Alpha Flight, they're not all mutants, and I don't see all of them getting their own movies. There's also the percepction that they're X-Men clones.

By the way, that is a nice list in the link. I'd go see any of them. Add the Legion of Super-Heroes to my list of "I'd love to see a movie, but it's never going to happen" movies.

Le Messor
08-14-2014, 04:51 PM
That may be true, D - but most of that would've been said about Guardians of the Galaxy not that long ago. Meaning, there's always room for Jell-O hope.

~ Le Messor
"Necessity has no law."

08-14-2014, 04:59 PM
Yup, we can always hope.

08-15-2014, 10:33 PM
http://www.cinemablend.com/new/7-Marvel-Projects-Shape-Studio-Future-43359-p2.html just to say Marvel may or may not be planning on making AF.

Le Messor
08-15-2014, 11:30 PM
Unfortunately, even that article theorises that the copyrighting is only to block Fox, and not to make a movie. :(

But, that's no reason to believe they won't make it!

Y'know, I was just thinking recently how weird it would've been, how I would've reacted, if you'd told me a few years ago that one day Marvel's movies would be better than their comics.

08-16-2014, 05:53 AM
From the looks of it, that article is just based on the old trademark filings from December, which turned out to pertain to digital comics.

08-18-2014, 04:18 AM
From the looks of it, that article is just based on the old trademark filings from December, which turned out to pertain to digital comics.

Which I might add, they're taking forever getting the original run all the way added. They have like the first 8 issues of Byrne's run in there, and that's it.

08-18-2014, 03:05 PM
Which I might add, they're taking forever getting the original run all the way added. They have like the first 8 issues of Byrne's run in there, and that's it.

I believe all of the full runs are available on Marvel Unlimited.

08-18-2014, 05:09 PM
I believe all of the full runs are available on Marvel Unlimited.

Nope, just the first 8 still :(

Though all of Vol's 3 & 4 are there.

08-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Phil beat me to it. I have Marvel Unlimited right now, because of the 99 cent deal they did.

08-19-2014, 12:32 AM
Well that's dumb!

08-19-2014, 06:04 AM
Yeah... I'm not sure what factors are involved... whether it's lack of demand, the fact that Classics Vol.2 is still in print, or a royalties issue.

Le Messor
08-19-2014, 07:00 AM
Yeah... I'm not sure what factors are involved... whether it's lack of demand, the fact that Classics Vol.2 is still in print, or a royalties issue.

Well, it's obviously not X-Factor. They weren't even a team yet.

08-19-2014, 11:53 AM
Yeah... I'm not sure what factors are involved... whether it's lack of demand, the fact that Classics Vol.2 is still in print, or a royalties issue.

Yeah, they do that with a few things. Like West Coast Avengers has like #1, #2, then skips to like #42 or something.

Le Messor
08-19-2014, 04:20 PM
With WCA, most of the series was reprinted in Marvel Premiere Classics.

So, Phil's probably right - it's about keeping the collections selling.

~ Le Messor
"Negative expectations yield negative results."

08-19-2014, 06:34 PM
With WCA, most of the series was reprinted in Marvel Premiere Classics.

So, Phil's probably right - it's about keeping the collections selling.

~ Le Messor
"Negative expectations yield negative results."

I think they're lazy. ;)

Because if you look at the New Universe stuff, all of them only have the first 9 issues (DP7, Starbrand, PSIForce, etc).

And I am pretty sure there's no reprints of any New Universe stuff.

08-20-2014, 02:51 AM
I think they're lazy. ;)

It's... definitely a possibility. XD Someone's gotta optimize all those old comics for viewing online, I would imagine, so it's a matter of whenever they get around to having someone do it.

08-20-2014, 04:11 AM
It's... definitely a possibility. XD Someone's gotta optimize all those old comics for viewing online, I would imagine, so it's a matter of whenever they get around to having someone do it.

Oh no doubt. And the redigitized comic versions are so vibrant and beautiful! No dotmatrix printers! It is pretty incredible when they do this.

06-04-2015, 01:05 PM

06-04-2015, 01:35 PM
20th century owns Kang? Really? I know he is supposed to be a Richards but he is an avengers foe

interesting they mentioned alpha flight in the article

06-04-2015, 01:45 PM
I was wondering the same thing that was mentioned in the article. Could Marvel use Alpha Flight or at least non-costumed versions of let's say James Hudson, since they already name dropped Department H in Agents of Shield?

06-04-2015, 03:09 PM
So who really does own the moving image media AF rights then? Or characters?

06-04-2015, 03:41 PM
No-one knows until they appear on screen; that's the whole problem... :(

Le Messor
06-04-2015, 04:43 PM
The basic lesson I'm getting from this is, there's no hard and fast rule about who can be used where - that characters and their rights were sold in a 'package', meaning there are lists somewhere of who can have who... But then, how does that explain Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch?

I do want to find out who owns Alpha. Especially if they have to appear on the big screen for that to happen. :D

Their idea of Namor's trajectory is a little shuffled, though.

How can Siryn be wearing a t-shirt on a day like today?!? It's freezing!!!
(Yes, I really thought that! Weird how my mind happens sometimes...)

Love their mention of D-Man. :)

Speedball debuted in Spider-Man? I must've forgotten. (I can come close to guaranteeing I have that issue, though.)

~ Le Messor
"Ball of confusion - that's what the world is today."
~ The Temptations

06-14-2015, 02:30 PM
The way I read it, if a character came out of a comic book whose rights were purchased then the purchaser owns that character. That means Fox owns the rights to the original AF line up (since they first appeared in X-men) but not the rights to Department H, Puck, Marrina, or any other character who was introduced in the Alpha Flight books. That's why Agents of SHIELD can mention Department H, but not Alpha Flight, and why Big Hero 6 didn't fall under Fox's control. Hell, if AoS wanted to they could introduce Puck as a Canadian agent, or the Master as a villain.
Still, I'd rather see an animated series or movie than a live action one. I like how DC is doing a lot of Justice League, Batman, and Superman animated movies straight to DVD. Also, they've produced animated shorts of other characters like Green Arrow, and the Spectre to get them out into the public's consciousness. If only Marvel would do that with some of their properties.

Le Messor
06-14-2015, 04:37 PM
The way I read it, if a character came out of a comic book whose rights were purchased then the purchaser owns that character.

The article seemed to start out saying that, but had so many exceptions and contradictions it disproved the premise.
The Kingpin was in Daredevil before (?) the Marvel Sony deal let them have Spidey characters, for example.

Also, for me personally, half the point of a movie is to see what these characters would 'really' look like. Even the best of comic art (Alex Ross) falls just short of reality and still looks like paintings, not people. So I prefer live action movies to animated ones, and complain endlessly when they look nothing like their comics counterparts. :/

~ Le Messor
"And the way to become truly useful is to seek the best that other brains have to offer. Use them to supplement your own, and give credit to them when they have helped."

06-16-2015, 01:07 AM
The article seemed to start out saying that, but had so many exceptions and contradictions it disproved the premise.
The Kingpin was in Daredevil before (?) the Marvel Sony deal let them have Spidey characters, for example.
True, but it seems like the exceptions are those characters (like Kingpin) who became more integral to another title than the one they started in. In Spider-man's book the Kingpin is a villain who the hero faces now and again, but in Daredevil's book he is the hero's arch-enemy, the very personification of the corruption he is fighting against. That makes him far more important to the Daredevil property despite first appearing in Spider-man's book. Sony could make the argument the other way, but honestly, the fans would rather see characters that are more closely tied with Spider-man's heroic journey I would think. Not to mention Marvel/Disney would probably tie Sony up in court trying to hold on to the character rights, or (more likely) make a deal like they did with Fox over Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

Also, for me personally, half the point of a movie is to see what these characters would 'really' look like. Even the best of comic art (Alex Ross) falls just short of reality and still looks like paintings, not people. So I prefer live action movies to animated ones, and complain endlessly when they look nothing like their comics counterparts. :/
Oh hey, I would love to see a live action AF movie too, but even if Marvel/Disney would be willing to make such a movie they don't own the rights to the characters. However, they appear to still own the animation rights since they've produced the Marvel Animated Features DVD Hulk Vs. which stars Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, Loki, Deadpool, Sabertooth, and other Wolverine villains as well as the Weapon X Program. Not to mention it would be far cheaper to produce (and therefor more likely to happen) since the animators and voice talent come with a lower price tag than live actors, real locations, practical and CG FX, and all the other large and small ticket items that go along with shooting a live action film.

06-16-2015, 11:59 AM
In Spider-man's book the Kingpin is a villain who the hero faces now and again, but in Daredevil's book he is the hero's arch-enemy, the very personification of the corruption he is fighting against.
Is he though? Daredevil had never fought Kingpin until 1981's #170.

Mekko Hotvle
06-16-2015, 12:13 PM
What If...? They did an Alpha Flight tv show on Netflix or Crackle, would all the rights still be in confusion?

06-16-2015, 01:12 PM
No idea until it happens!

Le Messor
06-16-2015, 04:49 PM
Aren't all the live-action rights tied up together? In somebody's basement?
Okay, maybe not the latter, but doesn't not having the movie rights also mean not having the live-action TV series rights?
That's my vague understanding, but I haven't looked into this enough to be sure.

I also think The New Warriors and Cloak and Dagger would make great additions to MCU. Runaways, of course, Darkhawk... Probably a few adults, as well.

~ Le Messor
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field."
~ Niels Bohr

06-16-2015, 04:56 PM
Whoever has one has the other.

We just still don't know who that is.

Le Messor
06-17-2015, 06:25 AM
That's what I thought.

06-18-2015, 01:14 AM
Is he though? Daredevil had never fought Kingpin until 1981's #170.
Perhaps, but thirty years later you ask people who Daredevil's main nemesis is and they'd tell you the Kingpin. He has become so strongly associated with Daredevil at this point who would think it hasn't always been this way right from the start.

Whoever has one has the other.

We just still don't know who that is.
Not necessarily. The TV rights can be sold separately from the movie rights as well as the animated rights, but a producer will usually buy them all up at the same time. That being said, according to this article (http://collider.com/disney-and-marvel-web-up-spider-man-tv-rights/), Sony hasn't owned the TV rights to Spider-man since 2009, and this article (http://www.newsarama.com/23337-report-fox-in-negotiations-with-marvel-for-x-men-tv-series.html) leaves it up in the air as to where the TV rights to the X-men lay though I would put my money on Fox. However, according to this article (http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/04/02/why-doesnt-marvel-have-an-x-men-cartoon-out/), the animated rights to the X-men still lie with Marvel. This is why Marvel can produce straight-to-DVD movies using X-men characters without Fox being able to do anything.

Le Messor
06-18-2015, 05:03 AM
I've always known animation rights and live-action rights were separate; I just wasn't sure about live-action movie and live-action TV.
Thanks, Legerd.

06-18-2015, 08:32 AM
Perhaps, but thirty years later you ask people who Daredevil's main nemesis is and they'd tell you the Kingpin. He has become so strongly associated with Daredevil at this point who would think it hasn't always been this way right from the start.
Oh, don't get me wrong - I totally agree with you that Kingpin is more of a Daredevil villain than a Spider-Man villain nowadays (possibly because Norman Osborn & Kingpin are very alike), but there is a large generation of comic fans who will always remember Kingpin as a Spider-Man villain first and foremost. And I'd argue that Bullseye is DD's main nemesis over Kingpin.

Not necessarily. The TV rights can be sold separately from the movie rights as well as the animated rights, but a producer will usually buy them all up at the same time. That being said, according to this article (http://collider.com/disney-and-marvel-web-up-spider-man-tv-rights/), Sony hasn't owned the TV rights to Spider-man since 2009, and this article (http://www.newsarama.com/23337-report-fox-in-negotiations-with-marvel-for-x-men-tv-series.html) leaves it up in the air as to where the TV rights to the X-men lay though I would put my money on Fox. However, according to this article (http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/04/02/why-doesnt-marvel-have-an-x-men-cartoon-out/), the animated rights to the X-men still lie with Marvel. This is why Marvel can produce straight-to-DVD movies using X-men characters without Fox being able to do anything.
It's a legal quagmire but I'd take all of those articles with a pinch of salt, especially the Bleeding Cool one. No-one knows exactly what the state is bar the lawyers. There probably isn't a definitive answer.

06-19-2015, 12:34 AM
Oh, don't get me wrong - I totally agree with you that Kingpin is more of a Daredevil villain than a Spider-Man villain nowadays (possibly because Norman Osborn & Kingpin are very alike), but there is a large generation of comic fans who will always remember Kingpin as a Spider-Man villain first and foremost. And I'd argue that Bullseye is DD's main nemesis over Kingpin.
You are probably correct about Bullseye, I was only arguing this as a case for why the Kingpin would be considered more of a DD character rather than a Spidey one.

It's a legal quagmire but I'd take all of those articles with a pinch of salt, especially the Bleeding Cool one. No-one knows exactly what the state is bar the lawyers. There probably isn't a definitive answer.
Normally I would agree about Bleeding Cool, but reality seems to bear the article out. If Marvel didn't own the animated rights to the X-men then I don't think any of the X-men cartoons, Wolverine cartoons, or the Hulk Vs animated feature, that had Wolverine and other X-men villains in it, could have been made. Fox would have kiboshed any such production, or, more likely, Marvel just never would have tried.
This is why I have hope that an animated AF show/movie could one day exist.

06-19-2015, 04:22 AM
Possibly, but the original point was the TV rights which Fox definitely has, as evidenced by the whole Mutant X debacle a decade or so ago.

06-21-2015, 03:53 AM
Possibly, but the original point was the TV rights which Fox definitely has, as evidenced by the whole Mutant X debacle a decade or so ago.
The live action rights, not the animation rights.

06-21-2015, 03:13 PM
If an Alpha Flight movie is ever seriously considered any time soon, I hope TPTB audition Zahn McClarnon for the role of Michael Twoyoungmen and Malaya Rivera Drew for Elizabeth Twoyoungmen and/or Katheryn Twoyoungmen.

Mekko Hotvle
06-22-2015, 04:03 PM
Okay, so lets say that Marvel can't not use off of the members of AF that first appeared in the Uncanny X-men until Marvel sold the rights of the X-men, what AF characters does that leave that can be used?

Mekko Hotvle
06-22-2015, 04:05 PM
If an Alpha Flight movie is ever seriously considered any time soon, I hope TPTB audition Zahn McClarnon for the role of Michael Twoyoungmen and Malaya Rivera Drew for Elizabeth Twoyoungmen and/or Katheryn Twoyoungmen.
I would like to see Adam Beach or Wes Studi in the role of Shaman. Carmen Moore as Kathryn Twoyoungmen and Ashley Callingbull as Talisman/Elizabeth Twoyoungmen.

Le Messor
06-22-2015, 04:35 PM
Okay, so lets say that Marvel can't use members of AF that first appeared in the Uncanny X-men... what AF characters does that leave that can be used?

Puck, Marrina, Talisman, Box (both Roger and Madison), Diamond Lil, Wild Child, and anybody post-Byrne.
Some of those are mutants, though, and would have their origins changed.

~ Le Messor
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
~ Winston Churchill

Mekko Hotvle
06-25-2015, 05:37 PM
They should have used Patton Oswalt as Puck on Agents of SHIELD. Talisman could be a Inhuman.

06-25-2015, 06:15 PM
Talisman wouldn't need her origin changed.

Le Messor
06-26-2015, 06:18 AM
Talisman could be a spellcaster.

Sorry, Phil, hadn't seen your comment above (which I basically repeated).

Mekko Hotvle
07-17-2015, 03:53 PM
Boards been quiet so thought I would ask a question about the movie....Who would you want to direct it? (I can only assume no one says Kevin Smith but he loves Canada).

How would you feel if he (Kevin Smith) was to write a Alpha Flight series?

Le Messor
07-17-2015, 05:05 PM
Who would you want to direct it? (I can only assume no one says Kevin Smith but he loves Canada).

No question for me.
(Though other people could do it, and do it well.)

How would you feel if it was to write a Alpha Flight series?

Uh... Do you mean if Kevin Smith did?
I'd read the first few issues, then be incredibly likely to drop the title like a hot rocks polka. He'd have to really surprise me with those first few issues to get me to keep reading.

Then again, I guess I've never read his comics, so I can't really back that up.

~ Le Messor
"Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems."
~ René Descares
"That's how bureaucracies happen."
~ Me.

Mekko Hotvle
07-17-2015, 06:29 PM
I corrected my previous post to show that I was meaning Kevin Smith. I like the job he did writing for the first 12 issues of The Green Hornet.

07-20-2015, 07:30 AM
I think an AF comic needs to be written by someone with an old school superhero sensibility. And I mean that in an extremely complimentary way.
My first pick would be Kurt Busiek.
Failing that Peter David, Ty Templeton or maybe Erik Larsen.

Le Messor
07-20-2015, 04:44 PM
I think an AF comic needs to be written by someone with an old school superhero sensibility. And I mean that in an extremely complimentary way.

Is there another way to take it? ;)

I do know that if I'm not enjoying the current style (for any given value of 'current'), the solution is not to give me an old title done in the current way.

I don't know Templeton's work, though I think I've read some of it somewhere.

~ Le Messor
"If you took away everything in the world that had to be invented, there'd be nothing left except a lot of people getting rained on."
~ Tom Stoppard

Mekko Hotvle
01-29-2016, 11:59 AM
In the past we have talked about the casting for the roles of Alpha Flight members. And yes I still believe that the roles of Aurora and Northstar should be changed to twin sisters and played by Shannon and Shauna Baker. Adam Beach as Shaman. Ashley Callingbull as Talisman. But that aside, who should be the villains and who do you think should play the villains.

On another side note, hope everyone is doing well. I have yet to get a copy of Captain Marvel #1 but hope to get one this weekend.

J.R. Wind

Le Messor
01-29-2016, 03:09 PM
I don't remember the twins as sisters theory. I'm very used to them as brother and sister at the moment, though.

I like the idea of DreamQueen as a villain, partly because she'd be fairly easy to pull off... though her powers less so. Then again, New Line managed it for years on a smaller budget.

The Master would work, too. The Great Beasts, specifically Tundra, if they wanted to blow their budget.

Those are my picks; but note: every Marvel movie villain so far has been an equivalent of the hero, same origin, often pretty much made by the hero. Hulk :arrow: Abomination. Iron Man :arrow: Iron Monger, Whiplash, Hammer, Extremis / A.I.M.. Captain America :arrow: Red Skull. Thor :arrow: Loki. Big Hero 6 :arrow: guy with Hiro's nanobots. Ant-Man :arrow: Yellow Jacket. Guardians (bunch of mostly aliens) :arrow: bunch of aliens. I'm running out of memory, but you've got the idea.

The most likeliest by a long shot, a very long shot, is Omega Flight.

~ Le Messor
"Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
~ Jesus

01-29-2016, 04:57 PM
Yeah, Jaxon would make a lot of sense, film-wise.

01-29-2016, 11:45 PM
Joshua Lord as the Master would work IMO, more as a modern eugenicist megalomaniac. Delphine Courtney, Alec Thorne as his top scientists, Langkowski rejects him for AF, Puck is hired away from SHIELD to run security and after the Master tries to destroy H Langkowski becomes Sasquatch, Puck trains a team of him, Nemesis, Talisman, and one more, Heather reluctant to wear the suit, story writes itself.

Le Messor
01-30-2016, 01:23 AM
I'd want him to stick closer to the comics, which I think they could do, but I could see them doing your version.

08-31-2016, 11:10 PM
Some will be interested in this...
New Warriors tv show with Squirrel Girl is in the works


Le Messor
09-04-2016, 02:02 AM
Some will be interested in this...
New Warriors tv show with Squirrel Girl is in the works

I've heard about that. Potentially quite fun! :D