View Full Version : Bust-ed!

Le Messor
02-06-2015, 04:23 AM
Have we discussed this yet?


I think we have, but just in case.

~ Le Messor
"A sign of intelligence is an awareness of one's own ignorance."
~ Unknown

02-06-2015, 11:04 AM
Oh damn. The master is one of my favorite villians. Is that going on the market?

Le Messor
02-06-2015, 02:33 PM
I think it's just a fan job; but according to the thread, the guy who made it will sell it.
EDIT: Not so sure about that, but the guy who posted the pic got it on ebay. He also seems to have Omega Flight, but hasn't posted pics.

Now that I'm home (I came across that at work; I work with the Master Plans team, and nobody will tell me if that's as in The Master (Doctor Who), The Master (Buffy), or The Master (Alpha Flight), I've done a real search, and came across this:
and this:

Unfortunately, that first thread talks about old statues being Bowen's 'bread and butter', and betting 'dollars to donuts', and selling 'like hotcakes', and I haven't had breakfast yet.

~ Le Messor
"A penny saved is a penny earned."