View Full Version : There and back again, a neverending tale.

02-08-2016, 08:35 PM
So back in 2004 (November) - my friend and I began a trek of creating a Neverwinter Nights machinima series called Neverending Nights - and much to our surprise, found folks who enjoyed the madness we had created. The series concluded after 65 episodes (ending in Jan 2013).

I have bounced back and forth with returning to the series and beginning a new adventure - but a lot of the original actors have long since moved out of San Diego. (And I dislike recording over Skype or other means; when it's not a controlled environment where it's very quiet), because several episodes suffered because of it (in terms of audio).

Well, the other day - someone had mentioned that the series is still pretty fun - but pretty rough at 800x600 resolution when they expand it to full screen (it blurs horrible and pixelates).

So then I thought - why don't I re-film the entire series and do what I can to "fix" the audio (as much as possible; in some cases, there's just going to be no helping it, for example when some lines were recorded by someone who lived on the other side of the US and recorded their lines on an iPhone).

Here is the original Episode 01:

And here is the re-filmed 1080p (true HD) version:

I plan on re-releasing each episode every Saturday (for the next 65 Saturdays, as time permits).

If you enjoyed the new HD version; please share it and help get the word out. I'd GREATLY appreciate it.

02-29-2016, 12:06 PM
Not sure if anyone cares - BUT...

Episode 02:

Episode 03:

Episode 04:

Le Messor
03-12-2016, 11:30 PM
That's pretty fun. I'm about half an hour into it.
(Grapes grow on vines!!!! :D)

03-22-2016, 06:21 PM
That's pretty fun. I'm about half an hour into it.
(Grapes grow on vines!!!! :D)

OH! You're watching them! Just stick to the HD 1080p versions. The older ones are pretty bad quality...

Episode 05: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdM88YggO8U&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=5

Episode 06: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUO_bS3iHuY&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=6

Episode 07: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bytt4jTOe1U&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=7

Le Messor
03-26-2016, 02:22 AM
Just stick to the HD 1080p versions.

I found the one that seems to be the whole thing all at once. (I'm sorry - I haven't had a chance to get back to it since that last post.)

03-31-2016, 04:23 PM
I found the one that seems to be the whole thing all at once. (I'm sorry - I haven't had a chance to get back to it since that last post.)

Ugh! Avoid those. :) Stick with the 1080p HD. The whole thing was the original recording/video with a crappy resolution. LOL

Le Messor
04-01-2016, 04:21 PM
Warning noted! :)

Le Messor
04-03-2016, 12:32 AM
This show kicks rocks!

I've just figured out how many of your titles are riffs on song names.

Hee hee... I still call Mountain Dew 'crab juice' because of that Simpsons episode. :D

04-06-2016, 04:38 AM
This show kicks rocks!
I've just figured out how many of your titles are riffs on song names.
Hee hee... I still call Mountain Dew 'crab juice' because of that Simpsons episode. :D

There's a lot of little references I did like that (where the titles of the episodes are references to a song, movie, or even a quote). And the episodes themselves are full of all kinds of references as well.

04-09-2016, 11:57 AM
Forgot to post updates here...

Episode 08 in 1080p HD - Our would be heroes have found the city of Stonefrost, and now need to find an "armorer"...

Episode 09 - Now that they have found an armorer, they need to replace their weapons as well...

And fresh off the press, Episode 10 in 1080p HD - Now with weapons and armor, Peter and Grayson have headed out into the wild and met up with their buddy, Pawl the Dorf... What could go wrong?

04-25-2016, 08:38 PM
When we originally released this episode "back in the day" - it was a fan favorite. So much so that we would eventually implement the three goblins into the story much more...

Episode 11 - HD - Deep, Dark, Revenge


Le Messor
04-26-2016, 05:24 AM
I finished it over the weekend. Enjoyed it!

All-in-all, I got a little worried when it ended in a bar and Copacobana started playing... :)

04-26-2016, 11:12 AM
I finished it over the weekend. Enjoyed it!
All-in-all, I got a little worried when it ended in a bar and Copacobana started playing... :)

Hah! Well, the song is a reference to WAY back in Season One when the heroes first enter the town of Galana (Episode 05), and Peter begins singing that song, "I knew a Girl, from Galana, the things that she could do..." We were originally going to actually sing the lyrics (there's a full set of Lyrics to that song we made up) to the Copacabana music. :)

You endured the original versions - I have been re-filming in 1080p HD (and I've learned much more since I originally made this series!) :)

But so glad you liked it! :) Was an absolutely blast to make - and one of the VERY few creative endeavors that I began - and finished! The series means SO much to my heart - which is why I came back to it, and decided to do it in 1080p HD - to give it a clean look. (And ideally, make DVDs!)

Le Messor
04-26-2016, 04:44 PM
Hah! Well, the song is a reference to WAY back in Season One when the heroes first enter the town of Galana (Episode 05), and Peter begins singing that song, "I knew a Girl, from Galana, the things that she could do..." We were originally going to actually sing the lyrics (there's a full set of Lyrics to that song we made up) to the Copacabana music. :)

Oh! That song! :) It kept coming up throughout. I thought it was based on The Girl From Iphanema, because the title sounded similar.

You endured the original versions - I have been re-filming in 1080p HD (and I've learned much more since I originally made this series!) :)

Meh. I've endured worse on...
I was going to say this computer, but actually, on my last computer (I replaced it earlier this year).

But so glad you liked it! :) Was an absolutely blast to make - and one of the VERY few creative endeavors that I began - and finished!

Yeah, finishing is always the hard part - I always say, pick one, stick to it. Creative types keep thinking of new things to create, and we need to learn to stop letting that distract us.

~ Le Messor
"Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW."
~ Bumper Sticker

04-26-2016, 09:12 PM
Oh! That song! :) It kept coming up throughout. I thought it was based on The Girl From Iphanema, because the title sounded similar.

Hah - no, had never heard of that song before? (But then, honestly, if it's outside of Heavy Metal, Kenny Rogers {my father's influence}, Julio Igleasas {mother's influence} or Michael Jackson - there's a good chance I may not know it. Or at least not by title alone.

Yeah, finishing is always the hard part - I always say, pick one, stick to it. Creative types keep thinking of new things to create, and we need to learn to stop letting that distract us.

That is the current bane of my writing existence...

Le Messor
04-27-2016, 05:28 AM
Hah - no, had never heard of that song before? (But then, honestly, if it's outside of Heavy Metal, Kenny Rogers {my father's influence}, Julio Igleasas {mother's influence} or Michael Jackson - there's a good chance I may not know it. Or at least not by title alone.

The most famous version, I believe, is Sinatra - YouTube it; you'll probably know it when you hear it.

It's a similar general genre / period to Copacobana.

05-04-2016, 11:20 AM
Episode 12 - Where There's Smoke... in 1080p HD is now available!

Peter, Grayson and Pawl begin discussing the pros and cons of lighting a campfire in an enclosed cavern... What could go wrong?


Mekko Hotvle
05-11-2016, 02:51 PM
I love campfires!!

05-11-2016, 03:50 PM
I love campfires!!

Because you can roast marshmallows too? :)

05-24-2016, 04:46 AM
Episode 13:
Well, our heroes are out of the cave... so that's got to be good news... right...?

Episode 14:
Okay, well our heroes can recover from their newest situation without breaking down... right? Oh man...

05-30-2016, 11:11 AM
Episode 15 in HD is available!

How can the situation for Peter and Grayson get any worse? Just watch, because it certainly does! BUT - Peter has come up with a new plan as they travel the deserts of Arreis! Will it work out? (Are you really wondering if it will? Because if you are, you've not been watching this show!) This episode also brings back a familiar face! (And foreshadows the coming of another character...)


06-05-2016, 11:43 AM
Peter & Grayson's luck can't remain "bad" all the time right?

Well, their luck finally takes a turn and Peter & Grayson seem to get a break! Also, the episode ventures around back to Pawl the Dorf whose luck also changes!

This episode introduces four new characters to the series!


06-13-2016, 04:17 PM
Peter and Grayson head to the "Hero's Bar & Keep" for a drink... and a show? Things take a very strange twist for our dynamic heroes... very strange indeed... and the lady, seen at the pier previously (where Alan the Astounding most recently passed out), makes her presence known... and how does that tie in to our would be heroes? Watch Episode 17 of Neverending Nights and see!

07-22-2016, 10:54 AM
Double Dose! (I for got post about Episode 18 - and I just finished 19!) So... for your double pleasure...

EPISODE 18: PEPPER FLAVORED: Peter and Grayson leave the Hero’s Bar & Keep (And Brothel) in the City of Ator and roam around, until the hear an all too familiar sound of a very special vendor. Out of salt (having used it on the Ice Cube Monster), Peter and Grayson make their way to see Poppy the Salt Vendor who happens to be in the City of Ator. While talking to Poppy the Salt Vendor, our two heroes learn that they’re much closer to finishing their quest than either of them dared hope! What do I mean? Watch the episode and see! And if you enjoyed it, please share the video far and wide!

and Episode 19: This episode introduces Daniel the Destructive (a role, that was originally intended for Alan the Astounding, however the actor was unable to commit to finishing the series; so Daniel the Destructive was created to replace him). This episode immediately establishes the kind of personality that Daniel the Destructive has (which is quite different than Alan the Astounding!), and the episode also focuses on Andrea the Assassin. We are given a clue as to why she’s hunting down Peter and Grayson – and more particularly the sword that they have. We also meet Andrea’s “mother” – and get wind of something called ‘The Crimson Draco Legion.’ This episode is essentially setting up Season 2.

08-02-2016, 02:25 PM
Episode 20 in HD.

This episode goes over everyone - we see Peter and Grayson discussing their plans - and their next move - to tackle the dragon! We also cut over to Andrea the Assassin and Daniel the Destructive as they take a short cut through the Plains of Desolation... and finally, cut over to Pawl the Dorf who meets some rather unique looking "Mountain Dwarves"...


08-16-2016, 04:06 PM
At long last ... Episode 21, which back when we did this was the Season Finale for Season 1.

EPISODE 21: ACCUMULATION: Peter and Grayson finally build up the courage to face the Dragon of Ator! But not before they decide they need to solidify their courage with a little bit of Liquid Courage… However, when Peter and Grayson arrive – they take notice to the two heroes in the Yellow and Blue armor that they saw back at the City of Neverending – and ponder if these two heroes are here to kill the dragon that they’re going to slay, to become rich and famous! Things unfold quickly, and we get to see several other characters – including the fate of Pawl the Dorf after meeting his mysterious (and extremely violent) “Mountain Cousins.”


09-12-2016, 07:56 PM
EPISODE 22: THIS IS ‘DRAGON’ ON TOO LONG: Peter and Grayson have stormed the Dragon of Ator’s den to confront him, slay him, and become the greatest heroes the City of Neverending has ever heard of. Unfortunately, things do not go as smoothly as they had planned after storming through the Dragon’s front gates…

10-10-2016, 01:09 PM
Forgot to post about Episode 23 here (though, I am not sure if folks here are interested? Not seen a comment one way or another in awhile!) :eek:

Episode 23: Oh How I Treasure... Treasure!
Short episode. Peter and Grayson get both some financial help, as well as some advice from the Silver Dragon of Ator.

Another short episode.

Episode 24: The Watchful Eye.

Peter and Grayson get one last piece of advice - and one last piece of help - from the Silver Dragon of Ator, before setting off on their quest again... Surly, with the financial help, the advice given, and the gift given to them in this episode - nothing could possibly go wrong from here...


Le Messor
10-10-2016, 03:32 PM
Forgot to post about Episode 23 here (though, I am not sure if folks here are interested? Not seen a comment one way or another in awhile!) :eek:

Well, I watched (and enjoyed) them all before, so I haven't been following the new versions. These are high-def versions of the original episodes, right, not new episodes?

~ Le Messor
"I used to have a handle on life, but it broke."
~ Bumper Sticker

10-11-2016, 04:02 PM
Well, I watched (and enjoyed) them all before, so I haven't been following the new versions. These are high-def versions of the original episodes, right, not new episodes?

Well, they're HD versions - but completely refilmed (not just the previous recorded versions made to HD). So, story wise - yes, it's all the same. Video wise, it's entirely new. :)

(But thank you for checking out even the inferior versions!) :D

11-11-2017, 11:04 PM
Still doing these...


With Peter and Grayson paying for Pawl the Dorf's reincarnation, the dynamic duo realizes they're in need of more funds again. Lucky for them, the City of Blackmire has the one place Peter and Grayson know very well - second only to the layout of a good, drinking tavern - and that is - a Wishing Well. When Grayson dives in to scrounge up some coins, a young girl tells them about the curse of those, whose wishes become undone when coins are stolen. (Who could this possibly impact? Well, this episode tells you that!) At the same time, Pawl the Dorf talks to the odd priest about doing a reincarnation - and the two of them complete the spell - but at what price?


03-31-2018, 05:04 PM
I didn't post the links to Episode 32 and 33 (because no one has responded in forever) :D

But as a gentle reminder, I still do these and just finished 34...

#NeverendingNights - Episode 34 (HD) - Barking Up The Wrong Tree. Peter and Grayson get a visit from a mysterious canine who comes to bring a warning - will they be able to understand what's happening - or will this go as things typically seem to go for our would be dynamic duo?

Non (Canine) Subtitles:

With (Canine) Subtitles (Recommended):

I also updated the #EasterEggs page (Happy ... Easter?)...

04-08-2018, 04:27 PM
Neverending Nights - Episode 35 (HD) - This Is Bull$#!+. Peter and Grayson find themselves being approached by a Minotaur - but is he friend or foe? A villain whose heard of their "great deeds" and come to smite them? Or something else? Find out in this episode of #NeverendingNights!

07-17-2018, 11:30 AM
Never posted the link to 36 on here, but...
At long last...

Episode 37 (HD) - Crime Does Not Pay.
In this episode... not many characters are safe, as Death sweeps through the cast of characters, claiming several lives before this episode ends... who will survive? Peter? Grayson? Pawl? All? None? Who? WHO? Well. Watch the video (over and over and over and over) and see who will survive!

And download:

Facebook link (https://www.facebook.com/NeverendingNights/videos/10156489695356866/)


03-18-2019, 03:41 AM
Forgot to update the thread with the last few episodes... but here's the latest... for anyone (no one?) who cares! :D

This one has it all. Episode 42 marked the Season Finale for Season 2 of our series. This episode reveals things about the Crimson Draco Mother, the Sword, and the Mysterious Figure haunting Grayson's dreams! Hang on tight kids! (And don't forget to share!)

Episode 42 HD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo3WSgSymwc)


01-06-2020, 01:01 AM
EPISODE 43: GOT TIME TO KILL: Episode 43 marks the beginning of an end; Episode 43 is the first Episode of Season 3, which is the final season of our beloved show. So where do we pick up considering the cliff hanger from almost a year ago? Peter and Grayson awaken to find that their situation has not gotten any better… and there’s some gaps to fill in their memory… can a mysterious guest help them fill those time gaps? Find out in this episode! Please share! Like! Subscribe! It helps us out tremendously!

01-06-2020, 01:02 AM
EPISODE 43: GOT TIME TO KILL: Episode 43 marks the beginning of an end; Episode 43 is the first Episode of Season 3, which is the final season of our beloved show. So where do we pick up considering the cliff hanger from almost a year ago? Peter and Grayson awaken to find that their situation has not gotten any better… and there’s some gaps to fill in their memory… can a mysterious guest help them fill those time gaps? Find out in this episode! Please share! Like! Subscribe! It helps us out tremendously!

01-13-2020, 12:35 AM
EPISODE 44: SEEING THE UNSEEN: Peter and Grayson make a startling discovery – that they’re not alone – in their own prison cell! (For those of you who thought you were seeing something weird in Episode 43 every once in awhile; that ‘ghostly figure’ finally reveals itself!) But – who or what? – is it – and what can it mean for our dynamic heroes?

Oh, also – you might want to hang out during the credits on this one for some out takes.


01-13-2020, 01:14 AM
Well, if I could edit my own post I'd tell you for Episode 44 - that link's no good.
Link out dated; there was an audio issue - will post link to fixed video in a moment.

01-13-2020, 01:58 AM
This is the working link:

01-20-2020, 01:34 PM
Peter and Grayson discover there's someone else in the cell next to them - a Bard! But ... there's something very, very, very weird about the Bard... Naturally, because Peter and Grayson can't seem to catch a break. The Bard seems to think there's something up with Grayson however...


02-08-2020, 11:40 PM
Next episode of my little show is now out...

#NeverendingNights Episode 46 (HD) - Grayson awakens and realizes, perhaps after all this discussion about his sword from the last episode... that he doesn't know WHERE his sword is! Peter and Grayson try to piece the last fragments of their memory to try and figure out just what may have happened...


03-15-2020, 01:27 AM
A new episode! This one even has a subtitle version (because not everyone understands them KaRaYzE goblins!) Neverending Nights - Episode 49 (HD) - We return to the Goblins - who also find themselves in prison! How did they get there? What is their crime? And how will they get out? All of that gets answered in this episode! So sit back and be ready! And if you have a difficult time understanding the goblins, there's a subtitled version of this episode also available! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2YLwY53qIU&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=52 Neverending Nights - Episode 49 (HD) - Subtitles. We return to the Goblins - who also find themselves in prison! How did they get there? What is their crime? And how will they get out? All of that gets answered in this episode! So sit back and be ready! If you don't enjoy the subtitles and can speak/understand Goblin-Common just fine, there's the normal version of this video that does not have subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9g5rbTSAmQ&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=51

05-05-2020, 01:18 PM
#NeverendingNights - Episode 52 (HD) - These Aren't The Heroes We're Looking For.Will Amiee betray Peter & Grayson for the ample reward? If not, what's their plan now?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsqNKo5U8oI&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=56

07-11-2020, 10:18 PM
#NeverendingNights #NeverwinterNights #MachinimaAmiee the Armorer has gathered information about the Forge of Eternal Flame and the next steps for getting Grayson's magical sword reignited to complete it's final quest... however, things won't be so easy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQoMFi0mjcM&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=60

02-25-2021, 12:47 AM
Been a bit since I posted here (not sure anyone cares) :D

Episode 58 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCawE1E3Xk&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=62&ab_channel=NeverendingNights
Episode 58 (with subtitles) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onp1_Jn7AZE&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=63&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Episode 59 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7reTEoa_HDM&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=64&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Episode 60 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OiD0kSvWSw&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=65&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Episode 61 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6CYVz2FXAE&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=66&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Episode 62 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6CYVz2FXAE&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=66&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Episode 63 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VusMymmTgC4&list=PLbRG7dzFI-u3EJd0usasgDrrFO3mZ1lOZ&index=68&ab_channel=NeverendingNights

Only two more to go.

03-02-2021, 09:40 PM
Just posted Episode 64. You can just click the above to get to it. Should you be interested in it. :D

04-25-2021, 10:27 PM
The 1080p version is concluded:

Episode 65, the final episode.


Le Messor
04-26-2021, 12:46 AM
I admit I haven't watched one in a while, but I just did. I should remember how fun they are! :)

05-11-2021, 03:38 AM
Thank you, sir! Definitely a work of passion that means a lot.
That's the whole reason I went back and did it in 1080p and refilmed everything - because I really enjoyed what I had originally created - and I wanted it in better resolution (for what a dated game could give me) :)

05-11-2021, 03:39 AM
The play list - starting from Episode 01 in 1080p has a playlist I made -