View Full Version : Captain Marvel / Ms. Marvel??

04-06-2016, 11:05 PM
Has anyone seen the posts online about Ronda Rousey (http://images.askmen.com/1080x540/news/entertainment/ronda-rousey-shares-captain-marvel-instagram-1108229-TwoByOne.jpg) expressing major interest in playing the part for the movie? Many fans think she'd visually be a great look for the film but her acting ability isn't where it's needed in order to make the movie a success. She can really fight so action scenes would be great if they gave her a real chance.. unlike what happened in Fast and Furious 8. There's been other amazing actresses in the running for the film. Other actresses for the same part, maybe rumored, are: Katheryn Winnick (http://i.imgur.com/0n3SZNH.jpg) and Natalie Dormer (http://41.media.tumblr.com/cbf96b72c3f978ca668f5e7eb6774abb/tumblr_inline_nt6m5o3J6j1qakyk0_500.jpg) <3<3<3. I don't know anything about Captain Marvel so I don't know what she's really supposed to look like. BUT Natalie Dormer is an incredible actress and really cute.

Has anyone heard/read news about who else is wanting to play such parts for the film? Which characters do you think will be in the film? Is it gonna be a continuation of whats currently going on in the comics? (Picture (http://www.toonzone.net/comics/images/images/solicitations/2016-03/Marvel/CAPMARV2015003_cov.jpg))

If YOU were in the movie .. which role would/could you play? It doesn't have to be someone famous from the comics. You can even say security guard or a goon that gets beat up.

I would LOVE to play Puck (Pictures showing why (https://www.instagram.com/joeymoreno/)), but I'd probably be the bystander that gets thrown like a rag doll.

Again, I apologize if there's any error stated about.. I really do NOT know anything about Captain Marvel.

04-07-2016, 12:45 AM
Rhonda has the look, that's for sure - but does she have the acting chops? She was in the Entrouge movie, but didn't do too much. Other than that, has she got anything acting wise under her belt?

04-07-2016, 01:06 AM
Natalie dormer is overrated but thats just my opinion. I'd take Ronda any day of the week. And yes at least lookwise you would make a great puck! I cant judge acting ability via still photographs lol

04-07-2016, 01:27 AM
Natalie dormer is overrated but thats just my opinion. I'd take Ronda any day of the week. And yes at least lookwise you would make a great puck! I cant judge acting ability via still photographs lol

She may be overrated and getting a lot of hype, but she's pretty awesome in Game of Thrones. She plays that innocent bad girl part just right. I don't see her being the face of an iconic superhero. But that's how many felt about Ben Aflec.

Rhonda has the look, that's for sure - but does she have the acting chops? She was in the Entrouge movie, but didn't do too much. Other than that, has she got anything acting wise under her belt?

She was in 'The Expendables'.. I just don't know which one and she was on Fast & Furious 8 as a bodyguard. She didn't do so well in my opinion.

Mekko Hotvle
04-07-2016, 01:38 AM
Ronda was in expendables 3.

04-07-2016, 06:36 AM
I've got a lot of love for Dormer but I don't think any of the names mentioned would be right, personally.

I don't know who to suggest but I'm sure Marvel will get it right; I'd never in a million years have thought RDJ could pull off Stark.

Mekko Hotvle
04-07-2016, 10:30 AM
What about WWE wrestler, Natalya Hart, I think she has the size and fight to pull off Captain Marvel. She might also be a better actor than Ronda, not by much but still. I haven't heard or seen much about the possible CM movie but I can trust Marvel to make the best decisions...if it was a DC product, I would be cringing especially if they let Zack Snyder director.

As for if I was in the movie, I would want to be in the bar scene when Puck (Hydro) starts getting into fights and I am just sitting at the bar making sure I don't spill my beer.

07-25-2016, 08:58 AM

Brie Larson got the part.


Mekko Hotvle
07-26-2016, 10:33 AM
So what is everyone's thoughts on the casting of Brie as Captain Marvel?

I will be honest, I have no idea who this girl is or what she has done in the past, so guess I will be looking for movies she has done and watching.

07-26-2016, 02:08 PM
You're not alone on this one. I'm not familiar with her work either. :confused:

Alphan East
07-26-2016, 07:59 PM
I think Brie Larson is a good choice.
She has shown a range of emotion in most of her movies:

The kidnapped mother of a young boy in the Oscar winning Canadian film "Room".
The comedic sister in the Amy Schumer hit "Trainwreck".
The troubled teenage daughter in the TV series "The United States of Tara".

She even looks like what I envision Carol Danvers would look.

07-26-2016, 10:35 PM
Awesome casting! I love Brie's work.

07-27-2016, 07:57 AM
The only things I've seen her in are Scott Pilgrim and Community, both of which I enjoyed her in.