View Full Version : Skottie Young covers

Mekko Hotvle
05-05-2016, 11:03 AM
I like to look at covers. I am not a big fan of variants these days because it is getting out of control. But anyway, I been seeing a lot of Skottie young variant covers popping up and because he did one for Red Wolf (Which I liked and now searching for.) So I looked him up and show he did a cover for AF 3rd series Issue #8. What did you think of that cover and did you like his take on Sasquatch? Also I am going to start reading the, I hate Fairyland, that he writes and draws for. Could be interesting. and the way he talked, sounds like he is going to be spending most of his time on that book from this point on.

05-05-2016, 04:35 PM
Skottie Young is an amazing "cartoonist" - because his art looks like cartoons to me.

Le Messor
05-07-2016, 05:00 PM
Skottie Young is an amazing "cartoonist" - because his art looks like cartoons to me.

Sure; that's the point of it. I think it's cute and like it for one-offs and covers; I wouldn't want to read a mainstream superhero title by him.
Which would totally have happened in the 90s - a Grim, Serious series with extremely dark colours and his art.

I don't remember his Sas off the top of my head, though. And I am heartily sick of every title and its dog* having variant covers.

Gah! Every time I go to write 'cover' I write 'colour' instead and have to backtrack!

* Actually, I've been assuming Neal Adams' Action Lab cover is a variant, but I'm not so sure.

~ Le Messor
"He had just enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more."
~ P.G. Wodehouse, Barmy in Wonderland

05-08-2016, 01:57 PM
Sure; that's the point of it. I think it's cute and like it for one-offs and covers; I wouldn't want to read a mainstream superhero title by him.

Say... like New Warriors?.... -sigh-

Le Messor
05-08-2016, 04:29 PM
I honestly don't remember Skottie Young doing the New Warriors.

05-08-2016, 05:55 PM
He drew the third volume, with the reality TV stars.
He didn't write it too though.

05-09-2016, 02:44 PM
He drew the third volume, with the reality TV stars.
He didn't write it too though.

Correct. It was written by Zeb Wells.

His art is great for cartoons. I don't favor it in comics, however.

(And well, the story...) #-o

Mekko Hotvle
05-09-2016, 04:05 PM
I looked at the S.Y. New Warriors covers. They look more like covers you would Sat morning cartoon VHS set box for Bugs Bunny or something. Not saying they are bad but its probably good he sticks with doing interior for his own project, I hate fairyland. Though I remember DC adding cartoon characters to their covers not to long ago.

Le Messor
05-09-2016, 04:35 PM
He drew the third volume, with the reality TV stars.

Of course! I do remember that being annoyingly cartoonish. As was the style at the time.

~ Le Messor
"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you - he really is an idiot."
~ Groucho Marx

05-09-2016, 05:32 PM
I looked at the S.Y. New Warriors covers. They look more like covers you would Sat morning cartoon VHS set box for Bugs Bunny or something.
Given the theme of the series I'm guessing that was the point.

Not saying they are bad but its probably good he sticks with doing interior for his own project, I hate fairyland.
NW was fairly early on in his career though. He's improved a lot since then.
Check out the first few arcs of last year's Rocket Racoon series which he wrote & drew, just before I Hate Fairyland.
(He also wrote & drew a Northstar story for X-Men: Divided We Stand #1 in 2008, which is half way between the two styles.)