View Full Version : Mention in Squirrel Girl 17

Le Messor
02-18-2017, 02:45 PM
Speaking of Sasquatch (http://alphaflight.net/showthread.php?10419-Article-The-Mighty-Captain-Marvel-2-Preview&p=103327#post103327), there was a mention in the above issue.

Background: the writer, Ryan North, does a web comic called Dinosaur Comics, which has mouseover text. Squirrel Girl, then, has little text pieces at the bottom of most pages.

On one page in #17:
Lecturer says "... the people who build things have over everyone's lives, with that extraordinary power..."
SG: "Oh man Nancy here it comes"
Lecturer: "... the extraordinary responsibility."
The mouseunder text is: "Right now, somewhere in the world, Peter Parker is sitting up straight in bed and wondering why his "stolen chatchphrase-sense" is suddenly tingling so much."

Then, on a later page, the Rhino gives back a pair of shoes he's stolen.
SG: "I can see the sign already. "In the market for giant and yet still slightly stretched-out size 22 running shoes, gently used?""
The mouseunder text is: "Right now, somewhere in the world, Sasquatch is sitting up straight in bed and wondering why his "discount oversized shoes that both fit and are available at non-specialty retail stores-sense" is suddenly tingling so much."

~ Le Messor

02-19-2017, 09:11 AM
Haha, that's great! My daughter collects USG comics and I'm sure she has a copy of #17 in the collection. I'll check it out, ... if she lets me read it.