View Full Version : Favorite Alpha Flight Comic?

06-22-2017, 04:32 AM
What is your guys favorite? I love the issue where Lil kills "Spider-Man" and their Christmas issue. The Christmas issue cracks me up every time! Jeanne-Marie/Aurora made the issue perfect :).

06-22-2017, 12:54 PM
Either Vol.1 #1 or Vol.1 #12.

Le Messor
06-30-2017, 05:50 PM
Hello and welcome, Diamond Lil.
'The woman who killed Spider-Man' is also one of my favourites.

I also like the #2-4 story arc, and #8. (Um, original series... if you knew me at all, that wouldn't be a question. ;))

~ Le Messor
"It is a wise father that knows his own child."
~ Shakespeare

07-07-2017, 01:47 AM
Something about Alpha Flight #1, Volume 1... the way it sets everything up. It's difficult to beat for me.