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View Full Version : Alpha Waves Reloacated!

01-11-2004, 09:32 PM
Hello folks!

I want to first of all apologize for the poor state of the Alpha Waves forum. When first I put the hosting with Lycos UK, iwt was quite good, however they changed how they worked when they hooked up with Tripod. As I'm sure you all noticed the adds that came with that changed caused havoc with the message board, and made it more pain than pleasure to visit. Recently I invested in the means to do it all properly. With the re launch of Alpha Flight coming, I figured it was worth a few bucks to buy a domain for both my web site, and for the forum.

The forum is now located at: http://forum.alphaflight.net
Yes, that means I bought to domain of www.alphaflight.net ! I have gotten the forum all moved over, however, due to lycos/tripod's add tags, the database was not able to be imported onto the new domain. That means a few bad things. 1. you will have to go through the process of signing back up for the forum 2. I was not able to import any messages across servers. So, really we are starting from scratch, just in time for Alpha Flight v.3! I am sorry for the hassle, but we are now with a great web host, and the service promises to be high quality!

I look forward to seeing you at the new address http://forum.alphaflight.net all previous address will redirect to that URL, but you can still access old messages...as they at @ http://members.lycos.co.uk/alphawaves/phpBB2/index.php I encourage you to re post any recent items.

01-12-2004, 05:41 AM
If truth be known, Inever actually posted at the old boards, never really felt comfortable for some reason.

This on the other hand is well snazzy, I'm well likely to beome a posting **** on this :D

01-12-2004, 07:01 AM
*koff*mod priviledges*koff*

Nicely done as ever Ben.

01-12-2004, 10:41 AM
Glad you feel comfy here Del :) I know my AF fans :lol:

And Phil, not to worry my friend, you got the power! Just need to see your acccount exist first :)


01-12-2004, 09:54 PM
Heh heh heh ;)

01-25-2004, 02:40 PM
So how much work you putting into the web site :-) ?

01-25-2004, 10:17 PM
Heh, lots! I'm basically starting fresh from what was Alpha Zone. I've been pretty dissabled lately. Just had my wizdom teeth yanked, and packing to move, and all that fun stuff. Once I get the news stuff up, I'll make the site live, and just post updates as I go.


So how much work you putting into the web site :-) ?