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View Full Version : NEWS FEATURE: Flight Plans - Part Two (of Six): Centennial

Jason Brice
02-05-2004, 11:25 PM
NEWS FEATURE: Flight Plans - Part Two (of Six): Centennial
By Jason Brice

Welcome to the second of six weekly news features spotlighting the heroes set to debut in Alpha Flight Volume 3, next month. The new series is written by Scott Lobdell, formerly the self described "go-to-guy for all things X", and illustrated by Clayton Henry.

Last week Scott and I discussed the new Puck, and this week the focus turns to Centennial, Alpha Flight's nonagerian hero. Little is known about the African American rest-home resident, so I tried to dig into who Scott developed the character...


02-06-2004, 02:05 PM
Thanks Jason! Some great info on Centennial! Yet again, we see how much Scott seems to really care about his characters here. He's impressing me more daily!

Looking forward to the next installment!!!


Major Mapleleaf Jr
02-06-2004, 03:01 PM
Is it silly of me to say that, so far, Centennial is my favorite of the new Alpha Flight? :D

02-06-2004, 10:06 PM
Naw, I don't think it's silly at all! I'm the lucky guy, my favorite character is the only one that got carried over from the origonal ;) He does seem like a cool character, but I'm waiting for personalities to emmerge before making any solid judgements on who I like best.

02-07-2004, 08:36 AM
i'm all the sudden really looking forward to the major mapleleaf jr. part of that interview.

Major Mapleleaf Jr
02-07-2004, 03:15 PM
As am I.

04-08-2004, 09:36 AM
In all talk of Centinniel that I've read where Lobdell mentions older characters, I have yet seen a mention of Gargoyle from The Defenders.

04-09-2004, 09:20 AM
In all talk of Centinniel that I've read where Lobdell mentions older characters, I have yet seen a mention of Gargoyle from The Defenders.

He's probably not even aware of Gargoyle, unfortunately for Isaac, he was only really prominent in Defenders, the other members had ties to numerous other books. A shame realy, I liked his character.