View Full Version : Weapon X

03-04-2004, 01:13 AM
So, I know people have read this, do you recommend it?
I don't believe that Aurora is working for Weapon X, It's probably because
of her attitude changing-thingy, dies JP know about this?

03-04-2004, 02:58 AM
I would honestly recommend it if you liked the government conspiracies that filled AF Vol.2. Aurora was a willing member of the Weapon X team (before the whole group went in different directions), but now she's on the run. Wild Child is still part of the group. Not sure if I like this Wild Child though.

If you don't like the whole 'Big Brother Government' concept, than it's not really for you.


03-04-2004, 03:08 AM
Well, I have read issues 5 & 6 and I quit like them, can anyone who has read issue 5 and has continued collecting answer my question:
Has Billy Taylor(That boy from issue 5) appeared in any more issues?

03-04-2004, 06:30 AM
There may have been a brief cameo flashback in #13 but other than that, no.

03-04-2004, 07:50 AM
Not sure whats gonna happen to any AFers after #25, from what I can gather, after reload, Tieri's gonna be concentrating on characters who where there at the beginning of the Weapon X program. So expect to see a lot of Wolvie, Sabretooth etc.

03-04-2004, 09:40 AM
I think that's just for an arc, like with the Defection arc that's just been published.
I may be wrong though.

Nick Nightingale
03-04-2004, 09:56 AM
Weapon X is just one of my favorites comics... 8)

I really like it!!!!!!!!!! :P :D 8)

03-04-2004, 01:05 PM
I think that's just for an arc, like with the Defection arc that's just been published.
I may be wrong though.

I'm non to sure, it would seem from what as been mentioned elsewhere that Reload is gonna be a big shift in direction for the book. Lots of Sublime, Wolvie, Sabretooth and Fantomex. I'm gonna stick it out cos I quite enjoy the book, probably the best X thingy out there (IMHO), but I can always look on the bright side, if Aurora, Maddy and Kyle don't get used overly, chances are they might wander in the direction of the new AF.

03-04-2004, 01:19 PM
You're probably right, knowing the x-books, but I'm not sure after reading this.

“We’ll see what that is in the storyline that starts in May. Overall, the main purpose of the Reload arc for us is to serve as a ‘unification bout’ to use a boxing term. For once and for all, we’re going to unify Barry Windsor-Smith’s Weapon X; Grant Morrison’s view of Weapon X, Weapon Plus; and my concept of Weapon X. For once and for all, we’re going to clear that up, which is what the title of the arc is all about : ‘War of the Programs.’”

03-04-2004, 01:38 PM
I think perhaps I should ask the geezer and see what his plans are for the errant AFers.

03-04-2004, 01:52 PM
They might join Uncanny Alpha Flight! :lol:

03-04-2004, 02:07 PM
They might join Uncanny Alpha Flight! :lol:

And that's the way it should be. Mac/Heather, Snowbird, Puck. Shaman. Northstar, Aurora, Sas and Marrina (woken up from a very long lie in) all in line, ready to kick butt.

Diamond Lil, Maddy and Wildchild/Heart/Gonads can go to the savage land and recruit Alpha Prime, ready to debut in The Really Uncanny Alpha X.

Or Not :roll:

Major Mapleleaf
03-06-2004, 05:47 PM
Are there any trade paperbacks available in the states for Weapon X? Just curious. I read the first issues of the series, but had to cut back to make room in my budget to complete my Ultraverse comic collection.

Yes, I am aware that collecting Ultraverse comics makes me a dork. :P


Major Mapleleaf Jr
03-06-2004, 06:35 PM
It does not! I collect Ultraverse comics! I'm a huge, HUGE fan of Amber Hunt and both Exiles teams, as well as the Freex, Mantra, the Strangers, and Ultraforce.

Yay! There's another UV fan out there! :)

03-06-2004, 06:37 PM
I know there is a volume.one that has all the Weapon X: Name-the Drafts
and I think Issues 1 & 2 But that's all I know

Since you collect Ultraverse Titles, can u tell me the whole lineup for "The All New Exiles"?

I Know These Characters:
Sienna Blaze
Amber Hunt

Major Mapleleaf Jr
03-06-2004, 06:39 PM
The line-up of the team is Juggernaut, 'Strike, Hellblade, Shuriken, Amber Hunt, Siena Blaze, Reaper, and Cayman.

03-20-2004, 12:16 PM
The first tpb has all the drafts and issue 1-5. I thought I saw a second tpb for the underground arc but i could be mistaken. also, what is an altraverse title and are their exiles like marvel exiles?

06-24-2004, 04:04 PM
Since you collect Ultraverse Titles, can u tell me the whole lineup for "The All New Exiles"?

I Know These Characters:
Sienna Blaze
Amber Hunt

Reaper(from the Mutant Liberation Front) was a member of that group too, I believe....who later appeared in the Weapon X series.


07-10-2004, 10:40 PM
All I know about the Weapon X books is that I WANT KYLE'S VOICE BACK!

I've gotten used to the stupid nosferatu look, but I MISS Kyle's clever sarcastic quips and cleverness... YES the character is actually intelligent, though the way he's depicted in the recent books makes him look like an utter moron.

It irks me not just as a fan, but really, with Sabes having gone on his own and all, that it's damned inconvenient to have a fighting team memeber unable to communicate when the problem could easily be fixed. Being a security chief who can't talk? I mean they didn't even give him freaking SIGN LANGUAGE! Sorry, but in this I think the writers have made a HUGE mistake... it doesn't make any sense to keep him mute at this point... I'm inclined to think laziness. (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

At least Aurora has finally let the poor man go so she can leap around and grab whichever male suits her fancy THIS week! (LOL! You GO girl!) However, I shall forever be of the opinion that she let the best one go. (but that's just me)

I was appalled at what the Director did to 'Rora too... and I missed the issue where she apparently beat the living hell out of him... he deserves worse than that though. Sheesh!

As for Exiles, I was truly impressed with the few issues I read... and imagine my delight with issue #5 when they came across that other version Of Alpha Flight! I nearly exploded in happiness! I had huge fun trying to figure out who was who in the group scene. 8)

Now I wanna play with that version of AF for fun! What a great RPG borad that would make! Logan running the show! Lots of the originals still around!


*wipes mouth* ok, don't mind me, hehehehehe.

Major Mapleleaf Jr
07-15-2004, 02:50 PM
I wanna know what Marrow's up to now! She was hands-down my favorite member of Weapon X, and the Gene Nation storyline was awesome. Pity they ended it so crappily... it'd have been cool to see Marrow and a new Gene Nation tussle with the X-folks!

Also... does anyone know what happened to Fantomex and Agent Zero/Maverick? I like the two of them, especially Fantomex (I'm holding out hope that he's gay, because he'd be an awesome "out" character), and I didn't catch the end of their storyline. Anyone able to help me out?

07-26-2004, 10:20 PM
Well, it's been released that Weapon X will be cancelled as of #28. How sad is that. One of best X-Titles to come out in a while, and they're cancelling it!!! This is why I hate Marvel so much, and with each title they cancel of mine, they send me closer and closer to going elsewhere. It's times like these (and whenever they cancel AF) that I feel like I've wasted ten years of my life to a company who would rather promote a new Spider-Man of FF title (or a crappy solo-series X title that didn't work in the first place *cough*GAMBIT*cough*).

ANyhoo, just thought I would throw that out there.

What are your thoughts??


07-27-2004, 12:24 AM
My thought is that Gambit is singly the most overrated character. I personally could just never see the appeal. Trachcoat and smoking make him cool, maybe?

07-27-2004, 07:13 AM
Well, it's been released that Weapon X will be cancelled as of #28. How sad is that. One of best X-Titles to come out in a while, and they're cancelling it!!! This is why I hate Marvel so much, and with each title they cancel of mine, they send me closer and closer to going elsewhere. It's times like these (and whenever they cancel AF) that I feel like I've wasted ten years of my life to a company who would rather promote a new Spider-Man of FF title (or a crappy solo-series X title that didn't work in the first place *cough*GAMBIT*cough*).

ANyhoo, just thought I would throw that out there.

What are your thoughts??


Oh craps, the CURSE strikes again!!!

I had heard a rumour on a review site (www.thexaxis.com) but the reviewer just thought maybe Marvel were skipping a month of publishing it (does that make any sense to anyone or am I drunk???). I think that's a real shame, as I think the whole ensemble cast appealed to many readers. I have still quite a bit of catching up to do with it so I will have it for a little while yet, but it just seems like a real shame. (Although with all these recent cancellations I suppose it saves me money - although that's not really the point!)


Major Mapleleaf Jr
07-27-2004, 03:45 PM
This post has been moderated

07-27-2004, 04:26 PM
Anyone who's interested in saving Weapon X:


07-27-2004, 11:32 PM
Weapon X has been a great book. The only time it didn't raise my interest was the last arc, but at least that had the payoff of the vapid and uninspired Phantomex slaughtered outright. If WX is cancelled, I will be very sorry to see it go. The development may not have been a positive light, but he has done more for the regular Alphas in terms of exposure and development than anything else in years, including Volume 2 of AF and,--SO FAR--V3.
But what am I not surprised?
Yet another bad day at work?

Nalyd Psycho
07-28-2004, 12:51 AM
I just can't bring myself to care. I just think to the people upset, where were you when Wildcats Version 3.0 was canned? Where were you when Miller was making Iron Man an awesome character and title, only to get dropped because no one was reading it? Where are you when the creators behind Rex Mundi are struggling to put the book out because they have no money? Where were you when Top Cow decided not to extend Strykeforce? Where were you when Agent X got canned?

There are so many good titles that no one reads that it's hardly shocking when one gets cancelled. I just can't bring myself to care any more. It's the nature of the industry, the majority of readers don't want new ideas and good stories, so until that changes, those who do are going to get the shaft, particularly from the major publishers.

07-28-2004, 02:17 AM
I just can't bring myself to care. I just think to the people upset, where were you when Wildcats Version 3.0 was canned? Where were you when Miller was making Iron Man an awesome character and title, only to get dropped because no one was reading it? Where are you when the creators behind Rex Mundi are struggling to put the book out because they have no money? Where were you when Top Cow decided not to extend Strykeforce? Where were you when Agent X got canned?

I think you're being a tad harsh on people here.
Not everybody's tastes are the same as yours, and people have the freedom to buy what they enjoy.
If you dont care about someone elses favourite book, why should they care about yours?
Let's not go to hypocracy on this one.
(And for the record, I majorly support Arvid, Eric and Jeromy on Rex Mundi, and have done since day zero, I was a big vocal fan of Agent X. The others... meh politics in comics have never worked for me. To each their own.)

Nalyd Psycho
07-28-2004, 05:45 AM
I just can't bring myself to care. I just think to the people upset, where were you when Wildcats Version 3.0 was canned? Where were you when Miller was making Iron Man an awesome character and title, only to get dropped because no one was reading it? Where are you when the creators behind Rex Mundi are struggling to put the book out because they have no money? Where were you when Top Cow decided not to extend Strykeforce? Where were you when Agent X got canned?

I think you're being a tad harsh on people here.
Not everybody's tastes are the same as yours, and people have the freedom to buy what they enjoy.
If you dont care about someone elses favourite book, why should they care about yours?
Let's not go to hypocracy on this one.
(And for the record, I majorly support Arvid, Eric and Jeromy on Rex Mundi, and have done since day zero, I was a big vocal fan of Agent X. The others... meh politics in comics have never worked for me. To each their own.)

The point is more that everyone has a list of books that they wish wasn't cancelled or was on stronger footing. So there's really no point in complaining about it. At this point, it's too little, too late. Just love the books that you do buy...

07-28-2004, 09:49 AM
I could be wrong on this--tell me if I am--but but didn't Miller lose Iron Man to the old buddy network: friends of Bendis?
I did support his work, and thought it was the best since Busiek left the book, maybe better.

07-28-2004, 03:34 PM
The point is more that everyone has a list of books that they wish wasn't cancelled or was on stronger footing. So there's really no point in complaining about it. At this point, it's too little, too late. Just love the books that you do buy...

Why buy a book if you don't love it though?
Surely if you spend hard earned money on something month in month out, that gives you the right to be disappointed when you lose it?

My problem was more with the apparant "where were you" chiding.
No-one here was trying to force people to buy books they dont like just so that they can still have them, merely expressing the same disappointment.

Major Mapleleaf Jr
07-28-2004, 03:44 PM
Apologies for the anti-Tieri rant. Wasn't aware I was breaking any rules. I'll be more careful next time.

Weapon X just wasn't everyone's cup of tea. I personally found it morbid and choppy. It was unsatisfying from month to month, and also every single cast member was completely undeserving of sympathy, with the possible exceptions of Marrow and Aurora. There was nowhere near enough characterization, and thus I found it impossible to root for any of the characters.

I found the entire cast to be a bunch of unrepentant, hatemongering, amoral thugs. It was a fun read at first, and then it just got old. Cable's presence in the book didn't help, either. :evil:

07-28-2004, 03:57 PM
Hey hey, no worries.
Just trying to keep things a bit professional, especially given the site is visited by creators and Marvel staffers.

As to the book; Different strokes for different folks and all that...

Major Mapleleaf Jr
07-28-2004, 04:26 PM
Don't get me wrong; there were parts of Weapon X that I enjoyed. I loved seeing Marrow again, and Tieri handled her brilliantly. Ditto for Aurora, although I felt sorry for her.

Fantomex died in Weapon X?! No! He was my favorite Morrison creation, after the Stepford Cuckoos. I'd take Fantomex over Deadpool or Logan ANY day.

07-28-2004, 04:34 PM
We don't actually know he's dead.

And it probably wont get wrapped up now, either :(

Nalyd Psycho
07-29-2004, 07:46 AM
The point is more that everyone has a list of books that they wish wasn't cancelled or was on stronger footing. So there's really no point in complaining about it. At this point, it's too little, too late. Just love the books that you do buy...

Why buy a book if you don't love it though?
Surely if you spend hard earned money on something month in month out, that gives you the right to be disappointed when you lose it?

My problem was more with the apparant "where were you" chiding.
No-one here was trying to force people to buy books they dont like just so that they can still have them, merely expressing the same disappointment.

Sorry, I guess in some ways the old wounds of past cancellations still burn. But I've become numb to new cancellations.

My theory on this is, rather than bemoan the loss of Weapon X, I'm checking out Tieri's run on The Darkness next month. Seems more possitive and constructive.

07-29-2004, 08:48 AM
Had it pre-ordered a while now.

And no need to apologise. Just a difference of opinion.

07-29-2004, 12:47 PM
For those who might be interested in what Frank Terri has to say about the cancellation:


07-29-2004, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the link, Ben.
He put out a pretty classy appeal and rebuttal, I think.

07-31-2004, 07:08 PM
and here:
