View Full Version : Thoughs on v.3

03-12-2004, 01:55 PM
Personally, I really enjoyed the first issue. I tried to come into it with a fresh perspective. It's not the old Alpha, and it may never be. As it stands, it's a new comic with an old favorite that I thought was a refreshing read. I'm looking forward to #2.
I'm still of the mind that Lobdell is going to do something dastardly at the end of this arc. I think that he either created a red herring by saying that he wants to do a spin-off, and is planning on sacrificing the original team for the new one OR the new one is going to be sacrificed, which would be a total shocker. The last time a shocking death of that magnitude occurred was in AF #12. Who would think after setting up the new team, that they would all die to be replaced by the originals?
I may be way off base, but I guess it comes from reading comics and seeing movies with "twist" endings. There's only so may things that you could do that has never been done in a comic before so I'm really reaching for new endings...

03-12-2004, 02:01 PM
Who's to say that he's looking for a new ending, rather than just a new beginning. A fresh start with no baggage to draw in new readers is a good plan. Splash in enough of the origonals to keep us old-timers happy, long enough to lauch a separate book of the oldies, once enough newbies are hooked :)


Personally, I really enjoyed the first issue. I tried to come into it with a fresh perspective. It's not the old Alpha, and it may never be. As it stands, it's a new comic with an old favorite that I thought was a refreshing read. I'm looking forward to #2.
I'm still of the mind that Lobdell is going to do something dastardly at the end of this arc. I think that he either created a red herring by saying that he wants to do a spin-off, and is planning on sacrificing the original team for the new one OR the new one is going to be sacrificed, which would be a total shocker. The last time a shocking death of that magnitude occurred was in AF #12. Who would think after setting up the new team, that they would all die to be replaced by the originals?
I may be way off base, but I guess it comes from reading comics and seeing movies with "twist" endings. There's only so may things that you could do that has never been done in a comic before so I'm really reaching for new endings...

03-14-2004, 12:41 AM
I hope that you're right. I guess I'm just a skeptic with the whole "sophie's choice" thing that Lobdell mentioned will happen at the end of this arc. Ever since they killed off Tara on Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the same show where she finally was shown in the credits as a full-time cast member (a brilliant move on Joss Whedon's part to completely throw everyone off on who was going to die), I tend to be a little skeptical regarding anything too good to be true. The whole spin-off idea is too good to be true, IMHO. An Alpha Flight franchise? Who here wouldn't love that? Guess I'm just not about to get my hopes up until it is a reality!

03-14-2004, 12:44 AM
"sophies choice: thing?

(what does sophies choice mean?)

03-14-2004, 07:18 AM
I thought that whole Uncanny Alpha Flight spin off thing (with the original AF) was just a joke or throw away line. I can't really think that they are planning a spin-off just yet for a comic-book which has only just started.

Let us see how this books pans out. I have yet to read the first issue, but I'm already suitably interested in the characters not to want them all to get killed off after the first few issues, but we shall see...

03-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Well, in an interview with Lobdell, it does seem that he is actually going to start "Uncanny Alpha Flight" :?

03-14-2004, 06:24 PM
"sophies choice: thing?

(what does sophies choice mean?)

In the movie "Sophie's Choice" a mother had to choose which one of her offspring would live and which would die in the concentration camp. It was heart-wrenching. Lobdell said that a decision of that nature would be occurring in issue #6, which can only bode ill for someone or someones on one of the teams.

03-14-2004, 11:17 PM
Eek! Puck better live, I think he might let go of Centennial and Puck
he better not! so did he say if they were actually going to die or just not be on the team?

03-16-2004, 10:04 PM
so did he say if they were actually going to die or just not be on the team?

He really didn't go into much detail - just said that a big "Sophie's Choice" decision was going to be made, unlike anything that has been seen in comics before. I'm just being pessimistic. :?

03-17-2004, 06:27 AM
so did he say if they were actually going to die or just not be on the team?

He really didn't go into much detail - just said that a big "Sophie's Choice" decision was going to be made, unlike anything that has been seen in comics before. I'm just being pessimistic. :?

Pure speculation here, but I reckon that Centinniel will turn out to be Macs dad, just as they are getting to know each other, Centinnial develops severe incontinence and drowns in bed. The Sophies choice aspect, will be whether to bury his Pa, or sell him for medical experimentation.

I've never seen anything like that in comics before.

03-17-2004, 10:12 AM
Hey with ideas like that Marvel might just headhunt you to write Uncanny Alpha Flight (or another title, possibly something with an X in the title)!!! :D

03-17-2004, 11:16 AM
My ideas are to similar to Austens in regards the X. He learnt all his great ideas from me you know. :-)

03-17-2004, 11:48 AM
Oh dear, well consider us all forwarned - does this mean that when you take over writing Alpha Flight you'll be paying homage to the Bard (perhaps with a bawdy romp version of King Leah, with Aurora playing the part of all three daughters?) and having a storyline where Puck attempts to become head of the Ontario branch of the Moonies????

03-17-2004, 11:54 AM
Oh dear, well consider us all forwarned - does this mean that when you take over writing Alpha Flight you'll be paying homage to the Bard (perhaps with a bawdy romp version of King Leah, with Aurora playing the part of all three daughters?) and having a storyline where Puck attempts to become head of the Ontario branch of the Moonies????

That bloody Rich Johnson, can't keep nothing secret when he's about :-(

03-17-2004, 12:26 PM
the only problem i am having with this series (well, issue 1) is how lobdell is trying to inject his own humor into the book (ask jeffers.com, the lol line) rather than the humor coming from the characters, which made the jla run funny. i hope he relaxes with this a little.

but i am pysched to see where this series goes, i think he layed a good foundation, i just hope he didn't turn off to many readers with the first issue.

03-25-2004, 12:54 PM
Well, finally read the first issue and actually rather enjoyed it! Not sure if it was the fact that I didn't come to the issue blind (already knowing who the new Flight was and knowing not to expect the original team back), but I didn't think it was too bad at all.

I thought the art was great and I even LIKED the new characters. I thought Yukon Jack was cool (but then he's a barbarian type who runs around in a loin cloth so of course I'm going to like him!), although wasn't keen on his strange speech pattern. Major Mapleleaf seemed suitably charming and old fashioned - will be interesting to see him grow as a character when confronted by modern day villians. Puck was pretty much as I expected - not too sure about her yet - seems to be the standard feisty young girl type. Nemesis has the cool costume so I can't say anything against her. And Centenial should be one to watch.

My main concern is the fact that this is the first of a six part story arc - doesn't this seem a bit long just to introduce the new characters to us and establish them as a team?

Major Mapleleaf Jr
04-01-2004, 06:27 PM
Well, Marvel's got this nasty habit, ever since Tsunami, of making all of their new titles very TPB-friendly. And I'm not sure if that is going to work on Alpha Flight. But time will tell. I'm giving it a fair shake, because I think this new team has sooooooo much potential... and I don't wanna see it go to waste.