View Full Version : Ever wanted to be an Alphan?

03-23-2004, 09:01 PM
Hey guys,

I'm new to the forum but I thought I'd take a minute to invite all comers to the Marvel Universe MUSH - an online, text based role playing game where you can play as any character from the Marvel U. For those of you who have never MU*'d, it's a real time (not PBEM) online gaming community where one plays characters (Marvel for this one in particular) through a MU** client/telnet program. Very user friendly. See the web page addy below for direct connect and links to gain SimpleMU (telnet client).

The official break from established Marvel canon takes place around the year 2000 after the threat of Onslaught and the events in the Heroes Reborn saga. The Fantastic Four is made up of its original founding members, Peter Parker has overcome the Earth-shaking events of the Clone Saga, The Avengers consists of many of the core members and stands ready to defend the world against any threat that might arise, a new group of 'heroes' called the Thunderbolts has arisen although their true machinations have not yet been exposed, and the X-Men are still fighting for Professor X's dream.

Yep, we've got a large player base with lots of cool people playing lots of cool characters. But, alas, a piddling of Alphans. Only Snowbird and Sasquatch are taken. Wherever shall we find players for the rest of our fabled crew?

As far as Alpha continuity is concerned we pick up just after Snowbird was rescued from AIM so the characters from vol.3 have yet to appear but you can still apply for them, they'll simply require new backgrounds and histories since everything that is considered canon for them has never happened in our world. Currently, only St. Elmo, Clone Mac, Sasquatch 2, and Marrina are banned as they were considered dead at cut-off. But if anybody has a hankering for: Guardian, Vindicator, Puck, Northstar, Wildchild, Aurora, Box, Shaman, Talisman, Radius, Murmer, Ghost Girl, Flex, Man Bot, TygerStryke, Yeti, Killspree, Double/Trouble, The Wendigo, Yukon Jack, Major Mapleleaf, etc. etc, do drop by.

I'm almost always on at around 7EST (as, convieniently enough, Snowbird) and would be more than happy to lend a hand if you're completely unfamiliar with this type of game. Naturally, you can apply for any other available Marvel based character outside the Alpha family...but why would you want to? ;)

Telnet over to minerva.erisian.net:2008 , or to join in the fun and don't forget the website @ http://erisian.net/~mxtreme

Come enjoy the Marvel Universe, the way it should be.