View Full Version : NitPicking

04-06-2004, 06:41 AM
Hiya Ben, just nitpicking a little here, but I've noticed on the character galleries page, at the bottom in the fan art galleries, it don't matter who the character is your looking at, it's titled as Guardian 2 fanart, noticed it with Aurora and NS, haven't checked the rest. Also a couple of typo's, in cover galleries, one link is written as Annuals, but with one n missing.

I'm not being pedantic, don't hate me :cry:

04-06-2004, 12:04 PM
No worries at all, I appreciate it. Sometimes I get into the flow, and miss stuff, I need to be nitpicked. I'll fix it when I'm finished waking up

04-06-2004, 12:26 PM
That's the spirit, you wake up to nitpicking me, I woke up to paint covered clothes, I blamed the cat, but it was all my fault :-(

04-06-2004, 12:53 PM
Dare I ask? Did you and Bubs have a few too many last night, and get playful with the paint?

04-06-2004, 01:16 PM
Dare I ask? Did you and Bubs have a few too many last night, and get playful with the paint?
Would, that it could be that simple, but herein lies a deeper more sinister story :-)

Basically I bought Bubs a very large stuffed panther as part of her christmas present. We also have a cantankerous cat named Jet, who frequently takes his frustrations out n the panther. At 2/3am this can be a bloody nuisance, last night, half asleep, I threw the panther acoss the bedroom cos of the noise, the panther must have knocked the paint over, as I found out when I stepped in the bloody stuff first thing this morning :x :shock:

04-06-2004, 01:37 PM
=D> Thanks Del, I needed a good laugh!

04-06-2004, 01:42 PM
Well I'm glad I bought a little joy into your life :D , but you try dancing around the bedroom, stark bollack naked, trying to avoid putting your paint stained foot onto the carpet and then having to wear a nice flowered dressing gown while your trying to de-colour yourself.

A little bit of sympathy wouldn't go amiss :cry:

04-06-2004, 01:56 PM
awwww, I'm sorry you made a bloody ass of yourself Del!....how's that for sympathy?

04-06-2004, 02:01 PM
awwww, I'm sorry you made a bloody ass of yourself Del!....how's that for sympathy?

Yea, that works, :P Don't feel quite so bad now 8)

04-09-2004, 09:09 PM
Hiya Ben, just to let you know, Puck 2 and Zuzha Zu links @ character galleries, take you to the Puck 1 gallery.

04-09-2004, 09:21 PM
oopsie! :oops: Thanks again Del, I rushed that one, didn't check the link. baaaaad Ben! Should be all good now.

04-10-2004, 02:42 AM
Well I'm glad I bought a little joy into your life :D , but you try dancing around the bedroom, stark bollack naked, trying to avoid putting your paint stained foot onto the carpet and then having to wear a nice flowered dressing gown while your trying to de-colour yourself.

A little bit of sympathy wouldn't go amiss :cry:

:shock: Excuse me, but the mental image of Del stark nekkid is a little too much for this young man to handle... almost as disturbing as thinking him in a flowered dressing gown.... :shock: :-# ...must ... keep.... comment... to .... self...

04-12-2004, 07:57 PM
My eyes, my eyes are hallucinating, lots of bizarre colours, or are you farting about Ben. Oh by the way alan, I would post a photo of me in my nekkid glory, but I don't have a wide angled lens, to do myself justice. :lol:

04-13-2004, 06:15 AM
ROFLMFAO!! Thanks, Del, but I've had enough traumatic events in my life...

... um, I guess I coulda had more tact with that one, but, hey, it's me, and to say tact is not one of my fortés is an understatement, as many of you know....

...Del knows what I mean (I hope)

04-13-2004, 12:47 PM
ROFLMFAO!! Thanks, Del, but I've had enough traumatic events in my life...

You can never have enough traumatic events, :-) Would you like to see my special tatoo, in it's full glory, it says "WElcome to England, hope you enjoy your holidaY. However, most of the time it just says WEY :oops: :cry: :lol:

... um, I guess I coulda had more tact with that one, but, hey, it's me, and to say tact is not one of my fortés is an understatement, as many of you know....

...Del knows what I mean (I hope) Alan and tact, go together like GWB and a Mensa rep, not somthing I would recommend holding your breath waiting to see :P

Have a good un Alan.

04-17-2004, 08:00 PM
Nitpicking; one of the most annoying things about Alpha Flight is the way especially in the first run that they always had Puck saying "Eh" after his sentences. Can you imagine someone actually doing that.

04-17-2004, 08:15 PM
I guess you haven't spent much time on the east coast, eh? {puck}


Nitpicking; one of the most annoying things about Alpha Flight is the way especially in the first run that they always had Puck saying "Eh" after his sentences. Can you imagine someone actually doing that.

04-17-2004, 11:50 PM
I live in Ontario so I have been near the middle. Do they really talk like that on the east coast. Weird.

04-17-2004, 11:54 PM
I wouldn't so much say that it's a standard, there are a lot of different accents and speach patterns throughout the merritimes. Take PEI (My Home) It's very small, but by the accent of somone, you can tell what part of the island they are from. I personally do say "eh", not as much as Puck, but it's definately a word I use. It's commonplace enough that you don't even notice it.

04-18-2004, 12:15 AM
Well when I first saw it used in Alpha Flight I thought it was some American slang that for some reason was just being added in. A few years ago I actually did meet a person that talked that way. And they were annoying.

04-18-2004, 02:12 AM
[quote="Ben"]I guess you haven't spent much time on the east coast, eh? {puck}[quote]

... or the West coast... or the Territories... Devine knows I use 'eh' more than enough when I talk (then again, to tie into Ben's comment, I was raise by newfies...)

04-18-2004, 09:53 AM
So then I am lucky and I ended up in the one place where they do not speak like that in Canada. :roll: I got lucky.

05-02-2004, 10:04 AM
Ben as a favour to us old codgers, anyway after you've moved a thread, you could lock down the original, cos I get confused easily. :-(

05-02-2004, 10:07 AM
as in, you would prefer I don't leave a shadow of it behind? I do tha so that those who opened the thread don't think it was deleted.

05-02-2004, 10:09 AM
Ah, I thought there was a way a thread could be locked down, so it could be read, but not posted to. Shows what I know.

05-02-2004, 10:12 AM
Not in this scenerio, because all that's left in the former location is a link to the thread in it's new location. There is still just one copy of the thread. Does that make sense?


05-02-2004, 10:14 AM
Yes it makes perfect sense, and that's what I find worrying :-)

05-02-2004, 10:49 AM
when I start making sense, it sure is time to worry!

Where am I, who am I, who took my pants?

*Ben wanders off dazed*

05-02-2004, 10:52 AM
'You've been dazed and confused, for so long it's not true,
A hard hearted woman etc...' :-)