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View Full Version : What's More Important?

04-12-2004, 01:57 AM
Lately I've been doing mostly work on the galleries for AlphaFlight.net, and have not been doing much with the Character Overviews. Since these are the two largest sections of the site, I'd like to know the visitors of the site rank these sections' importance. This matters for me to dicide what work to do when I'm done one piece.

04-12-2004, 02:09 AM
I voted that both rock

04-12-2004, 02:33 AM
I voted for the galleries, but that's for artistic merit - which applies to me more - , tho I do use the overviews frequently. But personally, I'd like to see more FAN ART included in the galleries (I know, I know, Ben doesn't have any yet - aside what i gave him access to - SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??)

Ben's unofficial fan-art/-fiction spokesperson...

04-12-2004, 12:52 PM
It's your house, put the couches where ever you like. :D

Weapon Omega
04-18-2004, 04:21 PM
I think both are very important. Personnally, I can't get enough info on some of my favorite characters, so I'm a little biased when it comes to the overviews. But the galleries are great too.

04-18-2004, 04:34 PM
A 'both' vote here.

I do think the overviews are more important/of use to new fans though.

04-18-2004, 06:21 PM
That's soft of the perspecive I've been going at it with. That's why I hit the goal of getting the overviews and galleries up for the current team. Now I'm getting the core members up, and I should have all the members who will be appearing in #3 up for when it comes out. I have info on the plodex up, and since I'm sure Marrina will somehow be involved, or at the very least mentioned, her bio has a priority. Hmm, I just woke up, and that looks garbled...oh well need coffee


A 'both' vote here.

I do think the overviews are more important/of use to new fans though.

08-18-2004, 08:27 PM
The messagebaoards are the most important. So you can talk to other fans with the same interest as you.

08-20-2004, 06:48 PM

08-26-2005, 08:16 PM
Oh, My God!

08-26-2005, 08:26 PM
Hey...he's my God too...You need to share or I'll tell mom. :wink:

Dana :D

08-26-2005, 08:29 PM
I voted for the galleries, but that's for artistic merit - which applies to me more - , tho I do use the overviews frequently. But personally, I'd like to see more FAN ART included in the galleries (I know, I know, Ben doesn't have any yet - aside what i gave him access to - SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??)

Ben's unofficial fan-art/-fiction spokesperson...

Are you saying we should get our buttocks in gear and start drawing, Allan? 8)


08-27-2005, 04:51 AM
Oh, My God!

User banned! No tollerance for this spamming! Know this, all those many spam accounts created rectnly, if this continues, counter measures WILL be taken. You ISP will be contactd, I have you IP address, the time you posted, email addy, geographic location and oh, so much more. Mess with me, I mess back. STOP IT NOW!


08-29-2005, 12:39 PM
I voted for the galleries, but that's for artistic merit - which applies to me more - , tho I do use the overviews frequently. But personally, I'd like to see more FAN ART included in the galleries (I know, I know, Ben doesn't have any yet - aside what i gave him access to - SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??)

Ben's unofficial fan-art/-fiction spokesperson...

Are you saying we should get our buttocks in gear and start drawing, Allan? 8)


not bad, only took a year for a responce to this one, but yes, Dana, break out those pencils/pens/crayons!

08-30-2005, 02:59 PM
LOL....Omigosh...I didn't even notice the date on the message...Whoops!


08-30-2005, 05:24 PM
I just checked through the fan art and I don't see any of my drawings?

08-31-2005, 03:30 PM
I just checked through the fan art and I don't see any of my drawings?

UM, where exactly are you looking Rich? If it's in the Photo Album, here on the forum, nope, your stuff isn't there, as that is an extention of the forum that any user can upload images to. If you are talking about the galleries on AF.net, then you pics are there. Look in the individual character sections of the galleries, and you'll see 'em.


11-01-2005, 07:26 PM

11-02-2005, 06:43 AM
Both rock! Just do what you're in the mood for.