View Full Version : Holy Schnikes!

04-29-2004, 10:37 PM
Hey Guys! Been away for a while as I've been kept busy finishing up all of the transactions that go along with buying a home. I'm happy to say that my wife and I finally have been able to purchase our own home in the northshore area of Massachusetts. (Which for anyone familiar with this area would know is an accomplishment that ranks right up there with defeating the Plodex!) I just had to mention that it was great to come back to this forum and see so much activity! I haven't even caught up with all of the chatter yet.
Thought I would share what Lobdell posted on another forum. Nice that he has made contact with the group already!
So here it is...

"Hey Fellow Alpha Flight Fans!
I say "fellow" because I've always been a big fan of ALPHA FLIGHT -- even before there WAS an ALPHA FLIGHT! I fell in love with the whole idea of Canada as a hotbed for super heroness from Wolverine's first appearance (Ya' gotta love those whiskers he used to have on his mask)! And when Byrne first introduced MAC disrupting the X-MEN's much needed picnic?! Woo hoo!

Then of course there was the first appearance of ALPHA FLIGHT formal -- Shaman using his magic to force the X-MEN down in Canada! Where they went about ambushing the X-MEN?! (Who caught that homage in issue one, to SASQUATCH slamming NEMESIS against one wall and then the other the same way he tossed WOLVERINE around during their first encounter?!)

I am glad that a lot of the other Alpha Fans out there are enjoying the recent incarnation as much as I am! As the characters reveal more and more about themselves to me as I write, I am convinced the new readers are going to embrace them eventually -- the same way X-MEN fans (and I know, I was one of them) were taken aback when X-MEN suddenly consisted or ORORO, KURT, PETER, SEAN...and some third string HULK villain named WOLVERINE!

There is so much character back story revealed in ALPHA FLIGHT 7 & 8 that I wish I could spill it all here! (And for Dough's concern about whether or not who has what kind of powers...? Trust me! This is a team that can -- and will -- ultimately kick some serious super powered butt!)

And for all those BYRNE-era ALPHA FLIGHT fans out there...? Just WAIT until you read the 4 parter coming up in issues 9 - 12 that will leave you salivating for issue 13!

Oh, and finally...?

For the record, I couldn't be more serious about UNCANNY ALPHA FLIGHT and ZED FLIGHT! If it were up to me, ALPHA FLIGHT will become MARVEL's next greatest franchise!

Scott Lobdell "

04-29-2004, 11:08 PM
I have to learn to read the whole posting... I skipped the part that said 'posting from Scott Lobdell' and was like how the hell does Ahab know all this stuff about future episodes???


04-30-2004, 06:22 AM
Hey Ahab, thanks for posting this over. I had seen it a while back, and and was going to post it over, but totally had it slip my mind! It sure is nice to see how much Scott cares about the book.

Congrats on the house Ahab, I'm jealous!
