View Full Version : #3 Review Time.

05-09-2004, 04:59 PM
Comics X-Treme (http://www.comixtreme.com/forums/showthread.php?s=5dc30515d71f5ad9256d0985eafaca2b&threadid=9613)
I do have a complaint unrelated to this issue. It’s about the solicitation blurb. Do you know what it says for this issue? I won’t quote it all, just this part: “Could this be -- gasp! -- the end of Puck, the Killer Canuck?” Puck isn’t in this issue; he’s not even mentioned. Do the people who put out these blurbs even glance in the issues they’re talking about?

I said those solicits were pants :-)

ComiX-Fan (http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/showthread.php?s=76f6c86f8ce68889d19610ea4b38fe06&threadid=27415)
Scott Lobdell does what he can with the writing this month, and while the issue certainly isn't a failure, it's only so much that you can do when you have to stretch a 4 or 5 issue arc into a six. The question is, can this young title afford such a move? In only it’s third month, this is a title that’s still trying to find it’s voice; an untested team that readers are still getting used to.

The Fourth Rail (http://www.thefourthrail.com/reviews/critiques/050304/alphaflight3.shtml)
Look... up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... my interest in this new Alpha Flight series, shooting away at record speed. The creative team has a serious problem here. After all, if they can't hook a Canadian super-hero comic reader such as myself on Canadian super-heroes, they're in trouble.

05-11-2004, 02:30 PM
I it just me, or does it seem like the majority of the reviewers out there enjoy being negative, and specifically look for things to come down on? No, it doesn't matter to the real fans if there are bad reviews, it won't change our opinions of the book, but it does make it more difficult to attract new readers...that and vague promo blurbs...


Weapon Omega
05-11-2004, 07:40 PM
I agree. Let the reviewers talk "trash" all they want, this is the best incarnation of Alpha in recent years, better than series two in my opinion. A book comprised solely of new characters is going to take a while for the fans to respond to, especially in this day and age of comics. But, with sites like this and the power of word of mouth we Alpha Fans can hope to make sure this title will be on the stands for a long time to come.

05-12-2004, 07:18 AM
I it just me, or does it seem like the majority of the reviewers out there enjoy being negative, and specifically look for things to come down on? No, it doesn't matter to the real fans if there are bad reviews, it won't change our opinions of the book, but it does make it more difficult to attract new readers...that and vague promo blurbs...

No offense, but I think it's just you. YMMV, but I think the only one of those reviews that was overly harsh was at the Fourth Rail for giving the book a 2/10 (I think it deserved a 4/10 at least for Henry being the first artist in years to get Puck's bloody proportions correct). The other two gave it an overall rating of Average, which I don't think is unreasonable. Also, when three different reviews take issue with an aspect of a story -- in this case, the pacing slow-down that came with making most of the issue a recap on the Plodex -- then it could simply be that that aspect just didn't work. It's not the reviewer's job to promote the book, it's the reviewer's job to give the reader an idea of what he's in for.


05-20-2004, 01:46 AM
Here's a decent review:


Writing: 7/10
Art: 9/10
Overall: 7.5/10