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05-10-2004, 12:04 AM
I found the link to the Frank Tieri appeal for characters people want dead. Alphas mentioned throughout.

05-22-2004, 07:58 PM
Well I'd like to see Roughouse bite the dust. The newest version of Wildchild should either fix up his character or put him out of his misery.
Oh my all time one has to be that conniving little she devil from the Avengers "The Wasp" I want to see her tortured slowly to death. The way she has mistreated her ex husband. If any one deserves to die its her.

05-22-2004, 08:18 PM
Oh my all time one has to be that conniving little she devil from the Avengers "The Wasp" I want to see her tortured slowly to death. The way she has mistreated her ex husband. If any one deserves to die its her.

Oh dear, I believe wanting The Wasp dead is considered sacrelige in some circles - although not as terrible as wanting the Invisible Woman (or the Doris Day of the Marvel Universe as I like to think of her) to kick the bucket.

05-22-2004, 09:31 PM
The Wasp has not mistreated her husband. Chuck Austen has mistreated her husband, particularly in next week's issue. My comics shop has a first look program of the next week's books, and all I will say about Jan & Hank is via Ben Grimm and the old time comic he emulates: "What a Revoltin' development this is!"
I wasn't crazy about the Vegas issue by Geof Johns, but Jan's refusal was true to her character. What's going on in Avengers is not true to any of the characters involved, and has some blatant contradcitions to past continuity, but that might be considered by some MPs as nit picking.
The kill Sue Storm legions have subsided since she has been made more powerful and less whiney.

05-23-2004, 02:03 AM
this is a blood-thirsty little thread isn't it? I'm on page 8 of it and for every Alphan mentioned there must be at least ten requests to off Tabitha Smith/Meltdown/Boomer/Boom-Boom...whatever she's calling ehrself now. lol

05-23-2004, 08:58 AM
Yeah, not sure what the deal is with Meltdown (Boom-Boom, she'll always be Boom-Boom to me!).

I would never wish any character dead as I know that they must be someone's favourite and I'd personally hate my fave characters to end up dead. (I remember how I felt when they originally killed off Raven in New Titans all those years ago).

05-23-2004, 12:53 PM
And if I personally had to choose between Boomer and Jubilee, I'd rather see Jubilee get offed. One poster on that thread made a good point that Boomer is the older character..

05-23-2004, 01:22 PM
And if I personally had to choose between Boomer and Jubilee, I'd rather see Jubilee get offed. One poster on that thread made a good point that Boomer is the older character..

Yes, but Jubilee is nothing more than a Boomer/Melddown clone.

Nalyd Psycho
05-23-2004, 06:23 PM
And both are nothing more than teen versions of Dazzler. Seems to be a once popular, now dead archetype.

How could people wanna kill off Sue Storm? kill the other members, she's the best of the four.

Or Wasp, kill Hank Pym sure, might be interesting. Why hasn't Janet been allowed to move on from him? Is she asexual or something?

05-23-2004, 07:17 PM
Kill off poor little Jubilee she is the exciting character whereas Boomer is just boring. I believe Jubilee was around first so she should stay. And her and Wolverine make the greatest team-up.
Does anyone have a fly swater I can borrow for a Wasp. Hank is so sweet and loving when he was married all he cared about was her happyness until her unrelenting selfishness and her constantly pushing her wealth in his face drove him over the edge. Which he recovered nicely from no thanks to her. Rather than be a loving and supportive wife she dumped him as fast as she could. I don't follow the Avengers much anymore mainly because I just can't stand her. Where is that RAID?

05-23-2004, 08:17 PM
Jubilee was created after boom-boom, boomer, meltdown. Boom-boom was created in Secret Wars 2 and Jubilee in the end of the UXM autralian era.

05-24-2004, 06:41 AM
I'm sure there's room in the Marvel (or should that be X?) Universe for both characters?

I just sigh with relief everytime I think that poor Kara was meant to be killed at Neverland but was saved thanks to a colourblind colourist! (Btw, is she still meant to be at Neverland or not??)

I think all these "vote for who YOU want to be killed off" polls etc are just wrong - what's the point of killing off characters that people don't like, it's much more effective when they kill characters who are beloved by readers, there just seems no point in killing off characters who none of the readers care about.

05-24-2004, 09:15 AM
So than it's better to kill off characters like Magic or Colossus?

05-24-2004, 09:54 AM
So than it's better to kill off characters like Magic or Colossus?
People die, so characters die, it's the way of the world. If an unliked character dies, no impact, no increase in interest or sales. Much loved character goes bye-bye, people bleat on about it, more interest, more of an impact.

As for Magik and Collosus, they're both Russian, it's a cold war thing ;-)

05-24-2004, 10:39 AM
As for Magik and Collosus, they're both Russian, it's a cold war thing ;-)

That would explain Darkstar's demise in the pages of New X-Men then!

If an unliked character dies, no impact, no increase in interest or sales. Much loved character goes bye-bye, people bleat on about it, more interest, more of an impact.

And then they bring them back from the dead because YOU demanded it!

05-24-2004, 10:48 AM
Marvel now have a 'dead is dead' policy, but I somehow cannot envisage never seeing Mags or Jean Grey again. Mags didn't realy lose his head, he hypnotised all around by doing a metal in the brain thing and affecting the visual centres. :lol:

05-24-2004, 12:33 PM
So than it's better to kill off characters like Magic or Colossus?
People die, so characters die, it's the way of the world. If an unliked character dies, no impact, no increase in interest or sales. Much loved character goes bye-bye, people bleat on about it, more interest, more of an impact.

As for Magik and Collosus, they're both Russian, it's a cold war thing ;-)

That's only half of it, Del. The WAY they die is also important. When in WX, Sienna Blaze died, little to no one really cared, because she was one of those characters limboed and forgotten over the years. She died in a concentration camp - which in itself is tragic - but she's just a 'thing', something used to progress the story along, showing one thing: Mutants are dying. but that's it. When Illyana Rasputin died in UXM 303 (still a touching story), it was to give a face of innocence to the attrocities of the Legacy Virus, to make it more real and devastating (sort of like how the Christian Children's Fund uses the children of war-torn third-world countries to elicit a responce from our emotionally-dead society - the only thing we can feel for when it comes to attoricies anymore is suffering children - sad, really). Same with Colossus. He didn't die needlessly; he died by sacrificing himself to cure the Legacy Virus, to insure what happened to his sister would never happen to another child. Moira MacTaggert and Sen. Robert Kelly also died as martyrs.

When a villian dies, it's a triumph; when a hero dies, it's a tragedy; when a limboed and forgotten character dies, it's a plot device.

05-24-2004, 12:41 PM
I don't really like it when they bring heroes back from the dead it cheapens there death. If you know a character is just going to come back whats the point in them dying in the first place. Having a character die occassionally makes them seem more human and vulnerable. Obviously some characters people do not want to die. Some I don't want to die either. And if they did I wouldn't like it and I'd want them back but I still would not like them dying in the first place or there having to come back from the dead.

05-24-2004, 12:58 PM
The Wasp was best during Roger Stern's run, particularly from about 250 to 290. Stern obviously cared about the character, and it showed.
Most of the kill Sue Storm was from the olden days, before writers, including Byrne, tapped into the potential of her powers. Her replacements by Crystal and Medusa were part of fan reaction, and if you read some of the old stuff, she could be quite vapid.
The death of Darkstar was a complete and utter waste. She could be "resurrected" by nature of her powers, and should be, and brought back to the X-Men to explore a potential relationship with Iceman, as budded waaaaay back in Champions.
The Frank Tierei poll to solicit who you want dead predates Weapon X, and the influence of who died in the camps is obvious. Kudos to Tierei for at least getting some input from fandom.

05-24-2004, 04:18 PM
I agree Sue Storm Richard's has come a long way from when she first started. Her powers have grown so she is a major player and can go toe to toe with any of them. When she started out the rest of the team was always looking out for her, trying to protect her. But now she is the most powerful member of the team. I don't want her on the hot list.

04-06-2005, 01:35 PM
MARVEL should bump off "Flinch." If smelling bad is his super-power,
then a lot of people can call themselves superheroes.

Not fascinating, not intriquing, don't see the point in the creation of this character.
A prime candidate to get culled when the next mass purge occurs.

04-06-2005, 06:35 PM
I feel the only way a character is "cheapened" is by misuse.....how many times has Mac been brought back from death(why...oh why???), only to be ill-used, misused, ignored and eventually killed off again? The ONLY writer who wrote mac correctly is John Byrne....every other writer has created a nauseating cycle of neglect, death and resurrection, ad infinitum...because they simply don't know how to write him...the problem?...(and I believe this to be God's honest truth) is that Mac is boring as hell...there's not much to him...he's the least interesting of the original characters(Byrne said that is the biggest reason he was killed off). Mac's death may have not been epically heroic, but it certainly had meaning...it changed the lives of the whole team, moved them into new realms and brought out a new side of Heather's persona(leader) and gave her a more prominant position in the book(which I was...and still am, all for). Mac's death was also a very good example of the reluctant hero being killed by the work he doesn't really want to do...ironic, eh? I don't believe Byrne planned it that way, but it happened all the same.

Bringing back a character(hero) from a heroic death(or even a shocking, yet catalytic death such as Mac's) cheapens nothing about it.....it's still meaningful, they still died heroically(or shockingly, if you prefer). NOTHING can take that away from them....EXCEPT...misuse and bad writing...that is the only thing that will cheapen the character or his/her sacrifice. Unfortunatel(for me and a few others), that has happened with Mac....which is basically why, I Soooo wish he had been just left to rest.


04-06-2005, 09:01 PM
Flinch's power was meant to be avoiding detection, making people 'flinch' because they thought they saw something out of the corner of his eye. He was smelly because he stayed out of people's way and therefore never washed. :shock:

04-08-2005, 12:19 PM
Why couldn't MARVEL have put what Mokole wrote in the comic book! That would've been impressive and intriquing and interesting. All we got was "FLINCH" smells bad. Sheesh.