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05-14-2004, 03:14 PM
no I'm not quoting 'Braveheart' because I'm about to become a martyr.. ^^

I am on holiday! For a whole week away from hell!

I work for the postal industry...UPS to be precise...and my last break from them was in October...which means the Christmas rush and everything was AFTER that. I need the break...people will die otherwise.

Ah smut writing in peace! can't wait! =)~~

05-14-2004, 04:04 PM
Congrats on your down time, I've got four whole days to do as I please, I think I've had five days off in the last 45 or so, poxy O/T, nice money, but would be bloody nice to be able to spend it :-)

05-14-2004, 04:09 PM
Congrats on your down time, I've got four whole days to do as I please, I think I've had five days off in the last 45 or so, poxy O/T, nice money, but would be bloody nice to be able to spend it :-)

Amen mate! And back at ya! Any break from work is a good one...I spend me weekends catching up on all the sleep I lost during the week so I haven't really had time to do squat.

05-14-2004, 04:38 PM
My wife and I both have the chance of a lie in tomorrow morning, we have told the kids that unless the house is burning down or dinosaurs are again roaming the earth, to leave us alone, if not, I shall probably annihilate one of them as a lesson to the rest.

I'm a good dad, but harsh :-)

05-14-2004, 04:47 PM
cor I don't blame ya. enjoy it!

that's one thing I don't have to worry about...yet. my nephews are so far the only ankle biters that I have to worry about and they're a good 2000+ miles away. Although Aunty Jo is making damn sure they are comic book fiends! (much to my sister's thorough disgust :wink: )

05-14-2004, 05:06 PM
My youngest is 12, I believe it's about time he got a job and took care of his old dad in his dotage, but my wife insists he has an education first. Whats that about ? :?

05-14-2004, 05:13 PM
funny that...my dad says the same thing about his 30 year old daughter who is husband/kid free at the moment...man has no soul! ^^

the man would also go out of his mind from sheer boredom in about a day and a half...I've seen it happen before.

05-14-2004, 05:31 PM
Even on a day off, I don't really get the chance to be bored, three kids at home, two moved out, one grand daughter. I think deep down I would welcome a chance to be bored.

As Freddy Mercury put it 'Too much to do in one life time'

Thats why I am so looking forward to Bristol Con. :wink:

05-14-2004, 05:37 PM
If you want a place to visit, you can come see me on PEI when I get my gallery set up. :)


Even on a day off, I don't really get the chance to be bored, three kids at home, two moved out, one grand daughter. I think deep down I would welcome a chance to be bored.

As Freddy Mercury put it 'Too much to do in one life time'

Thats why I am so looking forward to Bristol Con. :wink:

05-14-2004, 05:42 PM
nah my Dad just had two girls to contend with...I think his maddening habit of 'must be busy' stems from spending 30 years in the US Navy, actually I know it does. =p

*gasps* Freddy! *pauses for Freddy moment to honour his greatness* ahem sorry ^^ *sigh* And yes! 'I want it all' too!

Bristol Con? Is that one of the bigger UK ones? We just had WonderCon here in San Fran, one of the bigger Northern CA ones and I wasn't exactly impressed. A lot of the dealers had the gall to give me the oddest looks when I asked them where the AF back issues were!

The Nerve! One bloke who 'supposedly' specialized in Marvel even told me AF wasn't worth the read! I spent a good twenty minutes telling him otherwise, much to me girlfriend's sheer amusement.

And now I must be off...It's way past me bedtime...the joys of working nights. :roll:

05-14-2004, 05:44 PM
Ben, if Bubs and I ever get the money together, you are so going to get visited, I'll even show you my tattoos :-)

05-15-2004, 12:37 AM
If you want a place to visit, you can come see me on PEI when I get my gallery set up. :)

I just might take you up on that offer too.

Although if Bush wins a second term (god willing he doesn't) I think Canada as a whole is looking forward to a refugee problem from their neighbours south of the boarder...at least it's all the smart ones that'll be running ^^

05-15-2004, 12:39 AM
If you want a place to visit, you can come see me on PEI when I get my gallery set up. :)

I just might take you up on that offer too.

Although if Bush wins a second term (god willing he doesn't) I think Canada as a whole is looking forward to a refugee problem from their neighbours south of the boarder...at least it's all the smart ones that'll be running ^^

Heck, in that case, I'm only a few hours north of you (in the Canadian Rockies).

05-15-2004, 12:48 AM
Heck, in that case, I'm only a few hours north of you (in the Canadian Rockies).

According to mapquest, Vancouver is 15 hours due north and a straight shot on I5/Provincial RT 99N...via car from my present local at least. I can do SF to Vegas in 8 so I reckon SF to Vancouver should be easy as anything too. Not to mention more forested. ;)

Done! That sod gets in I'm packing up and heading north!

05-15-2004, 12:52 AM
Heck, in that case, I'm only a few hours north of you (in the Canadian Rockies).

According to mapquest, Vancouver is 15 hours due north and a straight shot on I5/Provincial RT 99N...via car from my present local at least. I can do SF to Vegas in 8 so I reckon SF to Vancouver should be easy as anything too. Not to mention more forested. ;)

Done! That sod gets in I'm packing up and heading north!

Okay, you need to add two considerations:
1) I don't LIVE in Vancouver, I live five hours west of Calgary in a town called Revelstoke (only a slight alteration to your plot)

2) Remember that security at the border. It's going to add at LEAST two hours on your time (no matter where in Canada you go, no matter how you get there).

But other than that, it's better than the alternative!

05-15-2004, 01:03 AM
I figured you weren't in Vancouver...I just mapquested it to find out how far from the border I actually am.

K then! two days of driving! I can do this no worries...and after spending 10.5 years on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific I actually enjoy long drives. =)~~

I figured security would be tight...wouldn't want the yanks swarming en mass ^^ lol bad sharky... I'd be traveling on me NZ passport? consideration for fellow commonwealthers? ha!

5 hours out of Calgary huh? interesting... :twisted: one of the blokes I work with is a HUGE San Jose sharks fan! I have been giving him hell every time the Flames beat them in the current series! oddly enough even with the shark (the fish ones) passion I am not a fan of THEM (the hoons from SJ)

A mate of mine in Edmonton is standing by with 'Flames kill sharks' stuff for me when Calgary does win the western division...I am not rubbing it in to the poor bloke, oh heaven's no! I'm gonna drown him in it! ^^