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06-29-2004, 02:45 PM
Season 3 begins tonight on channel 5 mate :D

06-29-2004, 03:49 PM
Yup, I'm up for that, Channel 5 is the DB's tonight, I've a good mind to sod off to bed early and watch TV in the bedroom.

21-00 C.S.I
21-55 The Lyons Den (not seen it before, gotta be worth a look)
22-45 The Shield series 3
23-50 Angel

as I said, the DB's :lol:

06-29-2004, 05:25 PM
Boy are you in for a fun season, enjoy!

06-29-2004, 05:27 PM

08-09-2004, 09:24 AM
Phil, quick question, last episode, Aciveda (sp) seems to be losing it. He beat the geezer up in te cell and cried when talking to his brother (?). Those two thugs who took him captive, did they abuse him physically or sexually. Missed the episode it all happened due to alcohol induced ambivelence to the thing.

BTW, whats going on with Vic, I honestly believed he would keep the video of Aciveda kicking granny out the geezer as a hook, for later eventualities. Coud it be cos he's been influenced by getting the part of Ben Grimm :?: :roll:

08-10-2004, 06:37 PM

One of them forced Acieeda to give him a b/j.
Vic's trying to get on Acevada's good side, cos he found out that Vic had stepped over the line in regards to the case with the cop's wife's murder, when he should have stayed out of it.

08-10-2004, 06:52 PM
Thanks for the clear up mate, just to get an opinion, 'Dutch' kiddie diddler or what?

08-10-2004, 07:29 PM
Thanks for the clear up mate, just to get an opinion, 'Dutch' kiddie diddler or what?

Dunno.... it definitely seemed that way, but that really contradicts a lot of the feelings and anger he had for paedo's in Season 2 (which is now out on DVD btw ;) ). Unless that's a whole projection thing...

08-10-2004, 07:49 PM
I guess we are going to get a wait and see scenario going. I immediately said "Nope, he can't be" given what we've seen of him in the first two series. However I can't see them introducing the storyline without elaborating on it at some later date.

I really am going to have to pick the first two series on DVD.