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08-12-2004, 02:20 PM
YAY, it's Jo's birthday today, the big 30!!!! Happy Old Hag day! ;)


08-12-2004, 02:26 PM
So long 20's indeed...

All the best luv Xxx

08-12-2004, 02:26 PM

That's so sweet! Thanks so much. =) And no I do not say I'm 29 'again'. A wise old drag queen told me once that 30 is when you start to relive yer 20's correctly! =)~~

(p.s. folks he got the old hag thing FROM me...)

*smooch cuddle*

Major Mapleleaf Jr
08-12-2004, 02:39 PM
A woman turning 30 in the Bay area... yeah, you'll have lots of examples around you of men who don't handle 30 so well. You know how we are. :lol: Just look at them, and do the opposite.

And from what I've gathered, you lived your twenties JUST FINE, lol. Now it's time to break some records, no? :wink:

08-12-2004, 02:43 PM
Happy Birthday sweetheart. Thirty, why your still a youth. I wouldn't have put you a day over 29 :lol:

08-12-2004, 03:06 PM
Awww...you boys are so sweet! I guess I won't make you all part of my early retirement plan after all (don't ask! trust me, just DON'T ask!) ^^

LOL And yes MMJ I have been doing the opposite for YEARS! (except on bank holidays and weekends...then it's a bit suspect...)

Del, yer as cute as a stomach pump. =p Thanks anyway =)

Phil, ta a mil mate! =)

I already gushed all over Ben on IM (brains OUT of the sewer thank you! mine's already set up shop down here) about the card. =)

I shall be pissing off to the south for the weekend to hang with a mate whose b-day is also really soon and being bad with her and her hubby to be...as in terroizing the town, jeeze what's with you lot? I may sneak on either tomorrow night or Saturday morning with a special head's up...so keep an ear out.

Again thanks boys. =) I guess I'm not trading ya's in for $$$ to the Amsterdam 'man market' after all. O:)

Major Mapleleaf Jr
08-12-2004, 04:36 PM
I'm still willing to do that trade-off, if I get a cut. :wink:

08-12-2004, 07:16 PM
Happy Birthday Shark-girl!!!

I'd post a prezzie for you on here, but Ben has issues with X-rated material on the forum...

08-12-2004, 07:43 PM

Hope you have/had a fabulous day and night and that you can remember most of it in the morning ;)

Btw, 30 is nothing... 31 however *shudder*...

08-12-2004, 09:56 PM
Thank you Beetle luv! Actually I'm taking to Mum's policy of age...'I may grow old, but I refuse to grow up!' it's worked so far.

Swifty...Swifty...Phil we NEED that 'other forum' and now! Anything I can say about what he's talking about is all really naughty! well except maybe: =)~~~

I WAS going to go to work tonight, I decided I am gonna play hooky instead...I haven't been to sleep yet...and not for lack of trying either. ^^ Had an INTERESTING conversation with my grandmother, who ALMOST got an idea of what a horrid child her granddaughter really is...Almost...key word there. ;)

p.s. MMJ? Let's talk m'boy! I do have plans to buy Tahiti after all by the time I'm 35. ^^

08-13-2004, 06:10 PM
S'Ben's baby, m'dear... I just take care of the brat when he's out of town.

And as to Amsterdam... well, that's a hell of a lot closer than the US :wink:

08-15-2004, 01:31 AM
Ahhhhhhh bugger. =p

Boy have I been having a trip and a half! yeah, Jo's got an earful for the curious, when she gets home!!! (soap opera is a start.. ^^)

As for the radio show boys...sorry that's turned into a no go...comp glitch...figures.

I just saw something that made moi double take...D...me mate...has a DOOZY of a wall clock! Alas Ben wants to keep the forum PG at most so I won't go into detail...the hands were 'stratigically' placed though. ^^

I will babble later when I get home tomorrow and you lot can hear all the gory details in IM...

Love you! Miss you!

Jo xxx