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08-14-2004, 06:36 AM

08-14-2004, 07:15 AM
I was going to comment on that excellent avatar elsewhere Phil, but you've given me the opportunity here. I need to know it's secrets. It's a long time since I've watched it, but are those images taken from 'Repo Man' or animated images from UXM #109. Either way, it goes beyond good.

08-14-2004, 09:06 AM
Phil's avatar is taken from the "Repo Man" episode of the "X-Men" TV show. I would recognize it anywhere. Good going, Phil! :D

08-14-2004, 10:18 AM
Thanks Sue, I really should watch that tape again. However, that said, it does have an uncanny (pun alert :P ) ressemblance to Macs first appearence in UXM #109. Only taken me seeing Phils avatar to notice that :oops:

08-14-2004, 12:15 PM
As per our phonecall, Del; http://hometown.aol.co.uk/PhlpThomas/Puckball.gif http://hometown.aol.co.uk/PhlpThomas/SasSmash.gif http://hometown.aol.co.uk/PhlpThomas/SnowbirdOwl.gif http://hometown.aol.co.uk/PhlpThomas/MacBlast.gif

Sir John A.
08-14-2004, 01:52 PM
Wow, those are cool!

I've never seen that episonde of the cartoon!

08-14-2004, 02:53 PM
Those images are terrific, Phil! Any chance of showing the Snowbird scenes form the same episode? :wink:

08-14-2004, 03:06 PM
There's one up there, I'll sort some more next day I get spare(Weds probably).

08-14-2004, 04:40 PM
:shock: :shock: Wait a second... AF made an appearance on that crappy X-Men saturday morning cartoon?
:shock: :shock: :shock:
$20 to the first person who can put that on a disc for me to watch. Seriously
:shock: :shock: :shock:

08-14-2004, 08:30 PM
There's two episodes that I'm aware of 'Repo Man' which has AF going after Wolvie, most of the originals were in it. Puck soundd like his leotard was way too tight. There's also 'Slave Island' which featured Northstar and Aurora who were part of the mutant slaves on Genosha ? In that one neither had speaking parts I don't think.

And Phil, your a gent, as you can see, I've chosen :lol:

08-14-2004, 09:03 PM
The AOA version of Wildchild also appeared in one, One Man's Worth (Part One) without words though.

08-14-2004, 10:07 PM
verry cool stuff Phil! I'm assuming you did them from screen captures, that must have taken a while! Great job!


08-14-2004, 10:18 PM
In addition to the two X-Men TAS episodes Del mentioned (Repo Man & Slave Island), Alpha Flight made a very brief appearance in Child of Light, part 5 of the Phoenix Saga. Shaman, Northstar, Aurora and Snowbird were shown rescuing citizens of Athens, Greece from a tumbling pillar.

I seem to remember that Shaman also made an appearance in the Spider-Man cartoon. I believe there was some supernatural occurance and a number of mystic characters were shown 'feeling' it.

Does anyone remember this and have any details?

Thanks much,


08-14-2004, 10:24 PM
Thanks to Mike and Phil for pointing out the AoA Wildchild and other AF appearences. I have Repo Man and Slave Island on VHS (Courtesy of Mick Bennet (Le Messor), with an excellent Aus advert in between :-))

As re the Spiderman appearence, totally clueless on that. However, I'm sure that some where on the Web there has to be an episode guide to both series. Gonna have to get a googling tomorrow.

08-14-2004, 10:43 PM
Forgot one: Walt/Sasquatch was featured in an episode of the Hulk Animated Series titled: Man to Man, Beast to Beast.

Bruce Banner goes North in search of his former colleague who specializes in Gamma research. Bruce finds Walter Langkowski only to discover that he's been experimenting on himself.

Pretty good episode. It's partly based on the back-up feature in Alpha #11, even the bit where Walt hopes to never again require the use of his glasses.


08-15-2004, 10:25 AM
Phil, I love the four "Repo Man" images you posted to Del. :D Is there any way I could get the Snowbird images for my avatar? (Not that I'm dissatisfied with the nice image I have already! :wink: )

08-16-2004, 05:16 PM
In addition to the two X-Men TAS episodes Del mentioned (Repo Man & Slave Island), Alpha Flight made a very brief appearance in Child of Light, part 5 of the Phoenix Saga. Shaman, Northstar, Aurora and Snowbird were shown rescuing citizens of Athens, Greece from a tumbling pillar.

See, had I been sober I would have remembered that as well seeing as I own it.

:shock: :shock: Wait a second... AF made an appearance on that crappy X-Men saturday morning cartoon?
:shock: :shock: :shock:
$20 to the first person who can put that on a disc for me to watch. Seriously
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Seeing as we're a legal law-abiding site, who does have contact with executives who work for the company that own these copyrighted characters, I'd just like to point out that disc piracy is illegal, and also that both of the episodes marked above are actually available to buy on dvd; Repo Man on "X-Men: Wolverine's Story" and Child of Light on "X-Men: The Phoenix Saga".