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View Full Version : Stormwatch cut short...

10-30-2004, 10:32 AM
Some time ago, it was announced that the Stormwatch: Team Achilles (which was one of my favorites) was going to be cancelled at #24. The same fate was sealed for their other popular title Wildcats. So...I patiently waited for the issue to come out (the announcement came as the series was at #20). I waited, and waited, and waited...and nothing came.

So anyhoo, last night I got a call from a friend of mine who runs a comic store, and he told me that they cancelled coming out with #24. There were no plans for them to EVER come out with it.

How can comic book companies do this??

They tell people that one of their titles is ending, and then abruptly end it before the announced issue number. I think that it is poor business practices...especially considering that the title was left at a 'to be continued' point at #23.

Ok, well, I'll get off of my soapbox now. [/vent]

10-30-2004, 02:16 PM
That was all down to the writer and his aversion to telling the absolute truth. The enormity of one lie was too much for DC/Wildstorm, so they cut him loose.

I think somewhere that the script to #24 is on line.

10-30-2004, 03:58 PM
One lie?? Did I miss something??


10-30-2004, 04:34 PM
It was one specific lie that got him into hot water. Somthing to do with his actual military experience and his interpretation of his military experience. It was all a big thing a few months back.

10-30-2004, 09:35 PM
Oh wait....I think I did hear something about this. Is this the story where he lied about being an army ranger or something?? The same friend that told me #24 wasn't coming out had mentioned something about this a while back, but I was too busy being disgusted with Marvel to fully comprehend.

Well, I guess I'll have to look for the script on-line then. I really want to learn how it all is supposed to turn out.


10-31-2004, 10:06 AM
Thats the one, he used his faked experience as a combat vet to promote his anti-war stance. Bits can be read Here (http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=36&t=002175). I'm not having much luck finding the script, but a search through CBR might show somthing, Rich Johnson mentioned the script in a previous LiTG.