View Full Version : Con con con...

11-01-2004, 07:44 PM
G'day...I spent the weekend in SF proper at an Anime convention, where yours truely is a dealer...and where yours truely has also gotten some INTERESTING stories and blackmail on various mates of mine. I'm going to be posting a massive con report in my live journal and posting the link to it here....with warnings now that I think of it.

yeah it was one of those weekends....

so? how was yours?

11-01-2004, 08:20 PM
Oh, October was bad. Kids got bad infections and other injuries, tons of work, no fun really. Too bad for me. Looking forward to AF #9 VERY much now.

11-01-2004, 11:58 PM
meep! Sounds fun.. <=/

Well it took me a while but I finally finished typing up ye olde con report..

first off, there is swearing in it, and there will be pics linked as I find them. So be warned. Also ti was an adult's only con I attended with gay anime as the theme. So there's some rambling about what we actually had for sale...even if brief, it do be a bit on the REALLY descriptive side. lol

it's here. http://www.livejournal.com/users/ladymako71/149207.html

11-04-2004, 12:10 AM
and the pics are starting to show up...

I have this little tee shirt that was quite the hit at con. There are roughly 100 pictures floating around with me in it...here's one me mate Tab took. No that is not a 12 year old in the pic with me...just Chrissy who is a tad on the petite side...as in all of 4'8", dressed as an anime character...Nurato I think. ^^
