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11-03-2004, 10:09 PM
i absolutely loved it.

i'll wait for bens full review before i start spewing abbout it, but needless to say it was my favorite issue by far and the rest of this arc should be awesome!

Sir John A.
11-03-2004, 10:55 PM
It was my favorite issue so far, which may not be saying much, but I'm wondering what happened to the east block of Parliament and the gargoyles on the peace tower?

This issue snatched the title from the "unsubscribe pile" for a few more issues.

11-03-2004, 11:23 PM
For once I got Alpha Flight the day it came out. From the surprise at the start to the fight to the awkward and poorly thought out solution (two birds with one stone? And Bochs' death and Auric and....?). I liked this issue a lot and already 3 people have borrowed it to read it! And I've only had the thing for... 2 hours! Zuzha's ridiculously incredible acrobatics make one think she can either control her momentum or control her mass somehow.

All those Box robots will need to get clobbered like #10 cover shows. I guess the next contestant in time-travel roulette should be Centenniel. Wonder what his task will be, undo the first mistake 8)

11-03-2004, 11:59 PM
And I'm guessing we see the 'marriage proposal'.

Puck covers over 30 feet in one move, if you count the up and down it's over 50 feet she goes from stop to start without adding any energy (I mean normal energy) to her move.

And notice Thunder carrying back... Oh, I better not spoil it! Even though most anyone could guess who it could be once they know about the fight.

Issue #9 was very good, issue #10 should be real cracker, looking forward to it even more! :D

maniac mike
11-04-2004, 10:23 PM
Nice to see the "Where's Flashback" thread finale delt with. :P

Major Mapleleaf's new uniform, MUCH better. :P

Hey look, Big Hero 6. :P

Overall I give this ish a: A-

MM =D>

11-05-2004, 01:42 AM
Great issue.

Clayton is BACK! Thank the lord.

Great story, even if the time travel stuff was confusing. At least they made fun of how little sense it all made. :P

It wasn't a great representation of Parliament Hill (something I see nearly every day on the way to work), you need to give some breathing room in these things. Oddly enough, the look of the interior of the Parliament was fairly accurate.

Lou spent lots of time in 'those hallowed halls'? I mean, it's open to the public, but no kid would hang around in there. And a Mountie, even a high-ranking one with superpowers, wouldn't see much of the Center Block.

But yeah, the writing is consistently getting better, and Henry is as awesome as ever. Just don't take him off this book again. Ever.

11-05-2004, 05:39 AM
I didn't think this issue was any better than the last 8.

They were great and so was this.

11-05-2004, 11:18 AM
Am I the only one having trouble getting my issues? Last month I was told I had just missed the last issue of #8 when I went into the store. For #9 and #5, I went in as they were putting the comics on the shelves and they said I got the days wrong. Last night they told me #9 came in 2 weeks ago! I told them they were mistaken but that's what their computers said.

Agh!! So I asked them to order me the copies so hopefully they are on their way. Still they don't want to order anymore copies then they have to (which in this case is 2). And like I said before, I can't get a pull list so there goes that idea.

Anyway, just wanted to vent and see if anyone else had this problem.

Ciao for now!

11-05-2004, 11:43 AM
Hey Dave,

Your comic store sounds awfully confused! Maybe they need a new computer system...Allow me to suggest doing advanced orders online from a company located here in PEI (the owner is Silverarrow, a new member on the forum) http://www.sasquatchcomics.com Prices are good, and it's not far from you at all, so shouldn't take too long after it comes out for you to get it. He also has most of the other issues of V.3 available if you are missing any.


Am I the only one having trouble getting my issues? Last month I was told I had just missed the last issue of #8 when I went into the store. For #9 and #5, I went in as they were putting the comics on the shelves and they said I got the days wrong. Last night they told me #9 came in 2 weeks ago! I told them they were mistaken but that's what their computers said.

Agh!! So I asked them to order me the copies so hopefully they are on their way. Still they don't want to order anymore copies then they have to (which in this case is 2). And like I said before, I can't get a pull list so there goes that idea.

Anyway, just wanted to vent and see if anyone else had this problem.

Ciao for now!

11-05-2004, 11:58 AM
Your shop sounds specifically unsuppotive of the title. I would think on any title, having at least 1 shelf copy can bring in a new subscriber...but they DON'T have a pull system? They sound lazy. I'd find another shop.

11-05-2004, 12:23 PM
Hey Dave,

Your comic store sounds awfully confused! Maybe they need a new computer system...Allow me to suggest doing advanced orders online from a company located here in PEI (the owner is Silverarrow, a new member on the forum) http://www.sasquatchcomics.com Prices are good, and it's not far from you at all, so shouldn't take too long after it comes out for you to get it. He also has most of the other issues of V.3 available if you are missing any.


Hey Ben,
Thanks man, I'll try them for the next issue. You're right, it's not far at all. I figured there'd be a system here on the main land but comics don't seem to be as big around here as even a couple years ago.

Your shop sounds specifically unsuppotive of the title. I would think on any title, having at least 1 shelf copy can bring in a new subscriber...but they DON'T have a pull system? They sound lazy. I'd find another shop.

Actually they DO have a pull system, I just can't get one. Long story, my friends fault lol. It's the other shop that doesn't have a system and they stopped carrying Alpha with Issue 2. They seem jump on and off the bandwagon. Ah well, I'll try Ben's site.

Thanks for caring!

11-05-2004, 05:56 PM
Question: I know Yuk' is a jerk, and I know two chicks fighting is hot, but why oh why did he say "yum" when Sasquatch was trying to stop Nemisis from killing Puck?

I mean, there were two corpses laying on the ground beside him. It's weird.

11-05-2004, 06:37 PM
i loves nemesis's "fuzzy bunny".

that had me laughing out loud.

11-06-2004, 09:09 PM
It's been a few days so now I'll say more.

The fight with Big Hero 6 was great to kick things off. Sasquatch outsmarting Baymax, Puck making Sunpyre look bad before clobbering Honey Lemon, Centenniel taking out Sunpyre and Gogo Tomago (I always liked Gogo for some reason). Then we find out that BG6 is mind-controlled somehow and Flashback shows up to make his appeal.

His pleas confuse at least two AFers but they agree to help when Nemesis points out her sword, Scell, can effectively help her do time travel. But to do so she must kill Flashback and Major Mapleleaf so that MML can go back and prevent Hudson from joining Roxxon in New York.

He does so but things don't go right (surprise) and the remaining AFers face an army of Box robots at the end. More time travel to fix the mistake of not simply going to West Edmonton Mall and preventing the Flashback futureself from getting impaled will now happen in issue #10.

- Why did Sasquatch even consider the time travel plan, and why did Nemesis so quickly put her plan into motion? Ah, you'd think the vets would know better. Puck still hasn't shown off her powers but bouncing 30+ feet from tree to tree shows she's way more than 'acrobatic'. Having teams like Big Hero Six and the Super Soldiers show up from time to time is a great idea, allies with similar goals about peacekeeping and sovereignty, though that has nothing to do with #9.
- Henry's art is as good as always, and the plot has no holes. It shows just how awkward time travel really should be and why.
- Yukon Jack's proposal to Puck is quickly laughed off. Lobdell does have these characters figured out and keeps them consistent. Man, how I hate X-Men angst and love not seeing it here!
- Big expectations for #10: seeing Puck's powers, more of what Yukon Jack can do (if anything beyond lights), the Box robot fights, and what Centenniel will have to do to fix this mess. Also, what exactly has happened that an army of Box robots (30-40 foot tall Bochs-style robots, though red) is sent after them??

11-07-2004, 03:13 PM
Pretty good issue! I liked the team interaction(although I'd prefer to see the original team back and acting this way to each other...as friends and not bickering teammates)and the direction the story seems to be going in.

I noticed Sunpyre in the ranks of Big hero Six.....but isn't she dead? She was murdered by the Brotherhood in one of the X-Men books, during Banshee's X-Corps storyline. Another unexplained resurrection of comics? She's a bad character concept anyway....she should have stayed dead.


11-07-2004, 04:12 PM
I noticed Sunpyre in the ranks of Big hero Six.....but isn't she dead? She was murdered by the Brotherhood in one of the X-Men books, during Banshee's X-Corps storyline. Another unexplained resurrection of comics? She's a bad character concept anyway....she should have stayed dead.

Didn't Sunspyre die in the same issue as Radius, the former AF member?


11-07-2004, 07:11 PM
Yeah, Sunpyre died. Honestly, I can't fault Scott for not knowing this because as a writer at Marvel, I think it would be pretty hard to keep track of all of the X-characters. On the other hand, isn't that part of the editor's job?
On a different note - as far as the whole "Does MapleLeaf truly have powers" question, I thought it was interesting that he went into the past but Thunder didn't. If he doesn't have any powers without the horse (as some have speculated), why would he go alone then?

11-07-2004, 07:23 PM
Yeah, Sunpyre died. Honestly, I can't fault Scott for not knowing this because as a writer at Marvel, I think it would be pretty hard to keep track of all of the X-characters. On the other hand, isn't that part of the editor's job?
On a different note - as far as the whole "Does MapleLeaf truly have powers" question, I thought it was interesting that he went into the past but Thunder didn't. If he doesn't have any powers without the horse (as some have speculated), why would he go alone then?

I would agree that the editorial staff would be more to blame than Scott for this kind of thing. They made a number of slips in this issue.

As for MML going alone, I think he really wants to prove himself, powers or no. He probably has a bit of a complex about his father, and wants to make good on the name of Major Mapleleaf.


11-07-2004, 07:49 PM
This issue was great, and it was nice to see Flashback again and the cover was amazing.

11-07-2004, 09:46 PM
Yeah, I forgot to say that in my mind, this was the best issue of ANADAF to date! It's funny though - this storyline is an Alpha geek's dream, but it really draws on old continuity A LOT. I'm surprised that Scott is getting away with it - of course, if the series is cancelled, I guess it doesn't matter if it alienates readers at this point. Has anyone else heard that nasty rumor? Apparently, some guy on another Alpha board got ahold of a list of Marvel cancelled titles and Alpha was on it. I won't believe it until I hear it from the big guy himself.

11-07-2004, 10:05 PM
I'd heard the rumour and I'm hoping that its not true.

As for Issue 9 calling on history alot - thats a good thing. I've been reading alot of the old issues because of the current AF and I'm liking them. It used to be cool when a comic would refer to another issue or title but then Marvel stopped doing it, imo it adds to read and makes you want to explore the MU more.

11-07-2004, 11:51 PM
The references could also help market trades of older issues. If the Master were to return, they could do a trade of his prior battles with Alpha & Heroes for Hire.

11-08-2004, 01:24 AM
I believe MML has powers but they're minimal and not easy to access. And as to Puck "Irresistable Force" - now that could be Scott's way of telling us what her main super power is after all! I truly enjoy this title and five of the characters really impress me.

I truly think the cover to #10 is my favorite AF cover of all time. I like it so much I printed it out in colour at work and posted it here.

And if AF does get discontinued I think it'll follow the hiatus route until May like Runaways and She-Hulk. I sincerely hope AF goes way beyond #12 because, for once, I'm truly liking the core team members. Heck, if I wrote AF next I'd only drop Yukon Jack in time and replace him with a Legacy, preferably Ghost Girl or Flinch but I'd even be open to Scell bringing Cleric into the fold :wink:

I'm predicting sales of over 27000 for #9 and over 30000 for #10-12 each. :)

AND I hope fanboys and fangirls drop Excalibur below 10000 REAL SOON. :lol:

Please Marvelites, drop Exaclibur and read ANADAF!! :idea:

Anybody want to repost the best snail address for Marvel? I know off officex@marvel.com for email.

11-08-2004, 02:33 AM
Please Marvelites, drop Exaclibur and read ANADAF!! :idea:

Um, Mokole, you DO know it's kinda pointless in telling the Alpha Flight forum to drop Excalibur and pick up ANADAF, right?? 90% of us are ALREADY collecting the title, and the other 10 want to...

11-08-2004, 10:42 AM
#9 review:


11-08-2004, 04:34 PM
Excalibur is such a crap title, i can't believe AF might be canned and that one stays alive. Its quite horrid, not to mention superfluous seeming. I like baldy too but not enough to read a book about him having tea with mags and some brats running around. Back on topic... ahem....

I really like the inclusion of the past in this issue. I am way psyched to get my hands on it. It would be cool if the played with some of the other old plots too. Though not to excess obviously.

"I crave the loudest sound!"-Throwing Muses

11-08-2004, 08:42 PM
THe plot of this arc is great. It helps that we now know the characters a bit and know that they want to succeed now, not go home. It gives drive to a plot, which hurts many X-men stories, that the character dynamics make sense with WHO the characters are.

Just great.

11-09-2004, 01:29 AM
This has got to be my favorite issue of ANADAF so far, but the next few issues look like they're going to just get better.

I never knew that Nem had the ability to talk to dead people. I wonder if she can talk with any dead person or just people she has killed??? Come to hink of it, that would be a creepy power.

I couldn't help laughing about the whole magic sword time travel thingy. :) :) :)

The character interactiosn are great! I hope Mr Lobdell keeps this up!

Major Mapleleaf Jr
11-10-2004, 10:50 AM
Clayton being back alone made this issue worth buying for me, although admittedly, I was confused at the very beginning. When I saw the team fighting Big Hero 6 (which I personally thought was cool, I liked BH6), I thought that perhaps I'd missed an issue!

BTW, if BH6 was being mind-controlled into attacking the new Alpha Flight, perhaps the team already has an enemy out there that we don't know about. I personally am excited by the prospect.

I'm not so sure about the rest of this time-traveling plot, but I await its execution and outcome with much anticipation. I can't get enough of this team!

maniac mike
11-10-2004, 02:28 PM
This has got to be my favorite issue of ANADAF so far, but the next few issues look like they're going to just get better.

she can talk with any dead person or just people she has killed??? Come to hink of it, that would be a creepy power.I never knew that Nem had the ability to talk to dead people. I wonder if

I couldn't help laughing about the whole magic sword time travel thingy. :) :) :)

The character interactiosn are great! I hope Mr Lobdell keeps this up!

Just check out Alpha Flight vol. 1 #31, Nemesis watches over some "dead" AFer's while Puck goes after Deadly Earnest with her sword.


11-10-2004, 09:53 PM
she can talk with any dead person or just people she has killed??? Come to hink of it, that would be a creepy power.I never knew that Nem had the ability to talk to dead people!

Just check out Alpha Flight vol. 1 #31, Nemesis watches over some "dead" AFer's while Puck goes after Deadly Earnest with her sword.


I remember that issue. It implies that the souls of the people killed by the sword are somehow imprisoned or absorbed by the sword (an old piece of info that has been added to nicely by Lobdell), and that Nem can return them to life (which bodes well for Major Maple Leaf and Flashback and whoever else gets killed by Nem in the next few issues).

I just dont remember any reference to her being able to communicate with the aforementioned souls trapped in the sword. Is "trapped" the right word? "used"? "absorbed"? "rechanneled"?

11-11-2004, 01:02 PM
This question of Nemisis reminds me of something. Didn't she, at one time, have the ability to transport herself and others with her sword? I'll have to look at back issues but this is something I remember reading somewhere and so always assumed. Anyway, if true, doesn't that basically negate the purpose of the "transporter" in their newbase?

Or maybe I'm just remembering the word "transport" meaning, it helps her fly to as transportation. hmm...


11-11-2004, 03:28 PM
The hilt of her sword once was used to transport her and Wild Child, I don't know what issue.

11-11-2004, 06:48 PM
Perhaps you could look at it like her transporting people has certain conditions attached, as does the time travel. So it would be something not to be used lightly. What Scott is trying to do is tie two characters into one. I personally don't have a problem with this, which is why I did the Alphanex entry as if there was only one version of Nemesis. However when Jamed D. Hudnall wrote "Nemesis II" his intention was to haver her completely unrelated to the Byrne Nemesis. She was intended to be some sort of cyborg. He was canned before any of that could be written.


11-12-2004, 01:39 AM
Good points Ben.

More reasons to support AF with this team:

- I have tons of stress in my life (try teaching 10 classes a day from grades 7-12 with splits in 3 periods and having kids on alternate programs and another 2 needing enrichment in the same room plus three small boys at home of which one is, well, having problems that I can't cure, yet [and I mean cure, not solve]). I need some simple catharsis that requires no stress, Alpha Flight is IT!! Like the Stampeders gave me reasons to relax this year, the last BC game notwithstanding.

- my boy with the problems reads ANAD Alpha Flight! He likes Major Mapleleaf the best.

- my wife hates comics, never looks sideways at them. She reads ANADAF! I didn't know why but she told me the other day it was simply because of three things: Thunder, Nemesis, and Major Mapleleaf, she gets a kick out of all three.

- my middle boy is too young to read so he gets me to read ANADAF... as a bedtime story! Think he'd like me to read him Excalibur, or the Hulk?

I'm truly looking forward to #10 more than I have any book in years, even Discover magazine or the 'Hell Hole' sci fi series or the sci fi books with Well World.... {nemesis}

- I need a Zuzha smiley, and a pirate one too, I always like pirate smiley's...

11-12-2004, 04:51 AM
Really good reasons, Moloke.

As per your squids and wife enjoying ANADAF, you should get ahold of Jo (LadyMako); I know she'd love to hear any anecdotes for her weekly column (if you haven't read them, it's about AF fhru the eyes of new readers).

Ottawa Renegade
11-12-2004, 08:41 PM
Good points Ben.

More reasons to support AF with this team:

- I have tons of stress in my life I need some simple catharsis that requires no stress, Alpha Flight is IT!! Like the Stampeders gave me reasons to relax this year, the last BC game notwithstanding.

Cripes. As my nickname might indicate, I feel your pain. :?