View Full Version : Kozzi24 and Jo's Columns update

11-22-2004, 03:19 PM
Hey all!

Kozzi24's latest installation of Flights of Fancy can be read at: http://www.alphaflight.net/columns/kozzi24_112204.php

Jo's new installation of Ponderings from a relatively new fan of the series can been found at: http://www.alphaflight.net/columns/jo_112204.php

Enjoy folks :)


11-22-2004, 03:45 PM
Just a couple of comments here. Kozzi, while I'l agree that Heather would clean Iron Mans clock, I don't believe that Heathers armour was superior to IM's. On strength alone Heathers fell way short, but apart from that, the article was a great read and very enjoyable.

Jo, as usual, a great article and I got a mention. I'm so proud and believe it or not, the next part of WSWT is close to completion. Only six years late, give or take, but there ya go :-)

11-22-2004, 04:00 PM
Denada Del,

yours is one of the few 'non smutty JP' fics that I've read and LIKED!

11-22-2004, 04:29 PM
I have just added a special column by Jo, reacting to the news of Alpha Flight's cancellation: http://www.alphaflight.net/columns/jo_cancellation_rant.php


11-24-2004, 10:19 AM
Nice pair, Jo. Um, columns, that is.

Thanks for the comments Del. Actually, I do agree that the Iron Man armor is stronger than the Guardian Battlesuit, but I kind of look at that equation in proportion to the Thing being stronger than Sue Storm. He is stronger, but she's more powerful.

For the record, I think it was a mistake by some of the AF writers and artists down the line in Volume 1, beginning the first time Heather was getting power displays that she could read in the visor. Originally, the Guardian suit was CYBERNETIC, which to me implies a smore sensory connection between suit and user. I also thought that once the bit with displays in the visor started, the character of Guardian was lessened by becoming more of a 2nd rate Iron Man. The funny thing is, all the Mac resurrections of the suit being integrated into his organic body is a result of it being a cybernetic interface rather than a cumputer interface. That extra connection to the use is one main aspects that I would cite for my argument of the Guardian suit being more advanced than Iron Man's armor.

11-24-2004, 10:33 AM
I'm with you 100% on the cybernetic aspect of the suit. Mac originally stole the helmet from Roxxon thus rendering the suit itself useless. However, like most things Alpha, that was conveniently pushed to oneside when the HUD was introduced.

Between the Guardian and Iron Suits I wouldn't think that they are that far apart technology wise, but chuck into the equation, experience of the wearer and confidence etc, then it would be close, but I would give it to Stark.

11-24-2004, 12:13 PM
I agree on closeness in the armor and vehemently agree about experience of the users...not the first column, Stark vs Mac.

Part of the greatness of Byrne's AF was his attention to the character's powers rather than using the powers as common standards. (Sasquatch's origin becoming a Great Beast, Aurora's alteration and the fact that his suit killed Mac being 3 examples.)