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12-06-2004, 11:26 PM
OHHHH you will all be just blown away with what I just found!!!!

Way back in the days of Alpha Zone and the Alpha Waves mailing list, I put out a challange to fans to write AF Christmas Carols. We'll, in poking through my OLD html files, I found them! So here they are!

Please anyone who wants write more!!!! Some of you will see your old ditties and get a major kick out of it


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the North
Not a hero was stirring, not even Guardian the 4th;
The spandex was hung by the Alpha-Jet with care,
In fear that their enemies soon would be there;
The trainees were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of heroics danced in their heads;
And Heather in her visor, and I in my tights,
Had just settled down from long week of fights,
When out on H's roof there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the escape hatch I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door with a fiery splash.
I hovered up above the new-fallen snow
Ready to battle the menace below,
When, what to my horrified eyes should appear,
The Master of the World, and seven Great Beasts in the rear,
With a massive leader, who had a thousand lives,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Ives.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

Now, Eshu! now, Somon! Now, Ranaq and Tolomaq!
On, Tundra! On Kariooq! On, Tanaraq and Kolomaq!
To the top of the building! to the top of the wall!
Now smash away! smash away! smash away all!

He was dressed all in black, from his head to his foot,
And his soul was so tarnished it was dirty as soot;
A bundle of corpses he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a necrophiliac just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they burned! His growls how scary!
His teeth were like daggers, Heroes he wanted to bury!
His monstrous mouth was drawn up in a scowl,
And the breath of his mouth was both rancid and foul;

The stump of an arm he held tight in his hand,
And the gathering it struck fear to the heart of the land;
He had a broad face and a touch that meant death,
And don't forget what I said about that bad breath!.
The battle it raged on for hour on hour,
Finally it lead up to Toronto's CN Tower;
An em blast from my suit, and a kick from swift Puck
Sent the beasts toppling, to their death with any luck;

The Master took off, he was out of his league,
Ant the great battle had spawned great fatigue,
Now all that was left was evil St' Earnest,
He tried and he tried, but still could not hurt us;
A mighty blow came down from an orange fur hand,
Our foe was sent flying and was gone from out land.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he flew out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and curse Alpha Flight!"

Alpha Flight is coming to Town - Wes Benjamin

Oh! You better watch out
you better not steal,
you better not shout,
I'll tell you the deal,
Alpha Flight is coming to town!

They're making a list,
they're coming to town,
gonna find out who gets a beat down.
Alpha Flight is coming to town!

They know what you've been plotting,
they know they'll raise the stakes,
they know all of your evil plans,
so just stop for goodness sakes!

So you better watch out, you better not steal.
You better not shout, I'll tell you the deal.

Alpha Flight is coming to town.

Little hairy Puck, 3rd or so Mac,
Big hairy Walt and Shaman's magic sack.

Alpha Flight is coming to town.
Alpha Flight is coming to town.

To The Tune of White Christmas - Wes Benjamin

I'm dreaming of Alpha Flight
Just like ole John Byrne used to write
Where Mac leads the team
and it sure does seem
That the Snowbird is all right.

I'm dreaming of Alpha Flight
With every comic book I read
May Canada still have the need
And may Alpha Flight always do the deed.

I'm dreaming of Alpha Flight
With every comic book I read
May Canada still have the need
And may Alpha Flight always do the deed.

To the tune of "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer". - Jay B

You know Roger and Madison and Adrian and Walter,
Mac and Jared and Michael and Heather.

But do you recall, the most famous Alphan of all…?

Puck the midget Alphan,
Had a very short stature,
And if you ever saw him,
You would even say "He's short."
All of the other Alphans,
Used to laugh and call him names,
They never let pour Puck,
Join in any Alphan games.
Then one smoky Christmas Eve, General Clarke came to say,
"Puck with your height so short, won't you guide the team tonight."
Then all the Alphans loved him,
As they shouted out with glee,
"Puck the shortest Alphan,
You'll go down in history!"

To the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" - Jay B

On the first day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
An X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the second day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the third day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the fourth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the fifth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the sixth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the seventh day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the eighth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Eight members of a new team,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the ninth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Nine members of new team if you counted Madison,
Eight members of a new team,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the tenth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Ten an issue with the Micronauts,
Nine members of new team if you counted Madison,
Eight members of a new team,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Eleven or more doublecrosses by General Clarke,
Ten an issue with the Micronauts,
Nine members of new team if you counted Madison,
Eight members of a new team,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Marvel gave to me,
Twelve members of the new Zodiac,
Eleven or more doublecrosses by General Clarke,
Ten an issue with the Micronauts,
Nine members of new team if you counted Madison,
Eight members of a new team,
Seven, oops, Sasquatch II ate it!
Six faux Masters,
Five artificial Wolverines,
Four rookie Alphas,
Three versions of Mac,
Two cancelled series,
And an X-Men comic with the 1st Alpha, whoopee!

Believe in this Christmas Eve - Leaftop

The snow falls across the land
All is silent throughout the Great North,
So close your eyes for a moment
And let yourself believe.

Alpha Waves has come to lend a hand
And set the motion forth
And begin the movement
Here on this Christmas Eve.

Puck is dressed as Santa Claus
Sasquatch is pulling the Christmas sled
With a red bulb on his nose
As Heather decorates the Christmas Tree.

Wolverine is helping with his claws
Snowbird seems to be back from the dead
Northstar's arrogant - and it shows
But everyone gathered is still merry.

Vindicator is the top Christmas ornament
While Aurora and Northstar fly around
With Christmas lights in their hands
And Shaman's medicine bag brings the snow.

This Christmas will be one Alpha Waves won't forget
For this Christmas, there is only one sound
A cheer for Alpha Flight, heard across the lands
For Alpha Flight is loved, don't you know?

So everyone, now turn your gaze to New York City
Ask the people of Marvel Comics for just a little pity
They can easily remove these feelings of resent
And give us the most precious Christmas Gift

Marvel Comics, tell us on this Christmas Night
That you will not cancel Alpha Flight.

- Del Robinson

Oh Little Town Of Toronto,
How Still I See Thee Lie,
Above your Streets, While Your Asleep,
The Master's Flying By.

So Epsilons, Go Grab Your Guns,
And Shoot That Sucker Dead,
Alpha Flight, Won't Be Out Tonight,
They're Awaiting Santa, Snugg In Bed.

- Del Robinson

It was the night before christmas,
and from out of the gloom,
Omega Flight 2 had entered the room,
Too arms, too arms, Guardian said,
Yea two arms, two feet, a chest and a head,
Now shut up you pillock and get thee to bed,
No Eugene, we're under attack,
Yea, it's probably that geezer, with the beard and the sack,
When did you last see Santa, it must be a while,
This modern day version, don't half look like Bile,
Flustered and panicked, Puck rose from his bed,
And caught Santa a large one upside his head,
He fell to the floor and from his sack, toys did spew,
You twit, you've mullahed Santa,
There'll be nothing for you.
Lets call a truce, Tech Noir said witth glee.
I'll make Santa better and he'll give your gifts to me,
So they all called a truce and at the end of the day,
They all got gifts from Santa,
He's kind in that way.

Walkin in the Dream Queen's Dreamland - Tom Bush

Dream Queen comes, she is creepy
Comes around when we get sleepy
She plays with our dreams
Wakes us up with our screams
Walkin' in the Dream Queen's Dreamland

In the air Box takes on the Air Force
They attempt to shoot old Maddie down
He'll fire back to keep from being battered
And run the fighter planes into the ground

Little Puck starts to fidget
He no longer is a midget
His legs are so long
As he runs along
Walkin' in the Dream Queen's Dreamland

The Christmas Rescue - BigBlue

Deep in the forest this cold Christmas night,
Six-year-old Bobby lies curled up in fright.
A family vacation has gone terribly bad,
O, who will save this lost little lad?

The dark woods surround him, silent and still,
and Bobby feels colder, and colder... until...
A hoot from the forest, then it bursts into sight,
A giant white owl sails into the night.

It glides like a snowflake above the half-frozen child,
then land in a snowdrift, its gaze kind and mild.
And then, slowly, its form shifts and flows,
Until the woman caled Snowbird stands in the snow.

Suddenly, around him, the forest comes alight,
as two shining comets streak into sight.
Northstar and Aurora arrive like two huge shining stars,
Much like that beacon which brought kings from afar.

As noble as a monarch he strides through the trees,
The beastie called Sasquatch picks the boy up with ease,
And from a great shoulder Puck jumps down to say,
"Well, c'mon kid, let's get you home, eh?

Meanwhile, in a clearing, not far away,
Shaman, while healing, pauses to say,
"You've found them in time, James.They will be all right.
Little Bobby's parents will live to enjoy more Christmas nights"

"But what about Bobby?" asks Heather, "where is he?"
"The others will find him, I'm sure as can be."
Hardly have the words left Guardians mouth,
when two bright Christmas lights streak in from the south.

When Bob's Mom and Dad finally open their eyes,
A wonderful gift greets them, a joyous surprise...

By the fireplace, hanging stockings, stand Heather and Guardian,
and helping them with marshmallows, Snowbird and Shaman.
Northstar and Aurora are trimming the tree,
with the rest of the Banff Rescue Squad merry with glee,

As they watch little Bobby, happy and warm,
Safe in the shelter of Sasquatch's arms
Smiling, his laughter is hearty and hale,
As Uncle Puck tells yet another tall tale

A Christmas that's merry, a life once more bright
All thanks to that wonderful team, Alpha Flight!

Fleeting Dreams - An Alpha Flight Christmas 1998 - Seng Mah

In this season of warmth and giving
I have a cold stone hollow in my heart
Counting passing days as
The old year turns new
And time is reborn
And all revived
Save one.

I remember the firtst ending
The strange emptiness that followd
Like the emptiness of slipping into a lonely bed
At night.

The gulf of years brought some solace.

Was it only last year that I rejoiced?
Felt a child on Christmas morn
Gazing on the gamut of
Brightly parcelled gifts, eager
To tear way coloured kernels
As I did remove and read
And felt my heart warm over
Revisiting lost friends,
Lost stories.

How can I forget?

Paper, ink, paper
A waste of money, my mother said.
I refused that definition.
Denial brought me a world
Of lost loves
And love lost,
Dead dreamers, yes,
But never the death of the dream.

I soared.
Flying with the Flight.

But Flight, they say, is fleeting,
And dreams, I know, do die when
Dreamers awake.

A cold stone hollow sits in my hear
This season of warmth and giving
As I
Count time
Count time

12-07-2004, 01:16 PM
I feel I should comment, but am damned if I know what to say :? I'd forgotten all about them. Had a good laugh re-reading them. Thanks Ben :lol:

12-07-2004, 05:49 PM
Heh, yah, I didn't remember writing mine either, then when I read it I was like "gee, that's actually pretty good!"


12-07-2004, 06:02 PM
It's nice to note that a lot of the contributers are still on the radar. I hope we get some more.

12-15-2004, 01:38 AM
Oh man, I had forgotten that i'd written one of these. :) Thanks for rediscovering them, Ben :)

12-15-2004, 11:56 AM
Awesome! I'll never listen to White Christmas the same way again. As I was reading it the song came on here in the office so I just restarted with the rewrite.

Thanks for sharing.

12-18-2004, 11:57 PM
Those are great!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Kudos to everyone who wrote them.

01-01-2005, 05:21 PM
I don't remember writing those either. Good for a laugh though. Thanks for the post Ben.
