View Full Version : I have SPOILERS of AF 12-got it early just for yall

02-03-2005, 05:05 PM
Like I said before so noone will ask, I know a comic owner and I get his early issues from him, luckily, AF was one of them.

It was rushed.Anyone could tell it was rushed
What happened in issue from beginning to end, here ya go
1. Nemesis kills the guards we see at end of ish 11
2.Nemesis kills herself to go back intime
3.When there, she meets Heather and kills her so Mac wouldnt explode
4.(present)Aurora(in yellow outfit) finds Walter at artic HQ and takes him back to parliament. The thing is, Paliament has a huge statue of Mac. Mac took over the world when he lived and found out Heather died
5. Mac shows alt that he captured Nemesis for killing Heather but the ANADAF show up-older though.
6.Walter kills himself to go back in time where he sees Yukon Jack fighting the original Alpha Flight
7.Walter grabs Shaman and explains whats happening so Shaman does a spell(Shaman should never be written as they did in ish 12)
8.The spell brings ANADAF back to when they first meet Flashback but instead of help, he gives them Shamans medicine bag.
9.They spill the bag, to find out that Original AF emerges from the pouche
10.So we now have 2 original AF. One in space and ones on earth( I aint complaining since we got Northstar and Aurora back. Heather though was missing from th epouche, so I guess she is still in space.
11. Now the end, original AF still adventure by aF (they say this in the comic like a fairy tale), Snowbird and Yukon Jack marry, Zuzha Yu and MML have a baby, Nemesis and Centinel die together (years later) The plodex kid is chillin with Namor, and last shot of ish 12, Walt is reexperimenting on himself.

When you read it, you will tell they didnt care, they just wanted to put the original AF back on Earth (minus Heather)

02-03-2005, 06:21 PM
please tell me you are kidding.

if not then the first arc of this series should sum it up.

02-03-2005, 07:30 PM
Im not kiddin.This was the issue

02-03-2005, 09:00 PM

not even sure i'm going to pick it up now.

02-03-2005, 09:38 PM

oh hell, this is got to be the single STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard!!! I think we should all just cover our eyes and pretend this did not happen.

02-03-2005, 09:41 PM
Look on the bright side, at least we have Northstar and Aurora back and the messed up Aurora is in Weapon X and Northstar can still push Alpha n XMen.Snowbird marrying Yukon Jack just throws my mind though

02-03-2005, 11:10 PM
yeah, so if a series 4 ever is released the new writer will need 4 story arcs just to clean up this mess.

oy vey!!!

02-04-2005, 12:47 AM
mos def, if I were to believe this was true...why would you give a play by play of the entire plot of the issue?
You provide no in depth critique as Ben usually does in his excellent reviews, and you look for no redeeming qualities.
Really, dude...what's the point in a post like this, before the issue is even generally available?

02-04-2005, 01:40 AM
Ah well, I guess he just was disappointed. I'm going to miss Henry's depictions and some characters (Zuzha and MML as I've said). #-o

I guess soon enough (February 10? February 18?) enough time will have passed for Ben/Phil to spill whatever news they're witholding, hopefully it's worth the wait. [-o<

Still one week until I get AF #12. {nemesis}

02-04-2005, 01:41 AM
yeah, so if a series 4 ever is released the new writer will need 4 story arcs just to clean up this mess.

oy vey!!!

Or just ignore 99% of it. Hard to fix or retconn everything :shock:

02-04-2005, 10:32 AM
yeah, so if a series 4 ever is released the new writer will need 4 story arcs just to clean up this mess.
oy vey!!!
No, actually, fixing the effects of this series would be quite easy. They have had no interaction with the Marvel Universe except Big Hero Six, who don't count because they're not seen anywhere else anyway.
I had been kind of hoping Scott Lobdell with his sense of humor was going to do it this in the last panel of this series.
Think the end of Newhart:

One panel in any future Sasquatch appearance "fixes" these plot threads and anything else from Volume 3:
Sasquatch: "I didn't sleep well again last night.
Sasquatch's companion: "You have one of those funky dreams about you and Nemesis forming an all new team with people who don't exist again?"
Sasquatch: "Yup"

All fixed; there's no appearance by this team anywhere else, no appearance that altered any regular player in the Marvel Universe and the Alpha Flight that has been seen in Wolverine and X-Men is still with us to appear without explanation anywhere else in the Marvel Universe.

Pretty much everything in the series was from Sasquatch's point of view anyway, so the entire 12 issues could be seen as a study of his unconscious mind.

02-04-2005, 10:37 AM
your right, but that just goes to show how much of a joke this series was that you can explain it away as a dream sequence.


sorry i am very frustrated, we finally get alpha back and its treated liek this.


02-04-2005, 10:39 AM
You were not the only one to get frustrated by this series.

02-04-2005, 12:12 PM
So I take it, according to this synopsis, that Mantlo was brought back one last time to F up the entire series.

02-04-2005, 12:22 PM
I kinda of guess they don't need Mantlo to **** up AF. Given the synopsis it would seem that Mr Lobdell is quite capable of screwing AF without any help from outside agencies. However I have it on good authority that AF vol 4 will open with Heather stepping out of the shower realising that vol 2 and 3 where all just a bad dream, bought about by dining in strange restaurants with crap writers (imho). Well that would be the scenario if I was writing the thing.

I just get the impression that Lobdell has Fubarred AF to the point where it may be impossible to ever see them in print again. Who's gonna want to write them as guests with such a convoluted plot line to clear.

Just as an aside, if the original AF from circa #28 are in this time, does all the **** that's happened between then and now actually occur. No baby for Snowbird, Bochs still alive etc. Heartfelt thanks to Mr Lobdell I don't think.

(all the above is my opinion, not a definitive)

02-04-2005, 12:48 PM
No, issue number 12 just does not exist, it does not I tell you!

*sticks thumbs in ears and fingers cover my eyes*

not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening

02-04-2005, 12:50 PM
No, issue number 12 just does not exist, it does not I tell you!

*sticks thumbs in ears and fingers cover my eyes*

not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening not listening
Ah, the Ostrich defence, maybe that'll work. I mean you don't see Ostriches on dinner tables at Christmas or Thanksgiving and the drumsticks and wings from one of them would feed a family. :P

02-04-2005, 01:19 PM
mos def, if I were to believe this was true...why would you give a play by play of the entire plot of the issue?
You provide no in depth critique as Ben usually does in his excellent reviews, and you look for no redeeming qualities.
Really, dude...what's the point in a post like this, before the issue is even generally available?

That is why I put SPOILER on the thread. Ill leave Ben's review with indepth anaylsis to him. Im just letting you know what happened in the issue. The only good thing I got out of the issue was that AF gets a Northstar and Aurora

02-04-2005, 02:09 PM
mos def, if I were to believe this was true...why would you give a play by play of the entire plot of the issue?
You provide no in depth critique as Ben usually does in his excellent reviews, and you look for no redeeming qualities.
Really, dude...what's the point in a post like this, before the issue is even generally available?

That is why I put SPOILER on the thread. Ill leave Ben's review with indepth anaylsis to him. Im just letting you know what happened in the issue. The only good thing I got out of the issue was that AF gets a Northstar and Aurora
But not necessarily the right ones. I wonder how Frank Tieri feels about Lobdell putting such a great big continuity glitch in his way, or for that matter whoevers writing Northstar at present.

A tough question now, hands up all those who think Marvel have writers meetings where continuity is discussed :?: :roll:

02-04-2005, 02:58 PM
The whole "It was a dream" shtick sounds like the only real way of cleaning this mess up. :roll:

02-04-2005, 03:08 PM
I think the best description I can give it is to paraphrase Clint Eastwood from 'Heartbreak Ridge'. When asked to describe his feelings re the running of the Invasion of Grenada he used the term 'Cluster ****'. That works for me :?

02-04-2005, 04:36 PM
"Cluster f**k" doesn't have enough impact for me. "Super, mega, Uber cluster f**k to the nth degree" seems more apt now.

What a lousy way for the series to go out and I haven't even read the thing yet.

Lobdell should hop on here and let us know wtf he was thinking.

02-04-2005, 10:14 PM
mos def, if I were to believe this was true...why would you give a play by play of the entire plot of the issue?
You provide no in depth critique as Ben usually does in his excellent reviews, and you look for no redeeming qualities.
Really, dude...what's the point in a post like this, before the issue is even generally available?

That is why I put SPOILER on the thread. Ill leave Ben's review with indepth anaylsis to him. Im just letting you know what happened in the issue. The only good thing I got out of the issue was that AF gets a Northstar and Aurora

Sorry, but by my thinking, a spoiler is if you discuss a plot point that may ruin an aspect of the story. But to give a synopsis of an entire plot of a last issue a week before the issue hits the general public?

At worst it smacks to me of trying to seem smart or important. At the very best, it's just bad form...in my opinion of course. Judging from this thread and some of your rather hasty implications on other threads that "we" here on this forum have let Alpha down, I just find myself with a bad taste in my mouth, mos def.