View Full Version : An Open Letter To Scott Lobdell

02-05-2005, 04:11 PM
Dear Mr Lobdell :
I was wondering wtf you thought you playing at with your latest rendition of Alpha Flight? Now even though it would seem that the team means absolutely nothing to you, it means a lot to a lot of fine people. You gave us all that gumph at the beginning of the series about Zed Flight, ANADAF, Uncanny Alpha Flight etc, but if truth be known (or at least as far as I'm concerned) you used us all as a hop up to get yourself back on the books at Marvel. Firstly I don't like being used and secondly I take issue with the fact that you used our good graces to ingratiate yourself with us and then crapped all over us.

Alpha deserves more than the treatment you gave them, these people, be they two-dimensional or not have a history within the MU that should have been explored. However you decide to give us a stand up comedy routine that wouldn't even go down well at a fanboy piss up. John Byrne, for all his ego, created a team that would be able to stand beside the Avengers, FF etc in any given circumstance, you gave us the Three stooges in costume. Personally I hope your proud of yourself cos you not only bent us over the desk, you really reamed us in the process.

Now I have been a member of the AF community for coming close to 9 years, in that time I have met a lot of fine people who have probably forgotten more about AF than you'll ever know, the only difference is that you have the capability of depicting them, we do not. Why do you feel that AF is suitable for you to get your rocks of depicting them as 'Third Rate Avengers Wannabee's' a term you yourself used in Gen X #19. We didn't want world shattering stories, just something that depicted AF with the respect they are due, you let us down big time. I suppose you'll have no problem sleeping tonight?, I personally would have difficulty putting my head outside the front door if I had delivered the drivel you have for the last 12 issues.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt after AF #106, but after this I personally hope you never come near AF again.

Yours Del Robinson

Le Messor
02-05-2005, 08:57 PM
Lol! Now, if only we could phrase all that diplomatically; without losing meaning. Or would it be like the workers -> management thing.
Worker to superviser: "This is bull$#!+"
superviser to lower manager: "It's fertiliser."
lower manager to upper manager: "It's that which makes things grow."
And the upper manager looked, and saw that it was good.

- Le Messor
"It could be worse--it might be raining."

02-06-2005, 12:18 PM
couldn't agree more and it needed to be said.

02-06-2005, 06:20 PM
Scott Lobdell has previously shown himself capable of good writing. And I thought he really cared about Alpha Flight. (Unlike some other writers I could name.) I'm really disappointed with this latest version of Alpha. Instead of bringing the team back to its original glory (he was capable of doing this), he made it into an even bigger joke. :evil:

Well said, Del. Here's hoping our heroes will recover. With a writer with the right attitude, they might! :D

02-07-2005, 10:44 AM
Dear Mr. Lobdell,

While some of my comrades here are upset over your writing of this past volume I'd just like to say thanks. I honestly don't read comics anymore and only come back when I hear Alpha Flight is on the stands. I really liked how you started this volume. The fresh start with new characters was something I thought would work. The humor was something I enjoyed too. It worked well in this title for me and for that I commend you. My only problem I have is the way you ended the volume. As if the squad wasn't F'd up enough now it's been blow to smithereens. I'm sending Marvel my resume just to see if they'd give me a shot a writing a one off so I can have Hudson wake up at a desk in Canada in 1981 and think it was all a dream.

Pete W.

02-08-2005, 01:20 PM
Indeed....I can't believe Marvel thought this would succeed. Another volume of Alpha Flight WITHOUT Alpha Flight(especially one that is a joke)....isn't going to work...period.

If the last issue is as Mos Def said...then it sounds like a vindictive Scott Lobdell is giving us fans the middle finger and taking a big dump on AF, before he leaves...sigh.
