View Full Version : Let's pester Tom!

02-23-2005, 12:18 AM
I would have put this in the Fanfic forum, but since we're not ready to release the first half-dozen pages yet, I figured this was the better place for now.

Like me, Tom has taken on too many projects. He's running himself ragged. He's also very foolishly mentioned to me that he might be taking a peek in here soon. So this is it: pester him. Pester him here. :) I don't want to give out his e-mail, since that would be kinda rude of me and we Canucks just don't do that kind of thing -- so I'll circumvent my social programming this way.

Bug him. Beg him. Cajole him. I'd say insult him, as he and I tend to hang out in more acerbic circles, but that would violate the spirit of this board. Let him know that there's some folk out there who are going to actually spend time looking at this. Nag him enough, and the bugger might actually post one or two panels of preview -- though if he posts more than that, I'll feed him to the CHUDs. :twisted: