View Full Version : Quality Canadian Maps

03-19-2005, 07:26 PM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knows of a good website with maps of Canada, that cover more than the urban areas (those aren't too hard to find.)
I am particularly interested in Quebec, Labrador, the "Boston States." I have found a few, but they aren't very detailed (some neglecting to put in province lines!)
I just thought I would see if y'all know. Thanks. :)

03-20-2005, 12:49 AM
good question, I usually go at mapquest on internet, but I use more often paper maps since it's more useful here (as i've got plenty), but maybe I can help for the Québec part anyway.

http://www.animezvous.com/data/emoticons/wolverine.gif http://www.animezvous.com/data/emoticons/sylvains01.gif