View Full Version : My Alpha Fix

03-24-2005, 10:03 AM
Just got back from the comic shop. Haven't been since before christmas, so I have a nice collection of Alpha related stuff to catch up on. AF #11-12, Wolvie #25-26 and X-men Heroes and Martyrs #1. However pride of place in all of my comics today is Uncanny X-Men #120, first ever Alpha appearence. It cost me more than I could really afford, but I have a gorgeous wife who panders to my hobby every now and again.

Off to do some reading, oh and off to my brothers again to enjoy Easter. So everyone have a good easter and don't eat to much chocolate.

Le Messor
03-30-2005, 07:31 AM
Congrats! Yeah, I have #120 as well, but it's not in good condition.

Oh, and you can never have too much chocolate!

- Le Messor
"Just give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt."

04-02-2005, 07:54 AM
YAY DEL! My big hole in that aera I gotta fill when I have some money is the 140, 141 issues with Windigo. I've got 109, 120, 121 all in good shape, but I"m missing the later ones.


04-02-2005, 09:23 AM
YAY DEL! My big hole in that aera I gotta fill when I have some money is the 140, 141 issues with Windigo. I've got 109, 120, 121 all in good shape, but I"m missing the later ones.

Those two issues don't cost as much as UXM #120-121, so if I see them about on the shelves, I shall see what I can do re getting them your way.

Mik, as regards the chocolate, I'm in total agreement, but in the last few days I have seen the results, very graphically, of eating a lot in one go :P

04-02-2005, 10:53 AM
YAY DEL! My big hole in that aera I gotta fill when I have some money is the 140, 141 issues with Windigo. I've got 109, 120, 121 all in good shape, but I"m missing the later ones.

The classic X-Men issues that reprinted the Wendigo appearances are also worthy additions...iirc, they have extra story pages.

04-02-2005, 03:05 PM
YAY DEL! My big hole in that aera I gotta fill when I have some money is the 140, 141 issues with Windigo. I've got 109, 120, 121 all in good shape, but I"m missing the later ones.

The classic X-Men issues that reprinted the Wendigo appearances are also worthy additions...iirc, they have extra story pages.
Those I don't have, but I do have the UXM originals. It was in Classic X-Men #26 :?: that I read the first AF appearence and it was also published over here in Wolverine Unleashed (a monthly mag that reprints 2/3 issues of UXM/Wolverine)

Le Messor
04-03-2005, 01:26 AM
Um, I don't think the Wendigo Classic X-Men have extra pages; but the 120-121s do. They have Heather, 18 #s before her actual first appearance.

We got these little eggs for Easter that I thought were pure chocolate, but they had these really good centres that I wasn't expecting. Mmmm...

- Le Messor
"Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?"