View Full Version : No new New Warriors topic?

04-02-2005, 08:32 PM

Le Messor
04-03-2005, 01:29 AM
I've heard rumours of a new series, where they drive around in a van, as part of a TV series. (Within the comic - they're not making a NW TV series, though there was a Night Thrasher series rumoured.)

It looks as wrong as some AF ideas we've seen. But, of course, if it happens, I'll get it.

- Le Messor
"Crying babies should be taken to the lobby and picked up immediately after the movie has ended."

04-03-2005, 10:21 AM
There's been a little bit of info. It's now being done as a six issue limited written by Zeb Wells and art by Skottie Young. First issue is out in June and the premise is that the Warriors go around small town USA sorting out z list villians. The characters I've seen on a release of the first cover look like Speedball, Nova, Thrashman, Kymaera/Namorita and what looks like a junior version Fred Dukes. Warrior fans are already up in arms about the premise. Cries of the 'Warriors' reduced to this and comments about the art being the main gripes.

I'm gonna pick it up to see how it shapes up, but if it had been an ongoing series I would prolly have not bothered.

Ottawa Renegade
04-03-2005, 04:36 PM
There's been a little bit of info. It's now being done as a six issue limited written by Zeb Wells and art by Skottie Young. First issue is out in June and the premise is that the Warriors go around small town USA sorting out z list villians. The characters I've seen on a release of the first cover look like Speedball, Nova, Thrashman, Kymaera/Namorita and what looks like a junior version Fred Dukes. Warrior fans are already up in arms about the premise. Cries of the 'Warriors' reduced to this and comments about the art being the main gripes.

I'm gonna pick it up to see how it shapes up, but if it had been an ongoing series I would prolly have not bothered.

I'm a huge Nova fan, and I try to pick anything and everything in which he has a significant appearance, but man does this thing ever look lousy. The art looks cartoony and I personally find the premise stupid.

But then, being also an Alpha fan, I'm fairly accustomed to seeing my favourite characters treated like garbage.

04-03-2005, 05:00 PM
I'm a huge Nova fan, and I try to pick anything and everything in which he has a significant appearance, but man does this thing ever look lousy. The art looks cartoony and I personally find the premise stupid.

But then, being also an Alpha fan, I'm fairly accustomed to seeing my favourite characters treated like garbage.
Being a AF and Warrior fan has given me a thick skin. I wasn't sure about Skottie Young doing the art. Cover work would make the thing stand out on the shelfs which can't be a bad thing, but internal art should IMHO compliment the story not detract from it. This was one of my problems with Siencerwizc's (sp) work on New Mutants all those years back.

All that said however, it is a bit galling to see the Warriors reduced to the MU equivelent of Scooby Doo or the A-Team, but given what happened to AF, I'm no longer overly surprised by anything Marvel do :-)

04-07-2005, 09:44 PM
I saw the ads for it in the last Previews and I will not be getting it. The art is wrong for it. I'd like to see namorita agian but not drawn so cartoonish.

04-07-2005, 09:48 PM
I was gonna pick it up to at least support the title, but now since they have decided to make it a mini, I'll grab the TPB


Ottawa Renegade
04-10-2005, 08:58 AM
I was gonna pick it up to at least support the title, but now since they have decided to make it a mini, I'll grab the TPB


That sounds like a plan.

maniac mike
04-15-2005, 05:18 PM
Check out this interview with Zeb & Scottie, it's got art too.


MM 8)

04-15-2005, 06:12 PM
looks like fun, as a mini. I'll enjoy the TPB when I pick it up I think. I don't think I could handle the style of the book for more than as a maxi, but could be fun for a TPB. From the looks of it though, it makes ANADAF look grim and serious ;)


Le Messor
06-24-2005, 11:16 PM
I picked up issue 1 the other day. *sigh* I remember when I bought certain series because they were -good-, not out of some misguided sense of loyalty.

It shows a lack of knowledge of the original. Speedball being Speedball without changing clothes (it's automatic when his powers activate), Nita is blue again, and what's with the tattoos? Where are all the supporting characters?

I can't can't Stand cartoony art! And the premise is so different, how is this NW? Agh!

Some of the writing doesn't suck. The NW's commentary on what they're doing kind of works.

- Le Messor
"Did you ever hear one of these corny, positive messages on someone's answering machine? "Hi, it's a great day and I'm out enjoying it right now. I hope you are too. The thought for the day is: "Share the love." Beep."Uh, yeah...this is the VD clinic calling....Speaking of being positive, your test results are back. Stop sharing the love."
- Andy Rooney

07-19-2005, 10:14 AM
I looked at #1 when it came out. The art convinced me to put it back on the shelf unbought.

07-19-2005, 12:49 PM
It's interesting to see some of the NW fans reactions to the art and the premise...they sound a bit familiar...One hauntingly familiar quote follows...

"If I was going to make all the decisions about a New Warriors book I probably wouldn't have gone this way, but beggers can't be choosers."

I am not of the camp that believes "Anything is better than nothing"...I'd rather have nothing...thanks.
This quote really made me smile and also gave me a mad=on for Marvel

"Skottie's art belongs on the side of train cars IMHO. Why are we going down this humor road ala Alpha Flight? Was the original series a comedy? Marvel seems to ignore what their fans are asking for. You want Scorpio? We'll give you a teen age girl. Want Alpha Flight? Here's a comedy like Giffen JLA. You want us to cut down on X-books? Here's some more X-Books. Less Wolverine? He'll join Avengers and star in everyone's books. Want New Warriors? He's New Warriors GO! crossed with Reality TV since it's trendy now. *sigh* I really miss Marvel and would love it if they actually published something for some of the long time fans."

Marvel needs to re-examine the poo-roduct it's churning out. Glomming onto every trend(most of the time very late in catching said trends) out there and shoving it into new books. Reality TV... your favorite super heroes are now stand up comedians...guys and girls with more tattoos than sideshow geeks?...please make it stop.


07-19-2005, 05:50 PM
Well one good series Marvel is putting out is The Black Panther. And New Avengers has been pretty good even with the over used Wolverine in it.

07-19-2005, 06:44 PM
I'm really enjoying New Avengers too(notice: For the most part...every character on the team is an established Marvel character....not a bunch of newbies)...mostly because of Jessica Drew As Spider-Woman(She's back....YAY!!!). The story-telling is a little decompressed for my usual tastes, but I'm really liking it.

I think I'm in love with Bendis, Jessica is one of his favorite characters and he brought her back...I'd give him a big kiss, if I could.


07-19-2005, 10:36 PM
She is the reason I started getting New Avengers. I like the fact to that Marvel has been putting in at least one good butt shot of her to. She is a sexy character and its nice having Marvel show that off. Plus she isa strong character as well.

07-19-2005, 11:24 PM
Well...I wouldn't know about buttshots of Jessie, But she's one of my favorites heroes from the seventies...I'm really glad she's back.
A strong character?...definitely. She always been a butt-kicker and she's been to heck and back.


07-19-2005, 11:43 PM
Yep I have all her appearances as Spider-Woman. She is the super-hero that got me into seriously collecting comics. Now I have over 20.000 and write reviews and do interviews. I just got put on Top Cow's reviwer list. So I've come a long way since going all over town looking for Spider-Woman before we had a comic specialty shop. Now we have half a dozen.

Le Messor
07-24-2005, 12:34 AM
I've got issue two. I still hate hate the art, but the writing is making it worth reading. There's some very good commentary in there, even if it doesn't feel anything like New Warriors.

Oh, and I think my issues of _New Avengers_ are broken. I can't remember a single appearance of Wolverine inside the covers. ?
(But I saw Sentry for sale yesterday... for $45. AUD, of course.)

- Le Messor
"'Tis better to light a single candle than to hit the wax museum with a flame thrower."
- B.C.

07-24-2005, 07:28 AM
Wolverine does not show up in The New Avengers until a couple issues into it. He shows up in Spider-Man first with the Avengers when they visit the Savage Land that is were Irin Man tels Cap that they need someone like Wolverine in the Avengers. Someone who is not afraid to get his hands dirty or bloody.