View Full Version : Rating the Alpha Flight Characters

04-13-2005, 10:42 PM
Hey just want to gauge on which is your favorite Alpha Flight characters are. This is just for my own personal use, just to see who likes whom, because I was surprised to read in one thread that so many people liked Marrina.

Below is a list and if you want you can write pros and cons and an explanation why you give them a rating out of 10……10 being your favorite, 5 their average, 0 being you want them dead.

Sorry wasn’t sure how to organize some, because some have been in all the factions.

Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie)
Box III (Walter Langkowski)
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald)
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil)
Langkowski, Wanda
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul)
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton)
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter)
Sasquatch II
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann)
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman]

Beta Flight:
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison)
Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina)
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth)

Gamma Flight:
Box I (Bochs, Roger)

Omega Flight:
Box II (Jerome Jaxon)
Courtney, Delphine
Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil
Eshu (Former Leader)
Whild Child
Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec)

New Alpha Flight Team:
Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford)
Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.)
Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2)
Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata)

04-14-2005, 01:45 AM
Madison Jeffries (Box) is my favorite, so I'd give him a 9. If he was written with a stronger personality, he'd get a 10.

I like characters with cool powers that really can't work, like flight and such. Phasing into metal, make metal alive, that's nonsense, no wonder I like it. Same with Feedback and Windshear, just nutso but cool powers.

Nemesis, Witchfire, Ghost Girl, Puck, Zuzha, Major Maple Leaf get over 5, too. Maybe more, but I'm tired. 8)

04-14-2005, 07:09 PM
Well that's a start, thanks.

Anymore comments?

04-16-2005, 01:04 AM
Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) *8*
Box III (Walter Langkowski) *9*
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) *9*
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) *9*
Langkowski, Wanda *3*
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) *9*
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) *9*
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) *9*
Sasquatch II
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) *8*
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] *7*

Beta Flight:
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison) *7*
Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina) *9*
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth) *9*

Gamma Flight:
Box I (Bochs, Roger) *7*
Gemini *3*

Omega Flight:
Box II (Jerome Jaxon) *8* Killed off to fast
Courtney, Delphine as hot chick *7* as robo chick *4* as Mac *5*
Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil *5*
Eshu (Former Leader) *3*
Flashback *4*
Wild Child *5*
Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec) *5*
A lot of these guys stuck a bit like red shirt ensign guys on star trek . Expendable story filler not to be taken seriously for any long term.
New Alpha Flight Team:
Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford) *7*
Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.) *8*
Nemesis *6* The revealing of her face lessened the character for me she was supposed to be so scary and she's just a regular girl
Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2) *7* had some potential with a writer who knew how to use the word "eh?"
Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata) *6* lots of unexplored potential.

Tech Noir *8*
The rest of the new Omegas *3*
'cept for the cat guy who's name escapes me *5*
Master of the World *7* Got a bit of potential I think.
Gilded Lily *7*
Diablo *5*
Pink Pearl *8*
her gang *6*
Super Skrull *6*
Pestilence (sp) *8*
Dream Queen *9*
Nightmare *5*
Marrina Plodex ***** *9*
Great Beasts *8*
Deadly Earnest *8*

My opinion anyway.

04-16-2005, 01:20 AM
oh yeah forgot

Purple Girl *9*
Witchfire *8*
Talisman II (Michael Twoyoungmen) *7*
Manikin *7*
Ghost Girl *7*
Murmur *7* ok ok she's just purple girl and Aurora mixed in one but a bit of writing and direction she'd be ok. and who doesn't like a french pastry. Put your hand down HappyCanuck.
Scramble *2*

If I think of more I'll add 'em. Some I didn't add because I don't care enough to rate the.

Johnny Canuck

04-16-2005, 01:26 AM
oh yeah forgot

Murmur *7* ok ok she's just purple girl and Aurora mixed in one but a bit of writing and direction she'd be ok. and who doesn't like a french pastry. Put your hand down HappyCanuck.

Don't comment, don't comment ,everyone know how you think of Murmur and her ?%$&?@&$?%#! fake %?%&#&#\&_)(*&?% accent and her 2#$#\#$%?&*_)(*& stereotype $?*&@?%!$#&?%*%$%$ which again can't make a difference between a @!$(*&?%$#$%?&**&$ french wowen and a #&?(**&&?%#%?&* Québécoise and more so a @#$?%&%# french canadian.

04-16-2005, 01:41 AM
oh yeah forgot

Murmur *7* ok ok she's just purple girl and Aurora mixed in one but a bit of writing and direction she'd be ok. and who doesn't like a french pastry. Put your hand down HappyCanuck.

Don't comment, don't comment ,everyone know how you think of Murmur and her ?%$&?@&$?%#! fake %?%&#&#\&_)(*&?% accent and her 2#$#\#$%?&*_)(*& stereotype $?*&@?%!$#&?%*%$%$ which again can't make a difference between a @!$(*&?%$#$%?&**&$ french wowen and a #&?(**&&?%#%?&* Québécoise and more so a @#$?%&%# french canadian.

LOL , I knew I'd get a rise out of you . No stereotypes are intended on my part. If she was mexican we'd still like her if she's drawn pretty. So long as she's not saying" Si " " eet's bueno" etc. I also disapproved of Murmur's "Accent"

End the bad stereotypes in comics speech. I agree. Now let's rate the alphans, People

04-16-2005, 01:46 AM
oh yeah forgot

Murmur *7* ok ok she's just purple girl and Aurora mixed in one but a bit of writing and direction she'd be ok. and who doesn't like a french pastry. Put your hand down HappyCanuck.

Hey now, leave me out of this! I have great respects for ALL pastry. Pastry is good. It's those French Pasties that leave a lot to be desired.

Don't comment, don't comment ,everyone know how you think of Murmur and her ?%$&?@&$?%#! fake %?%&#&#\&_)(*&?% accent and her 2#$#\#$%?&*_)(*& stereotype $?*&@?%!$#&?%*%$%$ which again can't make a difference between a @!$(*&?%$#$%?&**&$ french wowen and a #&?(**&&?%#%?&* Québécoise and more so a @#$?%&%# french canadian.

LOL, quite the mouth you have, Mme. Valois. I didn't know you could PUT @!$(*&?%$# and %#%?&* in the same sentence. Isn't that a bit contradictory? :wink:

04-16-2005, 04:13 AM
oh yeah forgot

Murmur *7* ok ok she's just purple girl and Aurora mixed in one but a bit of writing and direction she'd be ok. and who doesn't like a french pastry. Put your hand down HappyCanuck.

Don't comment, don't comment ,everyone know how you think of Murmur and her ?%$&?@&$?%#! fake %?%&#&#\&_)(*&?% accent and her 2#$#\#$%?&*_)(*& stereotype $?*&@?%!$#&?%*%$%$ which again can't make a difference between a @!$(*&?%$#$%?&**&$ french wowen and a #&?(**&&?%#%?&* Québécoise and more so a @#$?%&%# french canadian.

Oh yeah that got her going! lol

I am personally a Northstar fanatic...those who know me well, know why. ;)

now...as I have seen so far from my catching up:

Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) *7*
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) *9*
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) *9*
Langkowski, Wanda *4*
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) *10*
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) *9*
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) *10*
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) *6*
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] *8*

Beta Flight:
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison) *6*
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth) *10*

New Alpha Flight Team:
Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford) *9*
Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.) *6*
Nemesis *7*
Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2) *8*
Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata) *6* I agree with JC on this one about the unexplored potential.

04-16-2005, 02:15 PM

Shaman [Michael Twoyoungmen] - 10
Aurora - 9 1/2
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski) - 9 1/2
Snowbird (Anne McKenzie) - 9 1/2
Talisman [Elizabeth Twoyoungmen] - 9 1/2
Puck [Eugene & Zuzha] - both 9s
Box/Roger Bochs - 8 1/2
Agent K (personal favorite) - 8
Major Mapleleaf (Lou, Jr.) - 8
Marrina - 8
Northstar - 7 1/2


August D'Angelo - 10
The Master - 10
Gary Cody - 10
Delphine Courtney (real woman/"hot chick"/model for robot) - 9 1/2
Diamond Lil - 9 1/2
Box/Madison Jeffries - 9 1/2
Caliber - 9
Earthmover - 9
Flashback (allegiance kinda shakey) - 9
Smart Alec - 9
A "Mac" clone/synthoid/whatever - 9


The ghost of Michael Twoyoungmen's grandfather - 10+
The Great Beasts (all seven) - 10
Male Scorpio & The Zodiac - 10
Nemesis (whoever it is/not going to be picky about who) - 10
Marrina/Plodex captive from Collector's ship - 9 1/2
Douglas Thompson - 9
Director X - 8
Man-Bot - 8
Epsilon-Black - 8
Kara Killgrave/Persuasion - 7 1/2
Murmur - 7 1/2
Whitman Knapp (as a villian, and you know what I want to happen to him) - 7 1/2
Ghost Girl/Lili or Lilli - 7
Ouija - 7
Yukon Jack - 7
Flex - 4

04-17-2005, 03:57 PM
Much better great to get some input, later I will read it...but now it's nap time

Weapon Omega
04-20-2005, 01:16 AM
A Couple Of My Favorites:

Madison Jeffries-10 (Love this guy)
Wild Child-9


Master-10 (he IS Alpha's Archnemesis!)

On a side note:

Johnny Canuck...2 things
1. It's great to see someone rate Tech Noir so high, I always thought she had potential

2. The feral looking guy from Omega Flight is called SINEW

Take Care

04-20-2005, 01:55 AM
I always thought Alpha Flight needed better villians.

Anyways Weapon Omega, geez I havn't heard that for awhile

Weapon Omega
04-20-2005, 09:00 PM
King M:

I know what you mean! The Master of the World IS about it as Alpha Villains go. Omega Flight could be cool if Marvel could come up with a better roster of villains, those one-dimensional 'Z'-Listers didn't quite cut it.

Weapon Omega? Yeah, I wanted something a little obscure for the Alpha Waves Forum. I don't know, after reading Alpha Flight vol. #1 issue 102 I always thought the all-black "stealth" suits looked great. Too bad that's the only issue they EVER appear in!! Welcome to the forum man!!

04-21-2005, 02:15 AM
Johnny Canuck...2 things
1. It's great to see someone rate Tech Noir so high, I always thought she had potential

2. The feral looking guy from Omega Flight is called SINEW

Take Care

I really liked her what can I say, and thanks for the name assist on Sinew.


04-21-2005, 02:57 AM
King M:

I know what you mean! The Master of the World IS about it as Alpha Villains go. Omega Flight could be cool if Marvel could come up with a better roster of villains, those one-dimensional 'Z'-Listers didn't quite cut it.

Weapon Omega? Yeah, I wanted something a little obscure for the Alpha Waves Forum. I don't know, after reading Alpha Flight vol. #1 issue 102 I always thought the all-black "stealth" suits looked great. Too bad that's the only issue they EVER appear in!! Welcome to the forum man!!

Exactly, and the Master is not even that strong. He has a cool concept, but meh! Like really the Alpha team is pretty powerful and respected around the world and even have many allies, but as rogues go they don’t get respect. Mostly all they do now is cameo’s, which sucks.

Actually I have that issue and it did look great. However, I did like his red costume where his headband covered everything but his mouth. Good old Wild Child, is his voice box still ripped out? And thanks for the welcome

04-21-2005, 12:03 PM
Welcome, King Mungi....and all the newest posters.

It's interesting to see other people's favorite Alpha Flight characters, so at the risk of stating the obvious, I enjoy this thread.

Hopefully, someone will beef up the villians (or add some good ones), because I agree that the truly formidable AF bad-guys are too few and far between.

Can anyone tell me what comic book the alternate version ALPHA FLIGHT led by Wolverine and has Shaman with a mask?
Looks great. I would like to track those issues down, if possible.

04-21-2005, 02:48 PM
Welcome, King Mungi....and all the newest posters.

Hopefully, someone will beef up the villians (or add some good ones), because I agree that the truly formidable AF bad-guys are too few and far between.

Can anyone tell me what comic book the alternate version ALPHA FLIGHT led by Wolverine and has Shaman with a mask?
Looks great. I would like to track those issues down, if possible.

Thanks, and I'm glad your enjoying this thread. Next I should make a post your picture thread or something to just to do something.

It might have been Marvel "What If 59: Wolverine Led Alpha Flight" comic. Here's the cover, I don't have the issue, but maybe someone can double check.

04-21-2005, 11:52 PM
Welcome, King Mungi....and all the newest posters.

Hopefully, someone will beef up the villians (or add some good ones), because I agree that the truly formidable AF bad-guys are too few and far between.

Can anyone tell me what comic book the alternate version ALPHA FLIGHT led by Wolverine and has Shaman with a mask?
Looks great. I would like to track those issues down, if possible.

Thanks, and I'm glad your enjoying this thread. Next I should make a post your picture thread or something to just to do something.

It might have been Marvel "What If 59: Wolverine Led Alpha Flight" comic. Here's the cover, I don't have the issue, but maybe someone can double check.

Nope it wasn't the What If issue. That pic of Shaman with a mask is from one of AF's Exiles appearances (again, led by Logan), but in that one (or so I'm told) John Proudstar became Shaman. IIRC, it's the one where Sasquatch (the female, white-furred Sasquatch, who turns out to be Heather Hudson, a Black woman) first makes her appearance in the Exiles community.

04-22-2005, 02:42 AM
What Allan says is bang on. Yes, this isn't Michael Twoyounman, it's John Proudstar.

The picture in question is:

http://www.alphaflight.net/character_galleries/team/thumb_team_gallery8.jpg (http://www.alphaflight.net/character_galleries/team/team_gallery8.jpg)


04-23-2005, 05:02 PM
Ben, that's the picture I saw!

Thanks HappyCanuck and King Mungi. I was hoping it was an EXILES issue, although if it's an early edition, it's got to be a few years old, by now...and probably scarce or valuable (or both). Money and bills are getting tight, so I won't be able to pursue this as urgently as I wanted to, but I'm glad to know where it is.

The issue #(s) would be appreciated, if not too much trouble.

04-23-2005, 09:53 PM
Dont' think it's terribly valuable, but at any rate you shouldn't have much trouble finding that part of the run in TPB :)


04-24-2005, 11:14 AM
Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) 9 :D
Box III (Walter Langkowski) 5
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) 5
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) 9 (Vindicator)
Langkowski, Wanda 5
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) 10 :wink: (Vega)
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) 8
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) 5
Sasquatch II 5
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) 9 (Harfang)
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] 5

Beta Flight:
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison) 8
Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina) 8
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth) 9

Gamma Flight:
Box I (Bochs, Roger) 5
Gemini ?

Omega Flight:
Box II (Jerome Jaxon) 5
Courtney, Delphine 5
Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil 8
Eshu (Former Leader) 5
Flashback 6
Whild Child 8
Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec) 5 (Genial alec)

04-24-2005, 11:44 AM
The issue #(s) would be appreciated, if not too much trouble.

That's from Exiles #5. That Alternate Alpha Flight story arc continues into issue #6. It's no wonder they made an appearance. I went to Junior HS with Judd Winick. He painted an giant awesome Alpha Flight mural on one of the walls up near the front office, let's see, that must have been back in 1984 or so. I bet he had been itching to write an AF story for a long time. Unfortunately, the mural has since been repainted over when the school turned into a Community College.


04-24-2005, 12:09 PM
Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) Ok, I'm going to make a difference in all her personalities

Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) original personnalities *9*

third personnality shown after power changes *4*
Mantlo years *1*
Healing years powers *8*
party girl Aurora/*****y Jeanne-Marie *8*

Box III (Walter Langkowski) *9*
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) *5*
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) *9* Byrne isssues specially
Langkowski, Wanda *6* but never really was done to the full capacity
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) *9*
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) *9*
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) *8* I always liked his flexible morality. That is what differenciated him from many other superheroes.
Sasquatch II 2
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) *7* I like Ed's Snowbird concept better
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] *6* As Shaman 8

Beta Flight:
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison) *7*
Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina) *8*
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth) *9*

Gamma Flight:
Box I (Bochs, Roger) *7*
Gemini *6* if he don't stay that way

Omega Flight:
Box II (Jerome Jaxon) *8*
Courtney, Delphine 9 [
Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil *8*
Eshu (Former Leader) don't remember
Flashback *5*
Wild Child *5*
Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec) *5*

New Alpha Flight Team:
Never read the new serie so I can't say anything about them

But original Major Maple leaf *-1*

Tech Noir *4*
The rest of the new Omegas *1*
Master of the World *7*.
Gilded Lily *5*
Diablo *2*
Pink Pearl *0*
her gang *2*
Super Skrull *6*
Pestilence (sp) *5* but was a great concept, not developped as it should have been
Dream Queen *9*
Nightmare *4*
Marrina Plodex b***h *9*
Great Beasts *9*
Deadly Earnest *6*

04-25-2005, 01:56 AM
Ben, that's the picture I saw!

Thanks HappyCanuck and King Mungi. I was hoping it was an EXILES issue, although if it's an early edition, it's got to be a few years old, by now...and probably scarce or valuable (or both). Money and bills are getting tight, so I won't be able to pursue this as urgently as I wanted to, but I'm glad to know where it is.

The issue #(s) would be appreciated, if not too much trouble.

If memory serves it was issue #5. Or possibly #8 .


04-25-2005, 12:17 PM
...That's from Exiles #5. That Alternate Alpha Flight story arc continues into issue #6....

Thanks, everybody.

05-18-2005, 01:34 AM
Well I'm back from a period of absence, anyone else want to add to this thread?

06-11-2005, 06:24 PM
Alpha Flight:
Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) 10
Box III (Walter Langkowski) 04
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) 10
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) 08
Langkowski, Wanda 04
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) 08
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) 09
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) 09
Sasquatch II 05
Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) 07
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] 10

06-11-2005, 08:30 PM
Maybe I'm less tired today :)

10 - Box Jeffries, Feedback, Windshear, Nemesis {nemesis}
9 - Ghost Girl, Zuzha, Major Maple Leaf, Puck, Witchfire, Flashback \:D/
8 - Shaman, Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, Diamond Lil, Centennial :mrgreen:
7 - Snowbird, Talisman, Pathway, Manikin, Flinch (potential matters), Wild Child, Yukon Jack 8-[
6 - Mac Hudson, Smart Alec =;
5 -

All the rest feel like fives or worse to me. I'm not including still dead characters like Bochs. And of course I'm forgetting somebody.

06-12-2005, 07:28 AM
In the most important character, you forgot Heather. And I guess you have a soft spot for underdogs, because your choice of favorite is really strange or shall we say "unusual". I don't even remember who is Feedback. As Puck you mean Zuzha? them you forgot Judd also.

12-26-2005, 11:43 PM
Im kind of late on this but better late then never, eh. Ill rate them from A-F

Alpha Flight:
B- Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie)
good to have but not a must IMO
D- Box III (Walter Langkowski)
didnt care much for him in Box
A- Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald)
he started the whole thing
A- Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil)
she carried the whole thing when Mac was gone
B- Langkowski, Wanda
I actually like her arc
B- Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul)
see Aurora
A- Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton)
heart and soul of team
A- Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter)
same as Puck
B- Snowbird (Thompson, Ann)
she gets credit cuz she was an original but what useful thing has she done except kill our loved Sassy and marry Yukon Jack
B- Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman]
he makes my top 5

Beta Flight:
B- Box IV (Jeffries, Madison)
love the guy in Box armor or not
C- Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina)
I didnt care for her in Alpha, hated her in Avengers
B- Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth)
she uber powerful

Gamma Flight:
C- Box I (Bochs, Roger)
poor Roger but died trying to save Alpha from Scramble
D- Gemini

Omega Flight:
C- Box II (Jerome Jaxon)
he killed Mac, hate him
C- Courtney, Delphine
B- Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil
she has become a good Alphan
B- Flashback
for some reason I like the guy
C- Whild Child
Xmen get Logan we get stuck with Kyle
C- Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec)
First Flight flunkie, but he did bring back Walt from Limbo

New Alpha Flight Team:
D- Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford)
C- Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.)
if his horse didnt give him his powers then he would get higher grade
B- Nemesis
the sword is awesome
B- Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2)
Pucks daughter gets credit for that
B- Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata)
I like his full name and the way he talks

the look was cool, poor HoM casuality
I didnt care for him
I think they used her pretty well
didnt care for her
I rather have Wildchild
to me he was useful, especially Apeman, Proto and Highbrow
came in when vol 1 was dying down in intrest for me
I hate this guy as much as....
hate the look
daughter of Belasco could bring good future stories
I liked the automotive arsenal on legs
brash and decent
a bigtime wuss
decent character
he gets an A (I wonder why, maybe Mac Hudson can speak for him.)

12-27-2005, 01:21 AM
The Byrne-era headliners, just for fun...

Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) - 9
I love this girl, really. Even if Alpha Flight had never had to attack/fend off attack from a single super-villian, Jeanne-Marie's antics would have caused enough internal conflict to keep the book going for a year.

Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) - 8
Poor Mac. He tried so hard, really. Let this be a lesson people...never stand too close to the boyscouts. They always wind up getting blowed up real good.

Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) - 5
OK, I need to make a distinction here. I like Heather. I disliked Heather getting in the suit. I think the untrained civilian widow inheriting leadership of a bunch of mentally unstable supers was a bad, bad, bad, bad idea. I dunno, I'd have much rather have seen her in capacity more like Oracle's in 'Birds of Prey' rather than trying to fill Mac's shoes.

Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) - 11
Abrasive, aloof, secretive, egotistical pill...and also strongly principled, unfailingly loyal to his sister, and generally in need of a hug. I cannot help but love this guy, even as I suppress the urge to smack him across the back of the head.

Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) - 6
Kind of cool, talked big, and gets one hell of a spike on the 'man, your life sucks' o-meter, but never really did all that much.

Marrina - 7
OK, the Plodex storylines were just damned silly, but you've got to admire someone with enough joy in them to make Namor smile and enough good sense to hang on to him.

Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) - 6
Langkowski gets bonus points just for giving the twins something pretty to fight over. Not so thrilled by the whole experimenting on his mentally unstable girlfriend episode, though.

Snowbird (Thompson, Ann) - 9
Beautiful, primal, aloof and ten times the goddess Storm is, with with bloodline to back it up.

Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] - 6
Good concept, interesting execution, docked points for being a deadbeat dad.


12-27-2005, 05:33 AM
My list...


Alpha Flight:

Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie) 10
Box III (Walter Langkowski) 4
Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald) 7
Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil) 10
Langkowski, Wanda 0
Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul) 10
Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton) 10
Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter) 10
Sasquatch II 3
Snowbird (Narya) 10
Talisman II (Twoyoungmen, Michael) [AKA. Shaman] 6
Diamond Lil (Crawley, Lillian)8
Box IV (Jeffries, Madison) 7
Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina) 7
Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth) 10
Box I (Bochs, Roger) 7
Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford) 7
Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.) 6
Nemesis 8
Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2) 6
Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata) 6
Windshear (Colin Ashworth Hume) 8


Persuasion(Kara Killgrave) 8
Pathway 7 Hate the codename
Goblyn 7
Manikin 5
Feedback 6
Wyre 7
Earthmover (Chuck Moss) 5
Witchfire 7
Silver 5
Auric 5
Manbot (Berney Lachenay) 4
Radius (Jared Corbo) 6
Flex (Adrian Corbo) 6
Ghost Girl (Lilli) 5


The Master(Eshu) 10
Caliber 8
Deadly Ernest (Ernest St Ives) 9
Gilded Lily (Lillian Von Loont) 10
The Wendigo 10
Dreamqueen 10
Pestilence 8
Pink Pearl (Pearl Gross) 6
The Plodex 9

The Great Beasts 10 I don't want to rate them seperately because I think they're all cool.

Omega Flight:

Box II (Jerome Jaxon) 10
Courtney, Delphine 10
Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil 8
The Master/Eshu (Former Leader) 8
Flashback 9
Whild Child 9
Smart Alec (Thorne, Alec) 5
Miss Mass 6
Tech-Noir 7
Strongarm 6
Sinew 6
Brain-Drain 7

01-01-2006, 03:42 PM
Wyre-9 (Not on the list, but a cool guy nontheless)

I can't think right now :?

01-04-2006, 12:53 PM
Alpha Flight:
9- Aurora (Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie)
0- Box III (Walter Langkowski)
2- Guardian I (Hudson, James MacDonald)
10- Guardian II (Hudson, Heather MacNeil)
0- Langkowski, Wanda
10- Northstar (Baubier, Jean-Paul)
10- Puck I (Judd, Eugene Milton)
10- Sasquatch I (Langkowski, Walter)
0- Sasquatch II
2- Snowbird (Thompson, Ann)
9 - Shaman (Twoyoungmen, Michael)

Beta Flight:
7 - Box IV (Jeffries, Madison)
7 - Marrina (Smallwood, Marrina)
5 - Talisman I (Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth)

Gamma Flight:
dead -Box I (Bochs, Roger)
2- Gemini

Omega Flight:
7- Box II (Jerome Jaxon)
5- Courtney, Delphine
5- Crawley, Lillian Diamond Lil
0- Eshu (Former Leader)
2- Flashback
6- Wild Child
4- rt Alec (Thorne, Alec)

New Alpha Flight Team:
3- Centennial (Princeton, Rutherford)
5- Major Mapleleaf II (Saddler, Louis Jr.)
6- Nemesis
0 -Yu, Zuzha (Puck 2)
0 -Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata)