View Full Version : Alpha Squadron

05-05-2005, 09:20 PM
In New X-Men do they just show a picture or give names to them too? Anybody got the image? No way I'll get to a store in the next week or two, at least. :lol:

05-05-2005, 09:48 PM

This image is from New X-Men: Academy X #13. There is another panel below it with the same characters.

The blonde girl is identified as "Andrea", I believe for the first time, and of course the green dude is "Victor", previously identified. I don't read this series regularly, so I don't know who the rest of the squad are, but I don't believe they have been identified yet.


05-05-2005, 10:32 PM
Thnks, the pic isn't showing up on this computer, I'll try another. Guess I'm out of it today (had several of my, uh, charges think 'editing' was the same as 'writing'). Ah, plagiarism. :roll:

05-06-2005, 03:01 AM
Another computer did the trick, thanks rplass. I seriously doubt any of those characters will ever get any development or that any are Canadian but it's nice to see they existed at all. Alpha Flight connection, anyway.

Le Messor
05-08-2005, 03:03 AM
Um... Excuse me if I'm behind, but what's the Alpha Flight connection? I hope it's more than having 'Alpha' in the name?

Is NS leading that team?

- Le Messor
"Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?"

05-08-2005, 09:02 AM
Yes, Northstar was the mentor of the team before the unfortunate events of Wolverine vol. 3 #25. The issue that sad, sad image is from is New X-Men: Academy X #13, which occurs chronologically between Wolverine #25 and #26, although it was published after #27 was published.

Alpha Squadron had previously been mentioned in a few issues, and Victor had been the only identified member until now. I tried to figure out who the rest of the kiddies are but since I don't have the rest of the series, I came up short.

I suppose the Alpha Flight connection is that the kids are the students of a former Alpha Flight member... and I doubt that the selection of "Alpha" in the name of the team was co-incidental if Northstar were to be the mentor, or the other way around: if Northstar were given the chance to name it himself, he named it after his old team. Other than that, I don't see much of a connection, really.... EXCEPT I do remember reading in an interview that if the New X-Men: Hellions series (with Clayton Henry) takes off with high sales, that Marvel intends to spin off other New X-Men: series, and that [i]Alpha Squadron was specifically mentioned as one of those teams, so we could get a regular monthly for Northstar, uh, assuming he is back at the skoo after he finishes up his bad guy thingy with Hydra/The Hand.


05-09-2005, 02:39 AM
Yes, that's what I meant about the AF connection, that the mentor/advisor/teacher of Alpha Squadron is Northstar. I believe he got to choose the name, too. 8)

rplass is right as far as I know, no mention of who those kids are beyond lizard boy being Victor Borowski (sp?) and the blonde being Andrea, as rplass mentioned. If I get to a comic store in the next month maybe I'll learn more, I doubt it. :?

Interesting things, rplass, that you guess that Alpha Squadron kids themselves may have ties to AF and that if Hellions does well they may spin off more miniseries about other X-Academy teams, possibly front and center being Alpha Squadron. With no current AF, a connection there would be nice! :D

Le Messor
05-09-2005, 08:19 PM
Seems unlike NS to name anything after Alpha Flight. He never really liked the team.

- Le Messor
"My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star."

- Grandpa Simpson

05-10-2005, 01:44 AM
I don't know about that...I think he secretly grew to love them as family....but then, many folks love their family, but don't particularly like them...if that makes sense to anyone.


05-10-2005, 02:00 AM
Well, if Northstar didn't get to pick the name who did? I think the writer's intent was that he did, as Cyclops likely picked Corsairs, and Moonstar picked New Mutants, and Frost picked Hellions.

Now Karma gets to 'advise' Alpha Squadron? Two homosexual advisors, what are the odds :o

Still, I hope that at least one character has ties to Alpha Flight, if not being Canadian herself/himself now. Likely would be one Canadian mutant in the school after squidboy died and why not put him/her with an advisor who knows about the Calgary Stampeders and Montréal Canadiens?? :wink:

05-10-2005, 09:08 AM
Still, I hope that at least one character has ties to Alpha Flight, if not being Canadian herself/himself now. Likely would be one Canadian mutant in the school after squidboy died and why not put him/her with an advisor who knows about the Calgary Stampeders and Montréal Canadiens?? :wink:

Maybe for te Canadiens, but the Stampeders? What's that? the festival or an sport team? Football, right? Don't be so sure he would.

05-11-2005, 12:55 AM
Still, I hope that at least one character has ties to Alpha Flight, if not being Canadian herself/himself now. Likely would be one Canadian mutant in the school after squidboy died and why not put him/her with an advisor who knows about the Calgary Stampeders and Montréal Canadiens?? :wink:

Maybe for the Canadiens, but the Stampeders? What's that? the festival or a sport team? Football, right? Don't be so sure he would.

i think JP would probably be a fan of the Broadstreet Bullies. (That's the Flyers for you guys what aren't hockey savy.) I think a good old fashion bench clearer is JP's type of game.
Ahhh the good old days. Now you only get a bench clearer in baseball. You know the civilized game.

05-13-2005, 02:33 AM
New X-Men: Academy X #14 is supposed to show a bit more of Alpha Squadron, possibly even names or hints at powers; if I'm lucky, hints at one being Canadian :o

One can only hope some days... :roll:

05-13-2005, 09:29 AM
i think JP would probably be a fan of the Broadstreet Bullies. (That's the Flyers for you guys what aren't hockey savy.) I think a good old fashion bench clearer is JP's type of game.
Ahhh the good old days. Now you only get a bench clearer in baseball. You know the civilized game.

With Baby Lindros that played for that team, forget it! JP would just had love to hate them!

05-15-2005, 01:41 AM
I wonder if New X-Men #14 shows more of the other character's powers besides Victor (who so far looks green and a bit scaly, long prehensile tongue, chameleon power too)? #13 shows the characters and, as rplass said, names Andrea. I'm guessing that two of the characters are borother and sister. Looking at the previews for it on Mile High I can se Victor and the dark haired girl, maybe two more.

I'm still holding out hope that one is Canadian. Some say it's a cliche to have a Canadian or two on the squad but then they have apparently strongly hinted that Victor is gay, like Northstar, so what makes having Andrea or dark haired girl or purple guy or body design girl or her brother(?) being Canadian a problem? :o

05-15-2005, 11:26 PM
Well, two down as being American it seems. Victor of course, and Andrea is to be Andrea Margulies (Rubbermaid), a stretch mutant from another X title.

That leaves the tall guy with the ponytail, the girl who may be his sister, purple guy, and the other girl who looks a bit Canadian :wink: as possible characters with Canadian and/or AF ties. :roll:

Of course, it's never been stated that Rubbermaid or Victor are not Canadians in the comic, but I am guessing that they're not. I'm not sure where Rubbermaid was first seen, anyway.

05-17-2005, 09:15 PM
Learned more about the characters. Purple guy is Indra from India, can add sectional armour to his body. Body art girl is Loa likely from Hawaii, can swim through matter.

So that makes two non-Canadians for sure, with Victor and Rubbermaid unlikely Canadians. The other girl and the tall boy with the ponytail are left. Hope one is Canadian. After all, with Victor being gay, why wouldn't a Canadian far from home want to be on a team with someone who knows about home and snow et al? Girl or boy?

At Grind Stone on Comix-X-fan or whatever one writer (Nunzio) posted all this info.

05-22-2005, 07:19 PM
Learned more about the characters. Purple guy is Indra from India, can add sectional armour to his body. Body art girl is Loa likely from Hawaii, can swim through matter.

So that makes two non-Canadians for sure, with Victor and Rubbermaid unlikely Canadians. The other girl and the tall boy with the ponytail are left. Hope one is Canadian. After all, with Victor being gay, why wouldn't a Canadian far from home want to be on a team with someone who knows about home and snow et al? Girl or boy?

At Grind Stone on Comix-X-fan or whatever one writer (Nunzio) posted all this info.

No new news but I read a silly-ish theory on usenet about Alpha Squadron; one guy/gal posted that maybe the sixth member (the girl with dark hair, not the tall boy with the ponytail) is Aurora's daughter, as if she was a pregnant teen, gave up the baby for adoption then was in the convent and discovered her powers. She'd have been a Mom at 14 or 15 to make sense but it would be an interesting twist. With her MPD to help explian it all. :wink:

10-27-2005, 03:38 PM
Well, the cat's out of the bag with this week's publication of The New Mutants: Academy X Yearbook Special #1. This is actually a pretty neato comic with a full-page detailed listing with photos of the Alpha Squadron members, including their powers. It's very well done. However, JP is not listed as their advisor, so it's not an Alpha Flight appearance.

Hopefully someone will scan the images and/or post the text. The comic contains a story, followed by single page listings of the student teams, followed by individual page entrys in the OHOTMU2004/5 style for the members of the New Mutants and the Hellions.


10-28-2005, 01:58 AM
Well, two down as being American it seems. Victor of course, and Andrea is to be Andrea Margulies (Rubbermaid), a stretch mutant from another X title.

That leaves the tall guy with the ponytail, the girl who may be his sister, purple guy, and the other girl who looks a bit Canadian :wink: as possible characters with Canadian and/or AF ties. :roll:

Of course, it's never been stated that Rubbermaid or Victor are not Canadians in the comic, but I am guessing that they're not. I'm not sure where Rubbermaid was first seen, anyway.

I believe Rubbermaid was first seen in kitchens and garages all across North America. Possibly in the bathroom too.

10-28-2005, 12:24 PM
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-haw! That was great, JC!

Dana :lol: :lol: :lol: