View Full Version : See you in Wizard World Philly!

05-15-2005, 05:43 PM
Hi, everyone. I will be in Philadelphia for the Wizard World con June 3-5. I will be in artists alley. I will have a few AF pages for sale although Kwan's website is still the best place to purchase original art. I will be doing sketches for those who are interested and I'll be more than happy to sign any issues you have. I don't do many cons, so this will be my only appearance this year.

See you there.


05-15-2005, 07:04 PM
Hey, if anyone is going to this, I'd LOVE to get my grubby little paws on a Sasquatch sketch :D

Oh well, worth a try ;)


05-15-2005, 07:12 PM
Hey Ben, Im Ken's brother (Mos Def) and I live near Philly (15 minutes away) As long as Clayton doesnt charge too much I will get it for you and get your info via email since my brother liked you as a person

05-15-2005, 10:02 PM
Hey Ben, Im Ken's brother (Mos Def) and I live near Philly (15 minutes away) As long as Clayton doesnt charge too much I will get it for you and get your info via email since my brother liked you as a person

Oh, wow, I'm touched...drop me an email at ben@alphaflight.net


05-15-2005, 10:55 PM
I was on "the fence" about going to this Con, but this has clinched it for me.

See, if CH is going to be there, so will I :D . I wonder what time/day he will be there to sign stuff... He's not listed on the wizardworld.com website [yet].


PS I hope to meet any other AF.netters who would be so kind as to make themselves publicly known. I'll be wearing a black Batman shirt and generally gravitating around CH's table. Yeah, as if that would make me so easy to spot. Uh, I look like this: http://forum.alphaflight.net/album_comment.php?pic_id=303 , so if you see some dude who looks like that wearing a black Batman shirt, that's me. My hair won't look as nice as it did on the day that picture was taken, of course, but you'll recognize me, I'm sure. Just be all, "Dude, are you rplass?"

05-16-2005, 12:13 PM
Guess who lives in Philly?


Guess who's on vacation that week with nothing but time on his hands and no where but the baseball HOF to go to?


I'm there when it opens on the 3rd only as I'll be out of town the 4th and 5th but if anyone would like me to grab something speak now.

05-16-2005, 03:19 PM
I probably will go on the third day too. Will Henry be there all three days.If not that would change my plans. I said I would get the Sasquatch pic for Ben but you could get a Yukon Jack pic and we could work some arrangements out about mail

05-16-2005, 04:36 PM
Question for you ComicCon vets. This would be my 1st time at this type of event. What can I ask Clay to draw without being too much of a pain in the butt? Is there normally a price for this? Any help would be great.

05-16-2005, 07:46 PM
Ah, try to balance between something that's not an excruciatingly painful thing to draw and something that captures the essence of what you love about Clayton's art. Just talk to him and tell him what you love about his art, and find out what he likes to draw and see how it matches up with what you'd want to see. So you can ask him, "I want a sixteen-way underwater battle scene between obscure Alpha Flight members and obscure Marvel villians whose costumes I don't remember on a 2pg spread with flaming metors smashing down through the water surface and a landscape of ancient Atlantis..." if that's what you really want, but remember that CH hates drawing backgrounds and loves drawing character facial expressions. Remember that 3/4 views are the most difficult to render and that hands and perspective take quite a bit of time, so keep it to a straight on character head shot and you should be OK. Or you could ask for something specifically interesting and unique that he alone, as one of many artists drawing Alpha Flight over the years, brought to Alpha Flight, like Imperial Guardian's future costume with the cape, that new Snowbird costume that we never really saw, something involving Mar, or another quick shot of Yukon Jack's bone-spiraling powers. If I am so humbled as to be on the receiving end of a sketch, I'd ask for a head and shoulder shot of a single character, probably Puck, and probably doing something playful like blowing a kiss, something simple like that, which he should he able to crank out fairly effortlessly and enjoy it. THE GIRL PUCK! [before you yahoos get a chance to take a crack!] You can also just let him rip one out from what he loves to draw and let him decide. Overall it will depend on how cool he is, how well you connect with him, and how much he believes what he gives you for free will be appreciated.


05-17-2005, 08:26 AM
I'd ask for a head and shoulder shot of a single character, probably Puck, and probably doing something playful like blowing a kiss, something simple like that, which he should he able to crank out fairly effortlessly and enjoy it. THE GIRL PUCK! [before you yahoos get a chance to take a crack!]

What's wrong with the original Puck blowing a kiss? Personnally, I would find that a lot more funny:)

05-17-2005, 04:25 PM
Thanks, I was wondering what I could ask for without it being excessive. And now that you brought up the Imperial Guardian idea I may have to go that way.

05-17-2005, 08:31 PM
What's wrong with the original Puck blowing a kiss? Personnally, I would find that a lot more funny:)

queue Allan!


05-17-2005, 09:01 PM
queue Allan!

Is that in french or in english? if un french, I find this disturbing :oops: :-k :-s :shock:

05-17-2005, 09:22 PM
I also lol :lol:

05-17-2005, 09:41 PM
hah, that's the old call-cener lingo...I meant cue....but queue is used in eglish to mean a waiting line, much like a tail. If you called tech support, and everyone is already on a call, you are placed in the queue


05-17-2005, 10:17 PM
I know, I was just lost at first, then after a few minutes, I got it :wink: I just decided to have fun and not behave :twisted:

05-17-2005, 11:31 PM
can we translate the french queue in english ? :lol:
to queue in french means : faire la queue but in french that also means the male sex

05-18-2005, 12:19 AM
hah hah, I had no idea that was used as a frech slang, but I guess it knda makes sense...on the wrong side of the body though ;)


05-18-2005, 11:43 AM
What's wrong with the original Puck blowing a kiss? Personnally, I would find that a lot more funny:)

queue Allan!


wait, why are we queuing/cuing allan??

Personally, I don't WANT Puck blowing kisses at me... for a hero, he's good. for a romantic interest, he's creepy... Tho I'll admit, having Puck blow kisses at men would be... well, no, I was right the first time: creepy!!

That brings a WHOLE new level to the 'creepy old man' genre :shock:

EDIT: Yeah, Sylvie JUST told me the OTHER meaning of 'queue' in French in greater detail... :shock: ... But since it was BEN who said it to me, I MIGHT just take the chance :P

05-18-2005, 11:47 AM
no, not blowing kiss at men, I just want him to blow kisses. I don't care to who

05-18-2005, 11:57 AM
no, not blowing kiss at men, I just want him to blow kisses. I don't care to who

:shock: Yeah, I SO misread that... (amasing what you read when you glance over two VERY specific words...)

05-18-2005, 12:10 PM
The cue was as a follow up to your Puck dressed in Zuzha garb pic...and for the record, I don't want anything to do with Allan queueing anything.


05-22-2005, 01:37 AM
*draws a line in the sand of taste and decency with his toe*

Hmm.. which side to step on....

And grrrrrrrrrr, no Philly for me this year.

Any plans for cons next year Clayton? :lol:

05-23-2005, 01:42 AM
bang goes the PG rating for sure now...anyhooo!

I'd have liked to have gone to con this year, but with my other con obligation I only have room on me plate for one con a year...the other one takes a load of me time to get organized and stuff.

I expect piccies from those who are going though!

her royal highness has spoken. =p

06-05-2005, 12:24 AM
Well, now! I just got back from the Wizard World con in Philly. Boy, did I score. I picked up a beautiful Vindicator Bust for $42 which is now proudly watching guard over my computer monitor. I also picked up a bunch of Alpha Flight-related comics (guest appearances), got an autograph from Battlestar Galactica's Tricia Helfer, got a toy for my nephew, a manga comic for my g/f, met Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), met Donovan from "V" (Marc Singer), accidentally met a porno star (?!?!) while trying to buy a glossy photo of Tricia Helfer, and of course, the brass ring, met Clayton Henry.

When I got there at 2pm, his booth was unmanned and the guy next to his booth said he was a no-show. So I was like, totally bummed. About 15 min before they closed the floor, I said to myself, "rplass, go check, maybe he's there anyway..." So I did and I met him! I really wanted him to make a me little custom sketch, but he was in the middle of doing a custom sketch for someone else... I thought maybe I was out of luck, but I explained that I drove all the way down from NYC to meet him and that I had purchased quite a bit of comic art of his from Kwan, so he agreed to stop what he was doing and do a quick head shot of Zuzha for me to thank me for the purchase. Wow, that was really nice of him. He told me that he loves drawing Zuzha, but didn't like the way that the character was written by Lobdell. I didn't ask him what he meant by that because it was sort of a negative vibe, so I just left it at that. I confirmed with him that she is supposed to be half-Asian, and he confessed that it's difficult [for him?] to draw Asian characters. He had some other comic art for sale, which I was extremely tempted to pick up, but I didn't have the cash on me at the time.

I saw some other comic art for sale at some other guy's booth - the Byrne cover for Alpha Flight #28 which was up for $2500 and the most amazing Marvel Age #2 cover art, also by Byrne, a piece that technically pre-dates Alpha Flight #1, but the guy wanted $12,000 for it. fooFooFOO!!! That's a lot of lettuce.

Here is a scan of what he drew for me:


06-05-2005, 04:12 AM
NICE! sounds like you had an awsome time RP! That's a great sketch! Frame that puppy up and put it in a place of honour!


06-05-2005, 05:09 AM
Wowza... that's damn mighty fine for a "quick head sketch".... as expected for the man tho, naturally ;)

06-05-2005, 09:12 PM
Great pic Clayton drew for you.

Funny, why does Quesada love She-Hulk so much!??! Three times he's given that character a new series in 18 months. Runaways gets a second chance, Power Pack gets another mini, Moon Knight gets another shot, as does Ghost Rider and New Warriors, although I doubt Warriors will sell much and will not get a full-run series.

Time we got back at Marvel and get Alpha Flight back on board!! :twisted:

Go for it people, time's a wasting! 8)

06-06-2005, 11:22 AM
I went to the Wizard show on Friday, 6/3 and must've missed him as the spot he was supposed to be at wasn't manned. I went and drowned my sorrows in a couple of beers at the Independence brew pub down the street while avoiding all the costumed people walking around. I went back up to the artists section one last time with the same result. Day almost wasted saved only by the kick ass porter the brew pub had on draught.

Next time Henry does an appearance and it's near me I'll show up.