View Full Version : tanaraq...

05-19-2005, 03:26 PM
only a littel question...really, it's very very little..please please answer me...
the tanaraq entity is from our dimension or from an other dimension?
it's only a little curiosity...

05-19-2005, 04:38 PM
He's from another dimension. I can't get at my comics right now to check what it's called though.

05-19-2005, 10:24 PM
He's from another dimension. I can't get at my comics right now to check what it's called though.

I haven't researched it to great depths, but for the most part, the dimension seems to be referenced as "the Realm of the Great Beasts" a lot. During the war between them and the Arctic Gods, both sides were barred from the Earthly Plain (hence why Nelvanna et al are forced to stay in 'astral' form whenever they are seen on this side). Neither can come back of their own volition. The Great Beasts are always finding a new way to try to come over, and, to date, Tanaraq is the only one who has constant method of transferrance (via Walt's body - although as I've said in a prior post, it was easier for him to do so through Snowbird's body than through Walt's)

05-20-2005, 10:12 AM
thanks a lot.