View Full Version : I got my Vindicator Mini Bust!

06-09-2005, 03:38 AM
Yup, I picked it up today. I'm so happy with it! I had to go strait to work shortly after getting it, so he came with me. When I ran out of White rum, I couldn't resist having him hold the place for me :D



06-09-2005, 11:39 AM
Yup, I picked it up today. I'm so happy with it! I had to go strait to work shortly after getting it, so he came with me. When I ran out of White rum, I couldn't resist having him hold the place for me :D



Aww, damn!! Knew those long days at the office and multiple deaths were getting to Jimmy-boy! NOW he's hitting the bottle! :D

06-09-2005, 11:25 PM
Here's the text from the outside of the box:

"Vindicator Then & Now

In February of 1978, the uncanny X-Men first encountered a Canadian super-hero named Weapon Alpha. Yet one of the X-Men--fellow Canadian Wolverine--already knew this high-tech warrior. He was Dr. James MacDonald Hudson, creator of a technologically enhanced battlesuit intended for geological exploration, recruited into missions for his government's shadowy Department H. Redubbed the VindicatorTM, Hudson became the leader of the Canadian superteam known as Alpha Flight.

Vindicator'sTM cybernetic uniform commands a wealth of astonishing capabilities, including Mach-1 flight, amplified strength, force-field projection, computer interfacing, and concussive firepower. Ultimately taking the name of Guardian, Hudson was presumed dead by his fellow members of Alpha Flight until reemerging, his battlesuit now biologically integrated into his very flesh."

To the right of this text are the covers from AF #17 and the AF Special #4.


Le Messor
06-10-2005, 01:26 AM
Damn, that is so kewl! I wonder if I can get it...

It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine!

- Le Messor
'Today's episode has been brought to you by the letters NV.'

06-10-2005, 02:15 AM
Damn, that is so kewl! I wonder if I can get it...

It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine!

I've seen them on Ebay if you can't get thim in down there Mic


06-10-2005, 02:22 AM
Looks cool, but pretty small. However, I still wouldn't mind one for myself though

06-10-2005, 02:42 AM
Looks cool, but pretty small. However, I still wouldn't mind one for myself though

that pic does make it look a little smaller than it really is. The bottles are the bar-sized 1.5L ones, not the regulare 750ml bottles. It is over 6" tall.


06-10-2005, 09:42 AM
That is the coolest bar ever. I be needing me one othem statuettes. Now we need a Sasquatch one.

06-10-2005, 09:58 AM
Now we need a Sasquatch one.

Yes, yes we do!


06-10-2005, 12:46 PM
was just looking at the Bowen Designs site, Vindicator is listed as sold out. Get yours while you can, only 2000 were made. Mine is 0991 of 2000


06-10-2005, 09:43 PM
Mine is numbered 1269! Here is a listing of events occurring in the year 1269 as reckoned in the common calendar:

June 19 - King Louis IX of France orders all Jews found in public without an identifying yellow badge to be fined ten livres of silver.

Pélerin de Maricourt first describes magnetic poles and remarks on the nonexistence of isolated magnetic poles.

King Otakar II of Bohemia inherits Carinthia and part of Carniola, making him the most powerful prince within the Holy Roman Empire; the empire lacking an emperor during the ongoing great interregnum, Otakar II was one of the most powerful man in Europe.

The construction of Blair Castle in Scotland is begun by John Comyn.

The Almohad dynasty of caliphs (not universally accepted) that once ruled most of North Africa and Al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) was extinguished when Idris II was murdered in the dynasty's last remaining possession, Marrakesh.

The Berber Merinid dynasty completes the conquest of Morocco, replacing the Almohad dynasty which it defeated in Marrakesh.

The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchy of Antioch returns to Antioch after a 171-year exile, during which it had been replaced by the Latin Patriarch of Antioch.

Huang Gongwang, Chinese painter (d. 1354)

John de Balliol, father of John Balliol, King of Scotland.

Wow! You learn something new every day. Unfortunately, no Alpha Flight connection in any of those events. Oh, well.


06-11-2005, 02:02 AM
Mine is numbered 1269! Here is a listing of events occurring in the year 1269 as reckoned in the common calendar:

June 19 - King Louis IX of France orders all Jews found in public without an identifying yellow badge to be fined ten livres of silver.

Pélerin de Maricourt first describes magnetic poles and remarks on the nonexistence of isolated magnetic poles.

King Otakar II of Bohemia inherits Carinthia and part of Carniola, making him the most powerful prince within the Holy Roman Empire; the empire lacking an emperor during the ongoing great interregnum, Otakar II was one of the most powerful man in Europe.

The construction of Blair Castle in Scotland is begun by John Comyn.

The Almohad dynasty of caliphs (not universally accepted) that once ruled most of North Africa and Al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) was extinguished when Idris II was murdered in the dynasty's last remaining possession, Marrakesh.

The Berber Merinid dynasty completes the conquest of Morocco, replacing the Almohad dynasty which it defeated in Marrakesh.

The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchy of Antioch returns to Antioch after a 171-year exile, during which it had been replaced by the Latin Patriarch of Antioch.

Huang Gongwang, Chinese painter (d. 1354)

John de Balliol, father of John Balliol, King of Scotland.

Wow! You learn something new every day. Unfortunately, no Alpha Flight connection in any of those events. Oh, well.


Unless J-P's been trying to fine Walt ten bucks for not having his ID badge.

06-11-2005, 07:11 AM
Which iss was Special #4 a reprint of again?

06-11-2005, 10:52 AM
Which iss was Special #4 a reprint of again?

The 4-issue mini was a reprint of issues 97-100, so that would be #100.


06-11-2005, 07:29 PM
I just received my Vindicator mini-bust today! =D> It looks gorgeous! I placed it on my bedside table, a real place of honor for me.

06-21-2005, 03:40 AM
I got me one for father's day!! :D

for those following the numbers I got #1114.

Looks cool with the shiny red paint.