View Full Version : Sasquatch/Walter Langowski Question

06-25-2005, 05:49 PM
My apologies if this has been asked before... but can anyone tell me the current status of Walter Langowski and/or his recent history? I really only read the Byrne Alpha Flight but know that Walter became Wanda(?!?) for awhile, and was also inhabiting Box, the Hulk, etc. In Scott Lobdell's recent (humor) series, which I didn't read, it looked like Walter was back to being regular ol' Sasquatch.

Thanks, and nice looking site!


Le Messor
06-25-2005, 10:36 PM
*sigh*... How to explain this? First, you only read Byrne?!?
Good move.

At the end of Byrne's run, Sas sacrificed himself to give Hulk a chance at life. You know that.
Okay, about twenty? issues later, he walked out of the dimensional crossroads through Shaman's medicine pouch; inside Smart Alec's body.
Shortly after, Snowbird died, and he took possession of her body as the White Sasquatch. When he turned human, it turned out he was still female.

Later, to prevent the DreamQueen from influencing him, Snowbird's spirit came down and changed her / his body back into Walt. Now he's just like the Sas we all knew and loved.

As for why there's a Snowbird and a Sas? Nobody knows. (Well, poor research, obviously...)

And there should be a new Sas, taken from the past before Mac's death running about loose somewhere.

And a family of real sasquatches.

Does any of that make sense?

- Le Messor
"Here I stand at the crossroad's edge, afraid to reach out for eternity."
- Queensrÿche

06-26-2005, 12:28 AM
As for why there's a Snowbird and a Sas? Nobody knows. (Well, poor research, obviously...)

Actually, we DO know why there's a Sasquatch and a Snowbird... We just don't know HOW there's a Sasquatch and a Snowbird.

Somehow AIM cloned Snowbird (for what reason, no one knows), but how they got Narya's DNA is anyone's guess, since Sasquatch's body - tho male - is still Narya's old body.

06-26-2005, 02:46 AM
As for why there's a Snowbird and a Sas? Nobody knows. (Well, poor research, obviously...)

Actually, we DO know why there's a Sasquatch and a Snowbird... We just don't know HOW there's a Sasquatch and a Snowbird.

Somehow AIM cloned Snowbird (for what reason, no one knows), but how they got Narya's DNA is anyone's guess, since Sasquatch's body - tho male - is still Narya's old body.

Man there has to be some great potential there for a Great Beasts story or some form of Narya's "true form" surfacing to cause havok. (No not the X-men's Havok)

Johnny Canuck

06-28-2005, 08:29 PM
My apologies if this has been asked before... but can anyone tell me the current status of Walter Langowski and/or his recent history? I really only read the Byrne Alpha Flight but know that Walter became Wanda(?!?) for awhile, and was also inhabiting Box, the Hulk, etc. In Scott Lobdell's recent (humor) series, which I didn't read, it looked like Walter was back to being regular ol' Sasquatch.

First and foremost: Welcome, BrendanT!

Next, Roger/BOX didn't pull THE HULK out of Limbo; Alpha Flight somehow got sucked in. It's the only explanation I can think of for the disparity between the Mantlo version and the real Alpha Flight.

Finally, too much that happened after AFV1# 28 doesn't fit with what Claremont/Byrne/Stern/DeFalco/Simonson did to better-define the characters and their place in the MARVEL universe. Better to forget what happened after AFV1# 28 than try to rationalize a continuity that the creators/editors didn't spend a lot of time trying to keep straight.

If you've only read the Byrne issues, you've done yourself a favor.

06-29-2005, 02:17 AM
If you've only read the Byrne issues, you've done yourself a favor.

I still think it's well worth picking up the whole series. Yah, there's some bad stuff, some crappy characterization, but there's some really good stuff, and some great AF history to be read. If you can swallow the bad, and enjoy the good, go for it. Back issues can be got really cheap, get em, read em, groan, moan, cheer, it's all worth it IMO


06-29-2005, 10:06 AM
I'm with Ben on this one. Yeah some of the stories might be painful to swallow if you're a continuity buff, but if you just love Alpha Flight and like to read stories about those characters then you owe it to yourself to read them all. There are some good stories after #28. There are some bad stories after #28. You might love them all! Even the Razer storyline could be your favorite for all we know. Read them. Enjoy them (or don't). But mainly make up your own mind on them. Don't let what anyone else says jade your enjoyment of these stories or this medium.

06-29-2005, 12:59 PM
I bought AFV1 #s 124, 125, 126 (half-off), and Weapon X # 1 over the weekend. I'm willing to read the stories after AFV1# 28, although I'm not starting with MANTLO-era issues. I don't think the puzzle-picture that the Mantlo era was filling in is the same puzzle that the earliest collaborators tried to fill in. While I do suggest that what comes after AFV1# 28 be forgotten, I didn't suggest that anyone not read the stories. Again, PESTILENCE, a villain from the Mantlo era, is one of Alpha Flight's best adversaries. I'll believe that to my dying day. I also believe that Mantlo's AF is not the same as the original AF (and not just due to mere roster-changes).

Some stories could have made a bit more sense, like the "BLAST FROM THE PAST" two-parter, which I like. However, I wish it were explained in the story how Gary Cody managed to mass-produce the electro-magnetic suits since James was supposed to have burned the original (only?) set of blue-prints. Did MADISON JEFFRIES have something to do with it? Roger Bochs? The Master? Magneto? BFTP was written so concisely that a brief explanation would not have spoiled the story. In fact, it would have catapulted it to the highest echelons of AF lore.

I enjoyed volume three even though it doesn't completely fit "my" conception of AF; I liked it because it has most of the traits that I associate with AF: fun, heroic, interdependent, and squabbling.