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08-05-2005, 08:54 PM
Actually saw this finally, not bad IMNSHO. Wasn't fantastic (no pun intended), but I'll get the DVD when it comes out. Michael Chiklis seems to have Ben Grimm down to a T (what does that actually mean and why?) Whoever as Johnny Storm was pretty good also. Difficult to equate Victor Von Doom with the geezer who's arse frequently bobs up and down on my TV Screen when Nip/Tucks on. Not a bad film. However that said, it doesn't hold a candle to 'Charley and the Chocolate Factory' Johnny Depp and Tim Burton =D> =D>

08-06-2005, 03:09 AM
Saw it tuesday. Did not expected much so I was not disapointed, I actually enjoyed it.


I just thought they could have cut the Debbie part. Like someone in their right mind would come down the street (full of people too) in my night gown just to meet their husband? I don't think so. Thinking back there are other stuff that did not worked for me but did not irritate me or I just stop thinking about it. Like how Doom was able to get camera into the Baxter Building and then ge there while Reed and Sue was still there and do as him wanted unotice by those 2 ? I don't know.

I also want to blame the french translation for making me gringe everytime they said Red and not reed and Victor Von Doom was called Victor Von Fatalis, ouache!!! I should considered myself lucky Sue kept her real name and was not named Jane like the french comic translation. Never understood that one.

08-06-2005, 10:34 AM
I've gone and seen it three times that is how much I LOVE that movie. lol pathetic fangirlgeek I know, but dude...Johnny...YUM!

Le Messor
08-06-2005, 11:05 PM
I enjoyed it, too. Enough to buy it on DVD, but I'm not raving about it. Mostly, I thought it was just a very pretty movie--pretty actors and effects, no brains.

They captured the FF's personalities perfectly. Pity the same can't be said for Doom. I dislike forced racial diversity (it seems so forced), so I don't see why they made Alicia black. But I think she looks better that way, so I'm not complaining. :oops: (But does that make The Puppet Master black, too?)

Doom. Sigh. How bad did they do him? Now I shall sing the Doom Song... Doom, doom, doom, doomy-doom...
(six months later) ...doom-doom, doomy, doomah!...
Anyway, for him, I still call it 'The Plastic Fantastic Four' (I started that based on him & The Thing in the trailers, but The Thing don't look plastic in the movie.) He should have his own origin; and, what, the mask just happens to be lying around his office? That worked in Gremlins 2, not here.

- Le Messor
"Disguise your feelings when you put your relatives on the plane for home."

08-07-2005, 11:33 AM
All-in-all, I liked the movie. Sure, there were little things that irked me ... like a black Alicia Masters. Thats right up there with making the Kingpin black. What, he's the chief criminal, so, "naturally", he just had to be black?!?!? Isn't that the reverse of what is intended with this racial alteration crap? And speaking of bigotry and discrimination, was there something with Alicia being, ahem, "white"?

Incidently ....

<----- <not "white", but Teutonic and Slavic, so there!!> :P

My biggest beef with the movie however is that it was a tease. I wanted to see a major slobberknocker, at least 20 minutes long, that puts to shame the single greatest fight scene ever to hit the Silver Screen ... yes, thats right, Rowdy Roddy Piper and, I think it was Lou Gossette Jr., but anyway it was a black guy and the movie was "They Live". The Rock's fight scene in the Scorpion King? Pfffft. Doesn't touch Rowdy's in "They Live". Wow, that was a great fight scene!!!

Anyway, I'm thinking that FF 2 has to be, like, FF vs. the Hulk, or FF vs. Silver Surfer or Terrax or Gladiator. Somethin heavy, classic, and which leaves us with a stomachful of every ones power ... not just a "womanly" little appetizer.

08-07-2005, 08:17 PM
I wish I could have summed it up like that Powersuge, so I shall just say 'What He Said'... However I shall disagree with you about the greatest screen fight ever, my choice would be John Wayne versus Victor Mclaglen in 'The Quiet Man' (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045061/)

08-08-2005, 02:52 AM
I agree with the last two. They established the hell outta that movie only to leave you scratching your head at the end asking "Is that it?". but I'll probably buy the DVD when it comes out as well. The fight scene between John Wayne versus Victor Mclaglen in 'The Quiet Man' would have been hilarious if played out in FF if Ben and Victor took a break from the fight to share a pint, only to fight over who would pay for it. and if you want to see a really dissapointing Kingpin, watch John Rhys-Davies portrayal of the Kingpin in the 1989 film "The Trial of the Incredible Hulk