View Full Version : After HoM

08-17-2005, 03:49 AM
Marvel says a lot of comics will appear in the year following HoM, and HoM will push the 'reset' button. Anyone think Alpha Flight will be in there?

After all, AF is a natural for a reset. Mac Hudson is either dead or never was, the Hudsons run Department H and have so for a while, Aurora has only 3 personalities, Marrina (if not still dead) works with the Master, Snowbird is dead or never was, lots more. :)

Also, at least Northstar will be in X-Men handbook update in November (he's on the cover), I wonder if an AF promo for the (new) series will be there too??

08-17-2005, 10:59 AM
I have no idea whats going on in the HoM. I haven't read anything since #12 of volume 3. But if in the aftermath a team should be reborn let it be this one.

Anyone have a link or write up a quick synopsis of what the House of M is all about. Google is giving me nothing here.

08-17-2005, 01:45 PM
I highly doubt Alpha Flight will get a reboot, it would be nice but not likely. This House of M seems to effect the Avengers and the X-Men the most.

The only Alpha Flight cameos I have seen so far in HoM is: Northstar, Aurora, and Flashback is suppose to be in the new Thunderbolts.

08-17-2005, 03:40 PM
Rumours are that HoM will be a reset to before mutants were everywhere, back to the 'Sentinels and Hounds' future. So instead of mutants being commonplace they'll be like five-eight years ago, a distinct minority. If we're lucky they'll return to mutants as anomalies, not evolutionary improvements.

Also, Quesada has said there will be several new titles after HoM, only a few have been mentioned (New X-men no longer a school book, Generation M, more).

And I haven't read HoM either, I have no interest in it. No Alpha Flight in that universe just like in Ultimate universe, why should I read it really :roll:

08-17-2005, 04:11 PM
And I haven't read HoM either, I have no interest in it. No Alpha Flight in that universe just like in Ultimate universe, why should I read it really :roll:

That's exactly my thoughts on it. I don't read comics anymore unless theres an AF relation of some sort. It's a shame but nothing else really appeals to me now.

08-17-2005, 07:42 PM
x-factor and excalibur are returning (so much for less mutants)

no alpha in site. i think it's gonna take a few years to get the taste of that last series out of peoples mouths.

08-18-2005, 07:41 PM
This is crazy, how can the just hit the reset botton? All the time invested in plots and storylines! All the additions to the expansive Marvel Universe! All the time we wasted reading it! It's gonna go back to the way it was?!?!?!

AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Rage... building, body... turning green... don't make... me ANGRY!!!! AHHHHH, JULESVILLE SMASH!!!

((Julesville smashes through the irreality of the forum into downtown Ottawa, and begins destroying the parliment building))


08-18-2005, 08:11 PM
((Julesville smashes through the irreality of the forum into downtown Ottawa, and begins destroying the parliment building))


Um, Jules... smashing Ottawa to petition Marvel is kinda silly, since their offices are in New York City. And smashing up New York City is cliche and kinda passe....

08-19-2005, 11:09 AM
I really really doubt they're hitting the reset button a-la Crisis On Infinite Earths. The way it looks now is that when they finally get Wanda (or whoever is revealed as "behind" Hom) to repair reality, it won't be exactly as it was. This will allow Marvel to fix some weird continuity issues (I'm thinking the last issue of AF volume 3) and to shake up their universe.

From the looks of that "Day After" book it seems like some mutants may be losing their powers as a result, but Joe Q's said that it's NOT a reboot.

I'm actually quite enjoying HoM for what it's worth.

08-19-2005, 12:55 PM
If a reset is going to happen....Then Maybe Puck can always have been a little person, like he was created to be? Please?


08-19-2005, 02:36 PM
Well then, if a reset of sorts were to happen what would you reset with Alpha Flight? Snowbird never dead or still dead, Marrina not dead, Mac dead, Bochs not dead, Hudsons run Department H, no Legacies, no v.3, what you all??

Me, I'd have a lot of changes in one sense, few in another. Hudsons run Department H but aren't members of Alpha Flight, no Legacies, and outside of Mac [who I think should be really dead but you guys don't] dead people stay dead. And no more than 2 new members in Alpha Flight. Otherwise all of the guys not in Alpha Flight anymore should join Omega Flight just so they get some reality time. :twisted:

PS don't worry about "but if I think this is changed then Llan wasn't defeated in AF #blah blah" and so on. If you want a charcter dropped it won't affect history, the job still got done anyway.

08-19-2005, 08:25 PM
...I haven't read HoM either, I have no interest in it. No Alpha Flight in that universe...

Well, so far we have had three issues with Alpha Flight in the House of M universe:

New X-Men: Academy X #16 - HoM Northstar and HoM Aurora
Secrets of the House of M One Shot - HoM Northstar and HoM Aurora
New Thunderbolts #11 - HoM Flashback

I believe that the twins will continue to appear in New X-Men: Academy X through issue #19, but that is just conjecture.

...I don't read comics anymore unless theres an AF relation of some sort...

Same for me. With the exception of exactly 5* comics, in 2005, I have bought nothing but Alpha Flight related comics and yet somehow I'm in the comic shop nearly every week picking up Alpha Flight related books for the collection. Just this week I got the New Thunderbolts #11, Weapon X mini #2 and the Ultimate X-Men #61 colored variant cover... With no title, Alpha Flight is still banging out appearances left and right. I'd rather have a regular title to collect, of course. The Exiles is the closest thing right now since the Exiles-Universe Sasquatch/Heather Hudson is a regular member... The Weapon X Mini will keep me occupied for a little while as well.

*- the 5 comics are Wolverine #29 which I got just because I was losing my mind trying to figure out the continuity between #28 and #30, and Clayton Henry's Hellions Mini 1-4.


08-20-2005, 11:35 AM
It'll be interesting to see if Daniel Way's HoM Wolverine run has any cameos..

08-22-2005, 01:53 AM

Julesville makes his way to New York, sick and tired of HOM even before it started.