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08-17-2005, 04:48 PM
Exactly how much do Canadians despise Shawn Michaels?

Now, don't get me wrong, Wrestling fans in general know how to hate-on wrestling villians, but with this guy its *for real*. And I have to say, it makes me proud to be a Canadian. I mean, for a while there I thought it was just me!!

Its neat to think that Mr.Michaels will never be able to headline in Canada, and that he doesn't sell here.

And as for you folks in Montreal .... Right on guys!!! That was sweet!!

Big Boss
08-17-2005, 06:40 PM
Interesting fact for you: Wrestling is FAKE.

08-17-2005, 07:02 PM
Interesting fact for you: NO ****!!

Did you just figure that out yesterday, Sherlock?

08-17-2005, 08:02 PM
I work for an independent wrestling promotion based out of here in Philly. Believe me when I say that 99% of the things you hear from a guy in public is a work.

08-17-2005, 08:15 PM
Well, there you have it folks. Despite the long standing controversy, late breaking news has at last confirmed that professional wrestling is indeed an act, a show, a fraud. So, all you kids out there can now stop trying moves on your younger siblings and friends and finding out the hard way.

What is it with people who presume that the public is so gullible? You know, comicbooks are fake too. :oops:

08-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Well, there you have it folks. Despite the long standing controversy, late breaking news has at last confirmed that professional wrestling is indeed an act, a show, a fraud. So, all you kids out there can now stop trying moves on your younger siblings and friends and finding out the hard way.

What is it with people who presume that the public is so gullible? You know, comicbooks are fake too. :oops:

careful with that last line there, mate. that's like telling a kid there's no Santa Claus...

08-17-2005, 10:07 PM
careful with that last line there, mate. that's like telling a kid there's no Santa Claus...



Big Boss
08-18-2005, 02:26 AM
FYI, if Santa Claus were real, he'd be Canadian (he lives in the North Pole, remember?).

08-18-2005, 09:37 AM
I can't tell you how many times a person comes upto me at a show and asks me if it's real or not. Sure the bumps and bruises are, believe me I treat them. But you should be in a locker room with the talent as they are going over their moves. Then the workers get together with me and the rest of security to go over where they'll be and when. It's pretty well laid out.

I only do it PT now as I've started back to school full time along with a FT job. Only work the Mid-Atlantic shows and love it. It's a job that allows me to travel, do something very little people do, and have a blast at the "office".

08-18-2005, 10:47 AM
So then, as a person involved in wrestling, you are probably aware of what went on years ago between Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and Canada's own, Bret "the Hitman" Hart ... away from the cameras and out of the public eye? At the end of Bret's farewell match?

Vince was shrewd enough to figure out how to make the *real* world fiasco work out in his favour, image wise, but the reality is that Canadian wrestling fans haven't forgiven little born-again-backstabbing-but-Jesus-has-forgiven-me-so-i-can-do-it-all-over-again-Shawny-boy for the screw over.

For those who don't know; Bret the Hitman Hart was having his final match as a pro. wrestler and Vince had agreed to let him go out on top in front of a Canadian audience. He was wrestling a girly-boy, jail-yard-***** by the name of Shawn Michaels. Now, despite what vince told Bret, he made a busienss decision that Shawn should win the match, so he told Shawn to pin Bret. Thats the way it went down. According to the documentary on the matter, Bret went back to Vince's office after the match and punched Vince upside the head. He hasn't worked for WWE since ... though I'd attribute that more to a matter of choice and some unrelated badluck, than Vince's lack of interest in milking a few more bucks out of a wrestler.

Anyway, Vince subsequently created an image for himself as the evil CEO and got the entire Stone Cold thing going from the fallout. As for Shawn, Canadians hate the guy. We don't even fun-hate him, like a we do fake bad-guys ... Kurt Angle for instance. We just want him to go away and not waste the money we paid.

I suppose its unfair, that we blame Shawny and not Vince. But of course, "fair" got thrown straight out the window from the get go, so no need to talk about fair.

Apparently Shawny-boy wants us to "get over it" already. But really, why? Are Canadians somehow suffering due to their inability to "get over it"? Now, ask this question, is Shawn Michaels suffering due to our collective inability to "get over it"? Thus why we refuse to "get over it" I'd gather.

It only pays to be hated in wrestling, when its your wrestling persona and not the schmuck that is you that the fans hate.

And really, I don't see Vince paying off all kinds of Canadian fans and documentary makers just so one of his top card wrestlers won't be able to sell.

As for the spirit of giving ... he's alive and well in these parts. Sorry to hear he's suffering in others.

08-18-2005, 01:31 PM
FYI, if Santa Claus were real, he'd be Canadian (he lives in the North Pole, remember?).
Santa lives in the North Pole, more likely to live at the North Pole, but lets not be pinickety about this. As for his being Canadian, maybe you can break down your logic a tad more, is Canada the only country that is remotely near to the North pole?

08-18-2005, 03:32 PM
Del shhhhhh!!!! We don't want, you know, those guys to figure out where Santa's hiding. If we can keep this secret we can keep running Cristmas ourselves, as opposed to having it become another geeky New Year's Eve. :-$

08-18-2005, 05:19 PM
FYI, if Santa Claus were real, he'd be Canadian (he lives in the North Pole, remember?).
Santa lives in the North Pole, more likely to live at the North Pole, but lets not be pinickety about this. As for his being Canadian, maybe you can break down your logic a tad more, is Canada the only country that is remotely near to the North pole?

both the geographic north pole and the Magnetic north pole are in Canadian territory (tho if Santa lives at the magnetic north pole, he's going to be a bit wet since it's moved into the ocean...)

08-18-2005, 06:41 PM
So if I've got this straight, Santa's Canadian, Wrestling is just a choreographed ballet with drop kicks and Santa is really Owen Hart.

08-18-2005, 06:50 PM
and Santa is really Owen Hart.


08-18-2005, 06:55 PM
I'm with you Sylvie, I don't believe in Owen Hart either. He's a story made up by your parents in an attempt to get you too behave.