View Full Version : Don't Die Madison Jeffries

08-22-2005, 02:00 AM
Does anyone else here get the distinct impression that Madison is going to die at some point in the Weapon X mini-series?

I mean, the whole series was dedicated to retconning old heros and villians, then KILLING THEM!!! And there's like no other character who has had a more profound importance to the Program then Madison, as well as being it's worst victim.

Excuse me it this isn't directly Alpha FLigth related, but damn if it isn't something to talk about.


08-22-2005, 02:09 AM
well, even if they kill him off, it's all in a future timeline that may or may not come to pass, it won't have any real effect on Maddison of "now". But I certainly don't wanna see him wasted. I'd like to see him finally get out of being manipulated by others and get his head strait again.


08-22-2005, 06:35 PM
I just don't see the point of this mini-series if it has no relevance to continuty now what is the point of even publishing it let alone reading it??? I know that it's meant to wrap up the whole Weapon X thing but surely it could have been done in a way which means it actually happens.

It's like all those The End series, it just seems like a complete waste of time.

Saying that I'm begging of them NOT to kill off Aurora!!!!

08-22-2005, 07:17 PM
Well, it won't really matter. But HoM is supposed to return Marvel to the Sentinel/Hounds future where mutants were anomalies, not evolutionary. Here's hoping.

08-24-2005, 01:22 PM
I kinda like the mini-series, because it puts an interesting twist on things we already know, that's what made the first series good. They imply that the Days of Future Past era has something more to do with Colcord and Jackson and their Weapon X program, then just the one thing, I forget what it was, an assasination attempt on Senator Kelly, right. Colcord is the bastard who brought along the whole evil sentinel future. It's interesting to think that maybe time isn't as fickle as we think, that the DFP future was meant to be, and any number of small things can bump it back into place. Scary, huh.

But it's not a future thing, it has aplications in the present. It's kind of like a "Slaughter House 5" thing, where the story's not in chronological order, but still makes a compelling plot becasue we see peices of a resolution, but have no idea what it is. I like it.

We've been hearing about Weapon X and Weapon Plus since Wolverine appeared, but it's applications have been applied to hundreds of other stories; going all the way back to Captain America. It would be something if we finally did see the truth or it's end.

Still though, I don't want Madison to die, he has a lot of potential for other books.

08-26-2005, 03:28 PM
It doesn't look too good for him, but most of the storyline takes place in a future that hasn't happened yet(and may never happen). Like I said...this series doesn't have enough Alpha in it to appeal to me(so I bought issue one and that will probably be it).
