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10-15-2005, 02:08 AM
Yep, another question. Sorry if I'm annoying people but at least it's keeping the board active :? Here are a few pictures I have seen, but don't know where they come from (I really need the tpb of vol.1 for the older pictures...most of the issues I know just by reading summaries). If someone could help me out and tell me what issue it's from and a brief summary of what's going on would be appreicated




*This when he killed Lionel?*





10-15-2005, 08:59 AM
I'll try on some of these.
1) Looks like a pic from Annual #2 written by Mantlo. If it is, it is depicting a battle between Maddy (obviously :-) )and an inhabitant of the Savage Land, which took place while White female Sas and Maddy were searching for Heather. She had amnesia and was working with Alpha Prime (?)

2) Is a scene from Alpha Flight #15 (?). Maddy is invited to meet a man called Roger Bochs (who he has never met before according to him). Bochs wants him to design a new suit of armour so that no one can take control of it again apart from him. This is because Jaxxon used the original armour to kill Mac. Maddy denies being anything more than a ditch digger (?), but Bochs throws a variety of bits and pieces at him, so he transforms them.

3) Not absolutely sure on this, but I immediately thought of Wolvie #92/93(?) I think it's from that cover and the issue has Mac and Heather suited up, watching Wolvie from a rooftop in New York. They are concerned about his reported erratic behaviour and are keeping an eye on him. If I recall, Wolvie was never suited up in that issue and so the pic is more a generalisation of the content.

4) The sad demise of Roger Bochs who has been absorbed into the mutated form of Scramble. Maddy and the team have control of the amalgammation (I'm using that because I can't remember the name of the combined creature, may have been Omega). It is controlled by Persuasion, but Maddy (at the behest of Bochs, who has momentarily come to his senses) realises that unless Persuasion looks after the creature for the foreseeable future, it will eventually escape. So Maddy does the deed. #49 if I recall.

5) X-Men/Alpha Flight series 2. Prof X calls in Alpha after the X-Men are taken prisoner by Hydra. Prof X makes some derogatory comments about the capabilities of Alpha to which Puck takes issue.

6) Not sure about this, I innitially thought it was a scene from an Alpha Christmas Carol. AF #105, but I'm sure Wolvie wasn't there. It could be a scene from that, but with Wolvie thrown in for good measure.

7) Excuse me while I throw up. Chuck Austen depicts Alpha as lackies of the Canadian government. They are sent to the X-Mansion to retrieve Sammy (?) (Fish Head boy, Hallibutt Lad) from there as his parents want him back, or the enviroment is to dangerous. It's suppose to be done without fuss, but Sas, whom Austen dumbs down, decide to go toe to toe with Juggernaut. UXM #433/434 ish. Ausen followed up that story a few issues later with the never to be remembered/forgotten Alpha armour.

PS : I apologise for any spelling or grammatical errors in the above. I really cannot be arsed to read it through again :-)

10-15-2005, 11:23 AM
#3 is from the cover of Wolverine v2 #95. The full cover is here:


#7 is from Uncanny X-Men #422. A short description of the events can be found [on my website] here:



10-15-2005, 04:57 PM
Delbubs was close, but #2 is actually from #16.

Also, #6 is just a pin-up of Wolvie, Puck, and Northstar that came in the back of JPs coming out issue, 106.

10-16-2005, 01:28 AM
That's great guys, thanks a lot