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View Full Version : Northstar Tidbit from Joe-Q

12-02-2005, 10:18 PM
From today's Joe Fridays at Newsarama: http://www.newsarama.com/JoeFridays/JoeFridays27.html

NRAMA: “ShadowPsykie”…

”Hey Joe, I was just curious. Considering all the abuse he was put through this past year, any plans on bringing back Northstar (Jean-Paul) or is he gonna be relegated to the bowels of S.H.I.E.L.D. and never heard from again?

”I know you can't tell us if he is one of the mutants who lost his powers (I really hope he didn't!), but can you at least let us know if we will see him anytime soon?”

JQ: I have to remain quiet about this one for a bit. Stay tuned “ShadowPsykie”, we’re not forgetting about Northstar.

Not much, but at least he knows the poor guy still exists.

01-06-2006, 06:22 PM
And now another:

NRAMA: "VinnyPic" - "Northstar, when will we know what's up with him, and where should we look?

"Also, as a caveat to that, and this is meant as a compliment to you Joe - do you think that Ultimate Northstar being shown in a relationship months after his debut as opposed to “616” Northstar never being shown in one after all these years shows the open-mindedness of the current Marvel editorial crew as compared to years gone by?"

JQ: VinnyPic, you’ll have to wait and see on Northstar. As for Ultimates and this current regime vs. old, I don’t think it has anything to do with that. To be honest, and admittedly not being a comic’s historian, I had no idea that Northstar was never in a relationship before Ultimates. That’s complete news to me.

To be honest, one could pose and argument that in today’s post “nipple-gate” culture, it’s actually become harder for entertainment companies to approach certain subject matter. So, I guess the bottom line is that I really don’t have an answer for you one way or another.

I still smell Horseman.

01-06-2006, 08:44 PM
I'm in agreement. Northstar is pretty much in the same bucket, phychologically, as Warren was when he was drafted as Death, so it's definately plausible.

01-07-2006, 01:20 AM
I don't know if Northstar will be a Horseman. Could be, but the might have to explain why SHIELD lost him. Of course, this is Marvel so....

With the langowki_fan rumour about Avengers North, who knows? A rumour or just internet speculation with no basis in reality?