View Full Version : Alpha Flight vol 1-3

12-06-2005, 05:39 PM
I still haven't completed any of the volumes.

In your opinion which is the best volume?

What would be your dream roster taking characters from all three volumes?

12-06-2005, 06:23 PM
Well, all in all, I'd say V.1 is my fav, but I really enjoyed many aspects of both V.2 and v.3

As for my "dream team" it changes all the time, but here's how I'd say it stands now:

Heather as Guardian and leader
Jeffries (not in Box armour)
Puck I


12-06-2005, 07:30 PM
I'm a traditionalist, volume one for me. Although as time goes by, my utter disdain for vol 2 is being replaced by reluctant acceptence. This is probably bought about by the mish mash of crap stories and crap jokes that was vol 3.

12-06-2005, 10:38 PM
Volume 1 here, too. If you're looking to fill a run before you read, Volume 1 #'s 1-28 is THE MUST.

A roster taking characters from all three volumes?
Heather as Guardian and leader
Major Mapleleaf

12-06-2005, 11:37 PM
I loved the characters in Vol 1 (the originals). I kinda dug the "X-Files" consipracy stuff from Vol 2 (just cause that's where I started reading) and the Art from Vol 3 (except waxing poetic).

Dream Lineup would be:
Heather as Tactical Leader back tha the HQ
Mac also at the HQ as a scientist/tech guy
Puck as the trainer
Sasquatch as the Leader
MML as the new Guardian
Northstar unzombified
Aurora mostly cured
Shaman as the HQ Doctor that will occasional go on missions
Snowbird - explain a bit better about her new revival
Jeffries unbrainwashed, also out of Box armor
Flex bit more confident
Radius bit less cocky... and... you know... alive

12-07-2005, 12:00 AM
Radius bit less cocky... and... you know... alive

When did Radius die?

12-07-2005, 12:34 AM
Uncanny X-Men #405. He was a member of Banshee's X-Corps when Avalanche opened the ground up under him and promptly closed it back up. Even if his force field protected him from getting smushed, he must have suffocated.

12-07-2005, 12:52 AM
I didn't know that, looks like I'll go pick it up.


12-07-2005, 01:12 AM
Uncanny X-Men #405. He was a member of Banshee's X-Corps when Avalanche opened the ground up under him and promptly closed it back up. Even if his force field protected him from getting smushed, he must have suffocated.

Don't jump too far to conclusions: just because he was crushed doesn't mean he was left there... How many times have we thought 'oh he MUST be dead' then find out we were wrong. Hell, if Magneto tells us anything, you can survive nearly ANYTHING.

If anything, unless you see a body, there's a GOOD CHANCE that they must be dead (with some exceptions - ie: Colossus), otherwise, the chances are nil.

12-07-2005, 01:18 AM
Interesting, the body was never recovered? well Radius is to obsure to bring back, so he might as well be dead. He did have potential though.

12-07-2005, 01:21 AM
Interesting, the body was never recovered? well Radius is to obsure to bring back, so he might as well be dead. He did have potential though.

Again, just because he's obscure.....

12-07-2005, 02:02 AM
Unless someone just doesn't do their research and sticks him in something (ie Sunpyre, who incidentally died in that very same story arc), I sincerely doubt we'll be seeing him again.

12-07-2005, 03:48 AM
What!!!!! Never see Radius again... :lol: :) :D :P :wink:

12-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Volume 1 is definitely the best, IMO. And the John Byrne issues are classic! I don't think the team has ever been better than this era. (I'm a traditionalist, myself! :wink: )

I'd be interested to see what younger fans think. Which volume do you prefer? :)

12-07-2005, 10:19 AM
Well I'm not a "young" fan by any stretch of the imagination (and no I'm not too old ether.) I would say that the original is my favourite... however I believe that any Alpha Flight is good Alpha Flight... so I would recommend getting all of them.

My dream team? Hmmm

Gaudian (James)
Sasquatch (Walter)
Wild Child
Major Mapleleaf jr.

Yeah I had a couple of the newer guys in there, I know a lot of people hate them but I actually think they had some potential for interesting stories.

12-07-2005, 11:23 AM
My favorite by far is V1. And I agree #1-28 is by far the best of the best. Some of the later stories in that run were good also, but the early stuff and team will always be the best in my mind. V2 I enjoyed. It would've been nice to incorporate more of the originals. Might have saved the book. V3 I didn't care for, other than the fantastic artwork. Clayton is my favorite Alpha artist now!

My dream team would be(using members of all teams):

Heather and Mac - working as government liasons and heading the project.

Shaman - in a medical/mentor role. Whitman Knapp as his assitant.

Field Team

Guardian - Radius assumes the mantle after he is recovered by the Mole Man's moloids. Being buried alive can change a man, can't it.

Sasquatch - the only real answer for muscle.

Puck - I'd have said Zusha if I meant her. Eugene covers the espionage angle well.

Talisman/Shaman - Elizabeth assuming the role we all know she should.

Flex - more confident and in control of his powers - perhaps expand them to allow computer systems interface.

Jefferies/Box - It'd be interesting to see him interface with Flex if the computer interface thing evolved - He also supplies more muscle.

Last but not least....

Zusha - she's gotta get her own moniker though. Puck is taken!

I'd keep characters like Pathway, Snowbird, Wild Child, and Diamond Lil around for special assignments.

12-07-2005, 12:14 PM
My favorite roster keeps changing, too.

Shaman/Michael, Snowbird, Talisman/Elizabeth, Sasquatch, Aurora, Puck I and II, Northstar, Heather in black leather outfit, Marrina, and Agent K.

12-07-2005, 04:10 PM
Another dinosaur-in-spirit chiming in for the original book and the original line-up. I don't think there was anything wrong per se with vol 2, it just wasn't Alpha Flight to me. While I've enjoyed Scott Lobdell on other projects, I've never thought he had a good handle on any version of Alpha Flight. I would not be disappointed to see vol 3 sink into the realm of Comics That Time Forgot.


12-07-2005, 04:32 PM
I liked v3 characters a lot, lots of v2 ideas and stories, most of v1 stories and characters. I know I'm a bit of an outsider but I'd like to keep MML and Zuzha, add in Box and Feedback and Witchfire and Windshear, maybe GG. Puck to lead with Sasquatch I like a lot of characters from all 3 volumes but that's me, a character guy.

12-08-2005, 10:19 AM
I liked v3 characters a lot, lots of v2 ideas and stories, most of v1 stories and characters. I know I'm a bit of an outsider but I'd like to keep MML and Zuzha, add in Box and Feedback and Witchfire and Windshear, maybe GG. Puck to lead with Sasquatch I like a lot of characters from all 3 volumes but that's me, a character guy.

The only problem I see with this lineup, is that it follows the same formula the past failures have...2 orginal Alphans and a cast of secondary characters. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the characters listed, just that we've seen the formula fail twice or perhaps even three times before. Of course on the other hand this thread is asking for your dream team and not mine. So, I like your list...I just don't think it would be viable in the long run.

12-08-2005, 11:45 AM
I prefer pre-vol.1 Alpha Flight, as portrayed in their various X-Men appearances with a firm link to Department H and the Canadian government.

While I've never read vol.2, it seems that Department H played a much more significant role than it did in vol.1, where it came off as peripheral and obselete and Alpha just another group of unaccountable superpowered American cowboys. Not that I've read all of vol.1, but that was my impression.

My line-up, despite a few misgivings about a couple fot he characters would be the real original ... Weapon Alpha/Guardian, Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird, Northstar and Aurora.

If nothing else, no one could complain about the quality of Alpha's villians back in the pre-vol.1 days.

Le Messor
12-10-2005, 08:31 PM
I love v1 Alpha Flight; and it's the reason (at least 1 - 28 are) I read comics. v3 was enjoyable for me, but nothing special.
v2, unlike the others on this list, had no redeeming qualities for me. It makes me ill just to look at the covers these days.

- Le Messor
"Don’t let your mouth run faster than your brain."