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12-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Yeah, um, excuse me if this is kind of vulgar, but I just thought I'd through it out there.

Ok, so X-23 has healing factor right, does that mean if she has sex and breaks her hyman, it'll grow back??? Cause that's gotta suck. She was a prostitute though right... She could have pre-marital sex and still wear white at her wedding. If she got pregnant, she could have a virgin birth, now that's got to hurt.

And another thing, woman are born with a certain number of folicles in their ovaries right, can X-23 regrow those. She could become an egg donor of her super ovums, make billions of dollars. I mean, the healing factor gives some kind of immortal thing, she could live 100 givin out eggs.

Which brings up the question, if X-23 is just the X of Wolverine's XY chromosome, would that's mean if they duplicated all the X contributing parts, that the girl would come out just like Wolverine's mother? It makes sence right, she wouldn't have any powers at all, just be Logan's human mother.

I always though her character was kind of ill conceived, but, I dunno, tell me what you think... peace.

12-12-2005, 05:28 PM
Oh I just though of something else, wouldn't it be cool to see other female clone male mutants. Not in the storyline of course, but maybe as fanart or sumthin.

Like; female cyclops, female gambit, female professor X, female beast, female Quiksilver (that'd be cool), female archangel, female Captain America (I don't know if his thing is genetic or not), some others maybe, a lot of heros already have female versions though...

12-12-2005, 05:48 PM
Wow... you've really spent some time thinking about this haven't you?

12-12-2005, 07:34 PM
Cassandra Nova is the female Professor X. Her twin actually

12-12-2005, 09:32 PM
Cassandra Nova is the female Professor X. Her twin actually

I thought Moondragon was. :)

12-13-2005, 10:03 AM
I think they are good questions. I happen to appreciate it when comics explore the powers rather than just accept them, but I don't know if the world is ready for a MAX book about a female Wolverine's reproductive abilities!

12-13-2005, 10:39 AM
I think they are good questions. I happen to appreciate it when comics explore the powers rather than just accept them, but I don't know if the world is ready for a MAX book about a female Wolverine's reproductive abilities!

... or the PMS... talk about 'berserker rage'... :shock:

12-16-2005, 01:35 AM
Ok, how about this

What about her hair? Wolverine get's set on fire all the time, and his hair and stubble seem to grow back. I remember in Gambit he had some magicly dealy that burned his face off and the sides grew back. Do they both have permanent hair? What about pubic hair, does that grow back really quick too?

Does she shave her legs with her claws?

If she donates a kidney, could it potentialy stay fresh untill it's implanted in someone else indefinatly? Does that kidney then give the donee healing factor?

Which brings up if mutants have the same blood type as baselines? I remember Archangel giveing his weirdo blood to people to repair them.

Oh well...

12-16-2005, 09:58 AM
What about her hair? Wolverine get's set on fire all the time, and his hair and stubble seem to grow back. I remember in Gambit he had some magicly dealy that burned his face off and the sides grew back. Do they both have permanent hair?

It's a documented fact that Wolverine's hair (and by genetics, assumably X-23's as well) grows at an unnaturally increased rate. One would assume this would apply to ALL the hair they have.

Also, several times, Wolverine has regrown eyes, facial flesh and sinew (anyone remember when Punisher blasted away his face a couple years ago?), and even his whole body from a few uneffected living cells left over (although, if I remember correctly, that was an isolated case that involved some assistance). Why he couldn't regrow his lost hand in AOA's Weapon X series, now that's still a mystery to me.

Does she shave her legs with her claws?

More than likely - well, IF she shaves at least, she's still a bit feral and may not see the need to - assuming what I said about Wolverine's ability to grow hair exceptionally fast does apply to her, then I bet she keeps Epilady in business...

If she donates a kidney, could it potentialy stay fresh untill it's implanted in someone else indefinatly? Does that kidney then give the donee healing factor?

It's been theorised (but not confirmed as far as I know) that the healing factor is part of Logan's blood system - something in his blood heals him fast. It's possible that a removed organ might stay fresher longer than a normal organ, but probably not indeffinately (either that or you'd never get rid of the amount of blood Logan's lost over the years), and would probably lose it's regenerative abilities after the transplant's succes, when the blood from the recipient takes to the grafted organ (meaning no, the kidney wouldn't give the ricipient a healing factor). However, more than likely as stated above, Wolverine/X-23 would regrow the lost organ.

Which brings up if mutants have the same blood type as baselines? I remember Archangel giveing his weirdo blood to people to repair them.

It's safe to assume that Logan (and any cloned or naturally-concieved offspring) wouldn't have a true 'universal' blood type (even those with real-life universal blood types don't work with everybody), and so would be limited to the type of the ricipient and Rh factors, much like Warren is.

12-20-2005, 04:45 PM
Finally some straight answers, not just some couddeling like I'm insane. Thanks HappyCanuck!

So Archangel couldn't save everybody huh? That's too bad for him, maybe that's why he couldn't save all those other mutants in that one Uncanny X-Men arc where he saved Magma and Jubilee, but Paulie Provenzano and Jesse Arronson bit the bullet while it was moving. They could have spent more time discussing his weird new power, but instead he got pushed out of the series. Oh well...

So did Warren have the healing factor? Or just really weird blood healing stuff? I can't remember.

I remeber that it was some crazy circumstances that gave Wolverine his present healing powers, where he could heal really really serious injuries, like ripped out hearts and stuff, I think it was the losing adamantium thing that super charge his factor. Does X have that? Or is she still pre-adamantium-ripping-outie healing factor?

And what about Sabretooth? I know he's been f*cked up really bad in the past, I think in a recent UXM he was in little peices, does he have the super factor? And what about Wildchild? He couldn't repair his throat aparently so maybe he doesn't.

How do you kill these mutha-f*ckas anyway?

And can they develop cancer? And if they did, would it grow back after they remove it? If they get chemo, could they heal from it's effects faster, and if they do does that mean it wouldn't work?

I wonder...