View Full Version : Sasquatch's durability

12-20-2005, 09:55 PM
Where was it shown that Sasquatch can take machine gun armour pericing rounds? was it just stated in the databook? Here's Sasquatch taking a tank blast, but that isn't his blood it's pain and paint bullets but he doesn't seem phased


12-21-2005, 02:31 AM
Here ya go:


It's from AF #23 Vol. 1 which has Caliber shoot Sas in the shoulder with some heavy ordnance. It also happens to be the book where Snowbird assumes Sasquatch's form to kill him when Tanaraq takes control.

12-21-2005, 10:12 AM
If he can survive a tank blast and a direct laser beam shot relatively unharmed how is it he can have his heart ripped right out?

12-21-2005, 11:20 AM
I would guess that, because it was a demi-goddess who had been created specifically to combat him and his kind, and that she was using his own strength (literally) against him Snowbird was capable of doing it.

12-21-2005, 11:34 AM
If he can survive a tank blast and a direct laser beam shot relatively unharmed how is it he can have his heart ripped right out?

Actually, looking at it from a biological stand-point, shooting tanaraq in the shoulder - regardless of the ordinance - shouldn't dictate what he can or can't handle. If you shoot me in the shoulder (and no, that's not to give anyone suggestions), there's a chance I will survive, but rip out my heart and I'll die (again, not giving anyone suggestions). now we have to take into consideration what kind of damage we can handle: I might be able to, at most, take a .38 to the shoulder with some no lasting damage save for probably a scar. but I'm human. Take Sasquatch/Tanaraq/whatever you wanna call him and, juxtapositionally, due to his mass and, presumably, density, a heavy-yeild artillery shell like what he was hit with by the tank might be on par. (translate that into laymens: a tank shell to Tanaraq possibly equals a .38 to a human). Plus, factor in his healing factor, which is more durable than a standard human's. but just because he can survive that, doesn't mean he can live without his heart. As per how his heart could be ripped from his chest, much like Wolverine, who can heal anything up to God-knows-what, he still needs time to heal. What may take us a week to heal properly may take him a few minutes. But a few minutes, depending on the injury - say, cardiectomy - means a WHOLE lot. Tie in there shock and the such, and yes, it's quite plausible that, although he can take tank ordinance at relative point blank range, doesn't mean he's invulnerable to physical attacks. It just means he'll heal non-threatening injuries faster.

12-21-2005, 12:27 PM
Here ya go:

It's from AF #23 Vol. 1 which has Caliber shoot Sas in the shoulder with some heavy ordnance. It also happens to be the book where Snowbird assumes Sasquatch's form to kill him when Tanaraq takes control.

I even have that issue with Caliber just never thought of his blast as armor peircing.

I might be able to, at most, take a .38 to the shoulder with some no lasting damage save for probably a scar.

What impressed me even though he was unphased by the blast no groan or moan he still had the strength in his arms to rip apart the tank and toss it. Doing all that would be extremely hard with a bad shoulder, but he did it with ease even right after the tank attack.

12-21-2005, 12:31 PM
What impressed me even though he was unphased by the blast no groan or moan he still had the strength in his arms to rip apart the tank and toss it. Doing all that would be extremely hard with a bad shoulder, but he did it with ease even right after the tank attack.

different people react different ways to similar scenarios (my father once tried to crucify himself with a pneumatic nail gun. all he did was swear REALLY REALLY loud). But as for the bad shoulder and such, adrenaline is a wonderful anaesthetic in that kind of scenario (anyone who's ever hurt themselves at sports etc can attest to this one, esp in a high-pitched game - I once hurt myself during a rather brisk soccer game and it wasn't until later, after the game had ended that I realised that I had severely sprained my knee), as well as the fact that his body was already healing the wound quite rapidly.

12-21-2005, 12:35 PM
different people react different ways to similar scenarios (my father once tried to crucify himself with a pneumatic nail gun. all he did was swear REALLY REALLY loud). But as for the bad shoulder and such, adrenaline is a wonderful anaesthetic in that kind of scenario (anyone who's ever hurt themselves at sports etc can attest to this one, esp in a high-pitched game - I once hurt myself during a rather brisk soccer game and it wasn't until later, after the game had ended that I realised that I had severely sprained my knee), as well as the fact that his body was already healing the wound quite rapidly.

I don't think Sasquatch's healing factor even comes close to Wolverine's, but he got hit and even it literally did not phase him. Doesn't matter what scenario's it is he took a tank shot and was unphased and with a bad shoulder ripped the tank apart and tossed it like it was nothing.

12-21-2005, 12:50 PM
different people react different ways to similar scenarios (my father once tried to crucify himself with a pneumatic nail gun. all he did was swear REALLY REALLY loud). But as for the bad shoulder and such, adrenaline is a wonderful anaesthetic in that kind of scenario (anyone who's ever hurt themselves at sports etc can attest to this one, esp in a high-pitched game - I once hurt myself during a rather brisk soccer game and it wasn't until later, after the game had ended that I realised that I had severely sprained my knee), as well as the fact that his body was already healing the wound quite rapidly.

I don't think Sasquatch's healing factor even comes close to Wolverine's, but he got hit and even it literally did not phase him. Doesn't matter what scenario's it is he took a tank shot and was unphased and with a bad shoulder ripped the tank apart and tossed it like it was nothing.

I didn't say Walt's healing was on par with WOlverine's, but you also have to count in that, as Sasquatch, he's a LOT more durable even without the enhanced healing. but the scenario DOES reflect, since, as I said before, a tank blast might have the same effect as if I were to shoot you with a .38. Top that off, but you've got the fact that he's already quite riled up, so his adrenaline's flowing, which tends to numb most forms of pain.

12-21-2005, 12:55 PM
I didn't say Walt's healing was on par with WOlverine's, but you also have to count in that, as Sasquatch, he's a LOT more durable even without the enhanced healing. but the scenario DOES reflect, since, as I said before, a tank blast might have the same effect as if I were to shoot you with a .38. Top that off, but you've got the fact that he's already quite riled up, so his adrenaline's flowing, which tends to numb most forms of pain.

I never said you did, what I meant was right after the blast he destroyed the tank. That is not much time for his healing factor to do anything since he did it a second after he got blased. That's my point, the guy has a crazy amount of durability and I wanted to see where it showed or stated that he can take armour peircing machine gun fire. In any big fight, and Sasquatch has been in many his adreneline is always pumping through his body. It's not like its something out of the ordinary. Hell people shopping for christmas are full of adrenaline

12-21-2005, 01:08 PM
I don't like how the wooden steaks in the Sabretooth mini were able to impale Sas, but I do like how he showed he could survive and keep fighting regardless.


12-21-2005, 01:08 PM
I never said you did

Ah, my apologies, I misunderstood.

what I meant was right after the blast he destroyed the tank. That is not much time for his healing factor to do anything since he did it a second after he got blasted.

As I said, my best guess was that at that point his body was so pumped with adrenaline that it didn't realise it was hurt... safe bet he felt it in the morning tho!

That's my point, the guy has a crazy amount of durability and I wanted to see where it showed or stated that he can take armour peircing machine gun fire.

aside from the obvious...? Heh, aside from the tank blast (which generally has the same effect as APR's), I don't think it's been explicitly said.

In any big fight, and Sasquatch has been in many, his adreneline is always pumping through his body. It's not like its something out of the ordinary. Hell people shopping for christmas are full of adrenaline

Jiminy Cricket, don't remind me... just lived through that experience myself not to long ago.....

12-21-2005, 01:12 PM
hell, I know first hand what you can do when you are full of adrenaline after injuring yourself. Somehow I managed to drive from the back woods to my folks house and find my mother after hitting myself in the face with a chainsaw....probably on par with Sas getting shot by a tank ;)


12-21-2005, 02:16 PM
As I said, my best guess was that at that point his body was so pumped with adrenaline that it didn't realise it was hurt... safe bet he felt it in the morning tho!

aside from the obvious...? Heh, aside from the tank blast (which generally has the same effect as APR's), I don't think it's been explicitly said.

Jiminy Cricket, don't remind me... just lived through that experience myself not to long ago.....

I don't think so even, even classic Sasquatch was taking hits from Hulk that was leveling mountains and he still fairly unphased. No matter what in all his fights adrenline is always being pumped through his body. His mind was else where it wasn't like he was in shock.

It was said in the databook [don't know which], but I wanted to know if he can take small projectiles or it was shown in AF. Such as Wonder Woman can't take bullets

I just got back from the malls right now, it's HELL