View Full Version : Have you ever wondered this about AF ish1 vol1

01-02-2006, 01:40 AM
when Mac goes to fight Tundra, Heather runs off to some closet to inform Alpha with their implanted chips but she sees two cards she does not know (Puck and Marrina) with golden edges. Thing was to me, there were many other cards on the floor in that panel (supposedly Flashback, Smart Alec, Madison). But from what I counted it was more then the members of Beta and gamma at the time. DId you ever wondered if she would have placed the other cards in the message sender what would have happened.

01-02-2006, 06:14 AM
The other cards were probably other top Dept. H personel (like Gary Cody), though I'm not sure what they would need implants for.
So if she put them in most of the people would probably have ignored it or thought it was something else or a mistake, though it would have been interesting what the former members of Beta and Gamma would have done.
As for your question: No.


01-02-2006, 09:15 AM
You probably had cards for members of First Flight as well, Elmo, Stitch and the gent who wore the Groundhog armour (or whaever it was called). Given that they were the precursors for Alpha as we know them, the were bound to have the implants. Well maybe not Groundhog.

01-02-2006, 10:18 AM
You probably had cards for members of First Flight as well, Elmo, Stitch and the gent who wore the Groundhog armour (or whaever it was called). Given that they were the precursors for Alpha as we know them, the were bound to have the implants. Well maybe not Groundhog.

I doubt that he would have cards for people who no longer are associated with Dept. H and anywho, I don't think they had the implants for the Flight, I think it only started later.

Zeke the Grated Cheese

01-02-2006, 10:31 AM
With Alphas convoluted, dis-jointed and all over the place history, you can't really say. Puck was never suppose to have met Wolvie before Heather got hurt by Marrinas mate, but then you have Hull House and the story during the Spanish Civil War. Plus given that the origins of what was to become AF seemed more covert and corrupt than Macs team, Bedlam, Stitch, Wildchild etc, implants or other means of locating various members doesn't seem that far fetched.

01-02-2006, 10:38 AM
DelBubs, I hear ya, but I still think the implants were only brought in later.
btw, Puck and Wolverine are mentioned to have met before in #17.

Zeke the Grate

01-02-2006, 11:46 AM
Man, if I was spearheading a superhero program, every superhuman involved would not only be "tagged" with a homing beckon, just in case, but a nice little bunch o'explosives as well near some vital organs ... just in case. :twisted:

01-02-2006, 12:13 PM
exactly Surge. If a big giant monstrosity shows up on my porch Im calling everyone.

01-02-2006, 12:20 PM
DelBubs, I hear ya, but I still think the implants were only brought in later.
btw, Puck and Wolverine are mentioned to have met before in #17.

Zeke the Grate
I'll concede on the implants Zeke :-), but if you re-read the blurb in #17, Wolvie and Puck agree that even though they had seen a lot of the same action, but not always on the same side, they had never actually met until that moment.

01-02-2006, 02:18 PM
I'll concede on the implants Zeke :-), but if you re-read the blurb in #17, Wolvie and Puck agree that even though they had seen a lot of the same action, but not always on the same side, they had never actually met until that moment.

I remember Wol... saying something like "that was you over at...", I would check it, but I don't have time (gotta do something for school).

Zeke (Hannuka's over, too bad)

01-02-2006, 02:31 PM
I'll concede on the implants Zeke :-), but if you re-read the blurb in #17, Wolvie and Puck agree that even though they had seen a lot of the same action, but not always on the same side, they had never actually met until that moment.

I remember Wol... saying something like "that was you over at...", I would check it, but I don't have time (gotta do something for school).

Zeke (Hannuka's over, too bad)Yep, Wolvie said "that was you over at...", bu then went on to say "I recognised your signature (MO ?) amongst all that mess" I've always taken it that although they have led parallel lifes to some degree and have taken part in a lot of the same ops, they hadn't met to that moment. If I could remember in which pile #17 was I could check details.

01-02-2006, 03:44 PM
Yep, Wolvie said "that was you over at...", bu then went on to say "I recognised your signature (MO ?) amongst all that mess" I've always taken it that although they have led parallel lifes to some degree and have taken part in a lot of the same ops, they hadn't met to that moment. If I could remember in which pile #17 was I could check details.

here I am, finished my work and with #17 in front of me.
Puck: glad to finally meet you face to face, wolverine...
Pointy-haired(is he related to the boss in Dilbert?): ...that was you that time in maracaibo, wasn't it?
Puck: ...recognize my signature...

So you're right that they never met before, but they knew about each other.
Hey, now any contradiction in AF can be solved as being implanted or removed memories!!!(that would make it alot more interesting now we will never know, maybe they were all brainwashed into joining Dept. H in the first place!!!)
btw, what's MO?

Zeke (tired and a bit crazy)

01-02-2006, 04:04 PM
Since it's comics they could say they were all brainwashed, all covert at one time, all had chips, all had dips, all had their ID cards removed. But to me the best idea is that they joined voluntarily, had the ID cards implanted for tracking and communication, and at a later date all cards were removed.

If a new AF comes out in 2006 then they can do it with new implants simply for communication, something useful once Cilvil War hits AF.

I figure all of AF will side with the 'register superheroes' bunch, except maybe Puck. After all, who in AF ever had a secret identity except Weapon Omega for a time? Nemesis I guess for a time but she really doesn't count.

01-02-2006, 05:17 PM
Yep, Wolvie said "that was you over at...", bu then went on to say "I recognised your signature (MO ?) amongst all that mess" I've always taken it that although they have led parallel lifes to some degree and have taken part in a lot of the same ops, they hadn't met to that moment. If I could remember in which pile #17 was I could check details.

here I am, finished my work and with #17 in front of me.
Puck: glad to finally meet you face to face, wolverine...
Pointy-haired(is he related to the boss in Dilbert?): ...that was you that time in maracaibo, wasn't it?
P:...recognize my signature...

So you're right that they never met before, but they knew about each other.
Hey, now any contradiction in AF can be solved as being implanted or removed memories!!!(that would make it alot more interesting now we will never know, maybe they were all brainwashed into joining Dept. H in the first place!!!)
btw, what's MO?

Zeke (tired and a bit crazy)
MO = Modus Operandi (mode of operation) normally applied to serial offenders who tend to follow a given pattern. It would seem that Puck has a way of doing things that would be recognisable to someone of Wolvies experience.

01-04-2006, 01:04 PM
No, I never wondered about the extra cards either, but couldn't they simply be data access files, general information about Canadian superhumans known by Mac and Heather, even if they were not affiliated with Dept. H?

01-05-2006, 10:01 AM
Yep, Wolvie said "that was you over at...", bu then went on to say "I recognised your signature (MO ?) amongst all that mess" I've always taken it that although they have led parallel lifes to some degree and have taken part in a lot of the same ops, they hadn't met to that moment. If I could remember in which pile #17 was I could check details.

here I am, finished my work and with #17 in front of me.
Puck: glad to finally meet you face to face, wolverine...
Pointy-haired(is he related to the boss in Dilbert?): ...that was you that time in maracaibo, wasn't it?
Puck: ...recognize my signature...

So you're right that they never met before, but they knew about each other.
Hey, now any contradiction in AF can be solved as being implanted or removed memories!!!(that would make it alot more interesting now we will never know, maybe they were all brainwashed into joining Dept. H in the first place!!!)
btw, what's MO?

Zeke (tired and a bit crazy)

Although Wolverine 35-37 and Alpha Flight -1 kinda screwed with that.

01-05-2006, 11:57 AM
I counted 37 cards [visible] from V1#1. There weren't 37 Alpha/Beta/Gammas, though.

(1) Mac/Guardian
(2) Michael/Shaman
(3) Walter/Sasquatch
(4) Anne-Narya/Snowbird
(5) Jeanne-Marie/Aurora
(6) Jean-Paul/Northstar
(7) Eugene/Puck
[8] Marrina
(9) BEDLAM (?)
(10) Roger/Box
(11) Diamond Lil/Crawley
(12) Flashback/Monroe
(13) Madison Jeffries
(14) Smart Alec/Thorne
(15) Wildchild/Dibney-Gibney(?)
(16) Grounghog/Benard
(17) Saint Elmo
[18] Stitch

Elizabeth/Talisman, Heather/Vindicator-Guardian, Kara/Purple Girl-Persuasion, Laura/Pathway-Goblyn, and Whitman Knapp/Manikin came after "The Flight", the original six-member Alpha Flight, and the expanded, series Alpha Flight, so they probably wouldn't have one, as mentioned elsewhere. It doesn't seem plausible that the deceptive Gary Cody would give himself an implant, but maybe "Director X"---whoever it ends up being---put one in him, too.

Still leaves about 18 unknowns, by my count.

Don't know if Wolverine had a card/implant, so I didn't include him.

01-05-2006, 12:07 PM
I counted 37 cards [visible] from V1#1. There weren't 37 Alpha/Beta/Gammas, though.

(1) Mac/Guardian
(2) Michael/Shaman
(3) Walter/Sasquatch
(4) Anne-Narya/Snowbird
(5) Jeanne-Marie/Aurora
(6) Jean-Paul/Northstar
(7) Eugene/Puck
[8] Marrina
(9) BEDLAM (?)
(10) Roger/Box
(11) Diamond Lil/Crawley
(12) Flashback/Monroe
(13) Madison Jeffries
(14) Smart Alec/Thorne
(15) Wildchild/Dibney-Gibney(?)
(16) Grounghog/Benard
(17) Saint Elmo
[18] Stitch

Elizabeth/Talisman, Heather/Vindicator-Guardian, Kara/Purple Girl-Persuasion, Laura/Pathway-Goblyn, and Whitman Knapp/Manikin came after "The Flight", the original six-member Alpha Flight, and the expanded, series Alpha Flight, so they probably wouldn't have one, as mentioned elsewhere. It doesn't seem plausible that the deceptive Gary Cody would give himself an implant, but maybe "Director X"---whoever it ends up being---put one in him, too.

Still leaves about 18 unknowns, by my count.

Don't know if Wolverine had a card/implant, so I didn't include him.

I think I said earlier, the other 19 were probably top Dept. H people and not members of the flights.
They wouldn't have been able to implant Wolverine as his skull is imprenetrable being as it is from adamantium(what a silly name).


01-06-2006, 06:28 PM
Zeke, I think the AF implants are just under the skin...not actually implanted in their brains(I could be totally wrong about that, though).


01-06-2006, 08:42 PM
while some may actually implanted in the brains, there are a host of them who'd have to have 'special accomodations' so that they could still have the chip, but can't have them inserted into the brain. Take Diamond Lil: can't get past her skin, so they'd have to do something to tag her. In Logan's case (assuming he has one), since he first showed up with Mac and the crew adamantium-laced, they'd have to put it under his skin. real question with him is, since his healing factor tends to discharge or metabolise foreign bodies, how'd they'd get it to STAY there.

01-07-2006, 12:26 PM
I look at it that everyone with an implant has a card, but not everybody with a card has an implant.
I look at the cards as data files, even if it was just people who were suspected of Marvel abilities. There might have been cards on people like Deadly Earnest, and even Kara Killgrave--if they knew who her father was, they may have been keepin an eye on her for developing abilities.