View Full Version : (Not-so) Extreme Make-Over: Alpha Flight Edition?!?!

01-06-2006, 12:42 PM
I was just reading iss.122 and I at last noticed ... Heather has become as glamour babe. Now, I can understand how moving from a desk to the field would go a long way in toning her body, and sure, I suppose that the right hair-style and make-up job can work "wonders" -- not that there is anything at all wrong with Jamie Lee Curtis-type Heather -- but did she get a boob job or is that a push up bra or perhaps some function of her suit?!?!?

I mean, I'm most familair with early Heather. And I actually liked her that way. Vol.1, Issue 14 ... wooo - hooo!! But eventually it seems she got the full Hollywood make over, something that just doesn't seem very "Heather".


01-06-2006, 05:36 PM
That's Pat Broderick for you :D Look at the dishplate pecks on all the guys, and even little Laura Dean had a bigger chest than most real women, and she was only 12 or so.


01-06-2006, 08:48 PM
heh, welcome to the early 90's: where not only did the guys get big guns (ala Cable, Wyre, Bishop), but so did the girls!

01-08-2006, 11:05 PM
LOL! Yes, the 1990s was the decade of the overly overwrought top heavy femme fatales. I lost count of the number of super-heroines who charged/flew/leapt into battle with only body paint and super-proportions to defend them against the vilest of villains. :-)

It was rather strange to see Heather fall victim to this kind of 'extreme makeover' - I think Mignola buffed her up a bit, Jim Lee turned her into a tall, leggy red-head, and Mike Bair turned her into a Playboy model wearing red and white body paint. Broderick.. nuff said? The only other regular artist (apart from Byrne) who drew her as a normally proportioned 30-something woman was John Calimee. ;-/

By the time Heather appeared in AF vol#2, she did not look in any way like the Heather Hudson we knew and loved from Vol #1.

On a more interesting note, I believe that in Vol #1, #14 or #15, Heather actually takes her top off (to dive into the water) revealing a (thankfully) proportioned female torso.

01-09-2006, 11:04 AM
What about Madison Jeffries?
Though I never noticed if his breast size enlarged, he went from homely crooked-nosed ditch digger to Canad'a most eligible bachelor pretty quick.

01-09-2006, 11:46 AM
What about Madison Jeffries?
Though I never noticed if his breast size enlarged, he went from homely crooked-nosed ditch digger to Canad'a most eligible bachelor pretty quick.

Not to mention Mac, who went from a well-developed 180/190 lbs to an over developed 230 lbs. I guess "they" started feeding him the same steriod filled meat that Scott "Slim Jim" Summers ate to go from a, errrr, slim, ummm, jim, to a muscle beach heavy weight.

01-09-2006, 12:59 PM
What about Madison Jeffries?
Though I never noticed if his breast size enlarged, he went from homely crooked-nosed ditch digger to Canad'a most eligible bachelor pretty quick.

Not to mention Mac, who went from a well-developed 180/190 lbs to an over developed 230 lbs. I guess "they" started feeding him the same steriod filled meat that Scott "Slim Jim" Summers ate to go from a, errrr, slim, ummm, jim, to a muscle beach heavy weight.

Cannonball had the same thing. He was tall and tin(sp?) no muscle power and look now.

01-10-2006, 01:30 PM
You could say that super-heroing is the ideal beauty treatment. Go from zero to hero in only 20 issues.

I liked her better when she was sort of a bookish looking geek, it was a breath of freash air in a comic franchise where ever girl is a super-model and there were no FAT WOMEN EVER!!! Excluding Pink Peral, but she's a special case.

01-10-2006, 01:34 PM
Excluding Pink Peral, but she's a special case.

... you also have Big Bertha from GLA/Lightning Rods/GLX fame, and Miss Mass from Omega Flight II, but who's counting :P

01-10-2006, 05:13 PM
Excluding Pink Peral, but she's a special case.

... you also have Big Bertha from GLA/Lightning Rods/GLX fame, and Miss Mass from Omega Flight II, but who's counting :P

Oh yeah, that's right, hmmm... (thinks to himself, stroking his chin)

But Bertha was a super model wasn't she, and she had to like, do something to get thin, was it throw up... that don't seem right...

So the only fat super-hero girl was actually really thin. They need more overweight super-heros, though I'm sure the lifestyle doesn't agree with obesity. Oh well.

01-10-2006, 09:45 PM
I think Julesville may have inadvertently created a super-hero/super-villain codename there: The Pink Peril, cousin to the Red Peril and the Yellow Peril. :-) Yes, I know this is OT but I couldn't help it. :-)

01-11-2006, 12:28 AM
I think Julesville may have inadvertently created a super-hero/super-villain codename there: The Pink Peril, cousin to the Red Peril and the Yellow Peril. :-) Yes, I know this is OT but I couldn't help it. :-)

*sigh* Seng, Seng, Seng... we've covered this... DON'T encourage them!! You'll only make them worse...

Weapon Omega
01-15-2006, 06:24 PM
What about Madison Jeffries?
Though I never noticed if his breast size enlarged, he went from homely crooked-nosed ditch digger to Canad'a most eligible bachelor pretty quick.

I have to agree with Kozzi here. During Bryne's run, it looked like Madison had his nose broken like a dozen times, and let's not go into the "Moe" haircut.

And I always did like the "girl next door" Heather in the earlier days than the red-headed bombshell she turned into.