View Full Version : AoA Aurora

01-14-2006, 07:52 PM
I know she could do concussion blasts and generate electricity, but could she do the flashbang on her own? I have seen her do it with her brother, but don't remember if she did it by herself.

01-14-2006, 08:45 PM
As far as I remember we only ever saw her with her brother in the AoA so didn't get to find out... It's been a while since I read the issues though.

01-24-2006, 10:16 PM
Well, we're not going to get to find out know, Weapon X (Logan) hunted Aurora and Northstar down and murdered them both in cold blood. :evil: :twisted: (I use these for Really Mad, by the way...)

That's one of the reasons I hate the AOA, Magneto's X-Men are almost as bad as Apocalypse. Like I said before, attacking and arresting the AOA Hellions and some Morlock kids without cause, they've just become Government Hounds :evil: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: ...that's my opinion, anyways.

01-24-2006, 11:32 PM
Well, we're not going to get to find out know, Weapon X (Logan) hunted Aurora and Northstar down and murdered them both in cold blood. :evil: :twisted: (I use these for Really Mad, by the way...)

Yeah I have that issue, Northstar looks...ummm...interesting. Aurora got mortally wounded by X-23 [Kiara].

01-25-2006, 04:54 AM
Yes, you're right. :oops: I looked on an AOA site, It only hurts when I sing, (Which is usually very accurate, save for saying that Donald Pierce has Blue hair and Blonde eyes...) It said that Aurora can "Generate from her body a bright white light equivalant at maximum intensity to a half million foot-candles" Whatever the heck a foot-candle is...When in physical contact with Nortstar, they can generate light equivalent to a lighthouse beacon.
Many of the profiles on the site are taken directly from sourcebooks, such as The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Age of Apocalypse.
Aurora and Northstar aren't in there :( , Kyle is :D , but there may be other source books I don't know of.

The site is at


01-31-2006, 09:08 AM
This is from the bio of Wild Child taken directly form the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Age of Apocalypse 10th anniversary.
"Kyle Gibney was one of the original volunteers for Beta Flight, Canada's attempt at building a Super Soldier program to secure their borders against the onslaught of Apocalypse. This appears to have taken away most of Gibney's capacity for human interaction and speech. During Canada's final days, Beta Flight was released in an attempt to slow the charge of Apocalypse's Infinates. While the Canadian evacuation planes for Iceland were being loaded, Holocaust, along with a platoon of Infinate soldiers, attempted to massacre the escaping Canadians. Wild Child fought valiantly alongside his Beta Flight team allowing hundreds to escape Nova Scotia. Holocaust killed most of Beta Flight but allowed Gibney to live, believing Wild Child's ferocity would be an amazing asset for Apocalypse, Holocaust captured him."

Of course, Kyle was so feral he later attacked Holocaust himself in Mexico City, and was thrown in a cell with Creed to see who'd kill the other first...After three days of constant figthing, Sabretooth established his position as Dominant Male...Hence Kyle's later sub-servience to him.

Of course, the point of this is, there was an AOA Beta Flight, though the book doesn't mention any specific names. I wonder if Northstar and Aurora came to work for Apoc' under similar circumstances? I know Box worked for Apocalypse as well, he provided the distraction to help Donald Pierce and his men sneak aboard a Human High Council Airship, at the cost of his life...

Apoc' brainwashed Mikhail into becoming a loyal Horseman, he could easily have brainwashed any of the others as well...

02-03-2006, 10:35 PM
Not AoA Aurora, just wanted to post this scan since I had no idea she could do this

1. http://photobucket.com/albums/e54/A_Flight6/?action=view&current=AF_109_Aurora.jpg

02-08-2006, 04:06 AM
I remember somebody saying that AOA Wildchild wasn't an Alphan, but I can't find that message. Actually Kyle was with Beta Flight, which, as far as I know, was the only AOA Canadian Super Hero group mentioned, but technically it's still not Alpha Flight. :? So, I guess they were right...

02-08-2006, 08:57 PM
The OHOTMU: Age of Apocalypse handbook released in 2005 lists his group affiliations. It lists as his Group Affiliation: "X-Men; formerly Beta Flight, Weapon X".

Since Weapon X (the Tieri version) never appeared in AoA, nor Beta Flight, it didn't make any sense to me. Now you're saying that Beta Flight was mentioned in AoA? Really? What issue was that?

The handbook omitted AoA Northstar and Aurora, as well as AoA Jeffries, so I have poopies anyway about that book.


02-08-2006, 10:02 PM
This is from the bio of Wild Child taken directly form the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Age of Apocalypse 10th anniversary.
"Kyle Gibney was one of the original volunteers for Beta Flight, Canada's attempt at building a Super Soldier program to secure their borders against the onslaught of Apocalypse. This appears to have taken away most of Gibney's capacity for human interaction and speech. During Canada's final days, Beta Flight was released in an attempt to slow the charge of Apocalypse's Infinates. While the Canadian evacuation planes for Iceland were being loaded, Holocaust, along with a platoon of Infinate soldiers, attempted to massacre the escaping Canadians. Wild Child fought valiantly alongside his Beta Flight team allowing hundreds to escape Nova Scotia. Holocaust killed most of Beta Flight but allowed Gibney to live, believing Wild Child's ferocity would be an amazing asset for Apocalypse, Holocaust captured him."

I don't know if this was shown in any issue, but I would assume it's Canon as a backstory. The above is a direct quote from the Handbook, word for word. :-k According to the OHOTMU AOA, the AOA Kyle was transformed as a volunteer :?: for Beta Flight, not by the Secret Empire or Weapon X.
No other members of this "Beta Flight" were named, it just said Canadian Super Soldiers.

While Logan is called Weapon X, I don't know how he came to bear that name or where he got his adamantium claws...

The whole AOA mess doesn't really make sense anyway: Rictor's an evil, homicidal psychopath, Donald Pierce is working for Apocalypse (The man HATES mutants with an unholy passion), Sabretooth is nice! :shock:
The X-Men are beating up children for the government :evil: and so on.

The only good things I've seen so far are, some of my favorites are alive again (Jetstream, for instance), and that the Brood have apparently ravaged the Shi'Ar Empire, according to Space Pirate and Brood Queen Christopher Summers in "Sinister Bloodlines." The Aerie are such self-righteous, arrogant...but that's another story...

02-08-2006, 10:45 PM
Well here is the handbook entry
1. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f188/A_Flight5/OfficialHandbookoftheMarvelUniverse.jpg

02-09-2006, 07:51 AM
Yeah, Tha's m'boy! :D

If they've killed him I'll, I'll...Leave a very mean note on all the message boards I belong to! :twisted: :evil:

Le Messor
02-11-2006, 10:00 PM
I remember somebody saying that AOA Wildchild wasn't an Alphan, but I can't find that message. Actually Kyle was with Beta Flight, which, as far as I know, was the only AOA Canadian Super Hero group mentioned, but technically it's still not Alpha Flight. :? So, I guess they were right...

That sounds like something I wrote recently; but slightly different.

I didn't say he -wasn't- Alphan, I said I didn't think of him that way. Meaning, he doesn't get my loyalty the way people who've never been anything else do.
Also, his run in X-Factor really ruined him for me. (Accidentally typed 'X-Force'... can you imagine what if I hadn't caught that mistake?)

- Le Messor
"Don’t worry, if everything worked right you’d be out of a job."

02-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Half the time I type in X-Force, and Kyle's my favorite character! #-o
There are so many X's out there I wonder if it even makes a differance anymore...

I understand what you mean know, sorry...

It's kind of like I consider Wyre a member of Alpha Flight because he fought beside them for a while, though he never joined.

And I don't consider Mondo a member of Generation X because I'm not sure he was ever even there :?: ...I understand there was a clone, so he did exist at some point outside of trading cards, I just don't remember... :-s He was in the AOA though, and was killed at The Core, no luck there either...

Le Messor
02-12-2006, 10:48 PM
Half the time I type in X-Force, and Kyle's my favorite character! #-o
There are so many X's out there I wonder if it even makes a differance anymore...

It really doesn't. {sas}
Though I'm picturing responses along the lines of: "WildChild was in X-Force? Did I miss an issue?"

For me, there's a 'feel' to who I give my loyalty to, a reaction more emotional than logical. Most of the Byrnese people get it, at least the heroes. Most of Mantlo's, too, to be honest. I think it has to do with how long they've been Alphans; it gives them a familiarity, a feeling that I know them.

And yet, my favourite has only one issue that I fully acknowledge. Go figure. {nemesis}

- Le Messor
"When the myth has broken down, it's harder to keep the faith."
- Marcella Detroit

02-13-2006, 09:30 AM
Yeah, that's how I feel about Kyle, which makes me dislike Sabretooth and the Weapon X program oh so much more...The only person I know of who's hurt him that I really forgave was Wyre, who's such a confused and tragic character himself I feel PITY for him...I still have a grudge against Wolvie', and I've never stopped hating Valerie Cooper :twisted: :evil: for leaving Kyle with the Secret Empire.

I also have a strange emotional atachment to the Brood, I don't view them as truly evil, I believe that the're just surviving the only way nature allows them. They conquer because they have to in order to reproduce, to survive... :-k

Of course, there are characters I like but I don't :? ...It's hard to explain, love to hate :?: Donald Pierce is very well designed and creepy, but he's a horrible person :twisted: , Sugar Man is funny and freakish looking, but he's also evil...I guess I just like the way they look, though Sugar Man is a humorous evil character :lol: . I've always liked grotesque or bizarre creatures.

02-18-2006, 02:20 AM
Well, I found where the Weapon X Program is mentioned in the AOA, in Weapon X #1, Logan talks about how they'd brought out the animal in him...I still haven't found any reference to Beta Flight outside of the Handbook, but I don't have much in the way of AOA titles.